Grassy areas on Club Sites

So pleased to see that on recent visits to club Sites, areas of grass are allowed to grow naturally and wildflowers are flourishing. At Shawsmead tonight, crickets/grasshoppers (I’m not expert at identifying) are chattering away in the long grass near our caravan. Gives the site a continental feel too!
At the previous site last week, Freshwater East, the ox-eye daisies and other wildflowers in the long grass areas were full of insects, especially bumble bees.
Marvellous. Wildlife needs these more of these areas on CAMC sites.
N.B. Dolphins and choughs today near Llangrannog.
Wish it was like this on all Club sites - sadly it is not. Stayed at Clumber Park in May (#nomowmay) Plenty of grass areas that could be left to grow with no inconvenience, but they were mowed.
I did comment to the Club - not that I heard anything back.
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Glad to hear that about Plymouth Sound, and let’s hope that all sites have long grass/wildflower areas. Incidentally, when staying at Plymouth Sound late August, if you walk down the lane to the beach there are glow worms in the grass verges.
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The best deterrent would have been the car driver asking them to move the windbreak.
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Obvs short grass for the pitching areas, but steep banks that are difficult to mow safely and some other areas are ideal for ‘no mow’ and good for insects, especially bees.
We hope that all sites will be encouraged to re-wild some areas. It just looks and feels right to help insects thrive, which in turn helps birds etc.
For us, caravanning is a way of getting closer to nature, we prefer less hardstands, but appreciate the opposite view of most members.