Some of you may be aware of some of the ramifications of the above bill, the principal one that might affect motorhomers and, to a lesser extent, caravaners being "power to seize vehicles used as mobile homes". An estimated 60,000+ people are living off-grid in accommodation. The legislation as it stands is something of a blunt instrument and, if you feel sufficiently exercised about this, you may wish to sign this petition https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/583903
I had written a reply but when I re-read it I realised that it wouldn't pass muster by the Moderators as being too political in tone.
Suffice for me to say I think this bill stinks and shouldn't see the light of day. The French would quite rightly revolt if they tried to pass this in France yet we are slumbering into acquiescence by default.
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Do LV’ers think the old bill will raid C&MC sites to kick the doors down & arrest you🤷🏻♂️. I think it’s to stop folk taking up layby’s as permanent residence & throwing/leaving their waste around.
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Agreed, Rocky. Although folk may well have strong opinions on the bill one way or the other, it’s got little to do with LVs used for leisure purposes and far more to do with the taking over of land such as car parks, lay-bys and cliff tops for permanent residential use.
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I think it’s like many things that have vocal lobbies & interested parties the main points are lost. It’s not against good people it gives authorities a weapon to use against the lazy littering abusers. When push comes to shove it helps the whole country to feel better served. Portugal & Spain who have traditionally welcomed wild campers have changed their attitude due to the abuse(environmental) they’ve suffered. It’s gone from a way of life to a way of getting something for nothing as the freeloaders have jumped on the wagon🤷🏻♂️
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.....those very freeloaders who give us a bad name. Those who are law abiding have nothing to fear and I can't see the bill has any relevance to legitimate leisure users or to this section of the forum.
I won't be signing.
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Only ever wild camped on extremely rare occasions, mostly by necessity and only then ‘occupied’ land just over night and for one night at a time. I really don’t think this act is aimed at occasional folk. I’m sure that sensible constable would check or ask to establish if ‘residency’ was to be extended to more than 24hrs before seizing property.
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At present David I could buy a lorry and set up camp outside your home, I'm not a traveller, I'm not homeless, I'm just opting for an alternative lifestyle, I might even be letting out my home, running a business from my lorry or doing something else....does this need any legal enforcements or should I be able to continue as I wish, maybe move on to the local park or verges etc etc. A nice seaside place with a view might suit....
On the other hand I could set up a protest camp, defend a beautiful spot earmarked for destruction...
It's complicated isn't it?
PS no more comments from me.
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The bill is aimed at: The Bill creates a new offence targeting individuals who reside on land without consent of the occupier of the land .
I can't see how this will affect motorhomers in the way that CY talks about unless one is on land without the owner's permission?
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Like others I don't think this legislation is likely to impact on motorhomers who decide to spend a night off grid somewhere. The trouble with this sort of legislation is that unless the actual meaning of it is tightly written it can be misused. How on earth did we get spy cameras in waste bins because some councils discovered that under a different legislation they could although legislation was never meant for that purpose! The GRT Community is worried about it. As an example something like the Appleby Horse Fair could be under threat if those attending can't find legal places to stay en route. Perhaps the people of Appleby wouldn't mind but it is a long held tradition for those of a certain way of life. The Government in the preamble to the legislation say that in the last 10 years and additional 350 transit pitches have been created, how that equates to the number required I don't know. It would seem daft to me to confiscate anyone's living accommodation when all that does is impose a responsibility on the local authority to re-house them!!! Under this legislation no hope of Alan Bennett writing another "Lady in the Van"
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I have just had a look at the bill, Part 4 sections 62,63 and 64 refer to Unauthised Encampments. The power to confiscate property, which I assume also includes the "power to seize vehicles used as mobile homes". can only be enacted if found guilty of an offence, e.g. damage to property or the environment or failure to move on in the alloted time given.
I see no reason to sign the petition whatsoever and I hope the bill passes on to the Lords and eventually becomes law.
P.S. this site with its delays is almost unusable.
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I assume also includes the "power to seize vehicles used as mobile homes". can only be enacted if found guilty of an offence, e.g. damage to property or the environment or failure to move on in the allotted time given.
That covers a lot of ground and I imagine is subject to many degrees of offence. As we saw in the early stages of lockdown some police forces were more zealous about applying the rules than others. Would the power to seize vehicles be before or after any appeal? I thought this legislation was about stopping people gluing themselves to buses and trains not potentially making people homeless and therefore being an even greater burden on the state?
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It wont be applied against the real offenders and you and I both know it.
That remains to be seen!
The Bill updates a number of the areas of law not only Unauthorised Encampments but damage to monuments, checking electronic devices in investigations etc etc.