Hebden Bridge Site

Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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edited May 2021 in Your Pets #1

Would appreciate a bit of useful feedback on Hebden Bridge Club Site, in terms of how good it is with a dog, and specifically our dog.

Taken a look on website, seems to have a small (but how small?) dog walk area close to site entrance, and I know from Google Earth that it’s up a hill and out of built up bit of Mytholmroyd, , but how busy is the road outside site, and is there a decent footpath/bridlepath not too far away?

We have to use a chariot for old Lab to go for a walk, he’s happy to wait until he can get out and have a good old sniff around, preferably off the lead, but he won’t need more than half a mile to explore. Prefer not to have to use vehicle to take him for a walk if we can avoid it. It’s mainly something for first morning walk, and last thing at night walk.

Be grateful for any useful feedback, it’s not a Site we know, and I don’t think we have OS map at the moment. Thanks.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited May 2021 #2

    We stayed there in 2018 http://www.davidklyne.co.uk/cmc_hebden_bridge_site.html Can't really comment on dogs but would suggest that there is not much in the immediate vicinity. If you go back Google Earth and look at Street View a short distance down hill from the site, and on the same side via the footpath (which goes all the way to Mytholmroyd) there seems to be a gap in the wall which looks as if it might access to the wood. It might be the same wood as the one with the site dog walk. Perhaps a call to the warden would confirm? If you can get down to Mytholmroyd just across from the main road is the canal which would give a nice level walk. The road past the site is reasonable busy but not that busy you couldn't get across it safely.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2021 #3

    We visited the site in 2019 TDA, it's very pleasant but a bit out of the way for easy walks with a dog, in fact we were dog less for that visit and it made it a lot easier. Mytholmroyd was still undergoing the flood prevention works and parking at Hebden Bridge was a bit "hectic" with the motorhome. Check to see if all the road works are finished, this will make a difference, you'll probably manage the limited dog walk on site if your old pooch just likes a very short ramble.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited May 2021 #4

    Thanks both of you👍 It depends really what we might do if we visit. Not a problem if we go out each day, we can walk him elsewhere, but it’s just that first morning and last evening stroll really. If we decided to go cycling, we would leave MH on Site, but he would need a decent walk before we left him. He’s a hefty weight to push up a hill as well, so something we try to avoid, depending on the hill! 
    I will do a bit more research, probably look at OS map. I seem to recall a few past comments about it not being that good around the immediate vicinity of site for dogs. As you say DK, a call to Wardens would help as well.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited May 2021 #5

    It's not the best site for an old dog, tda. The road outside is quite busy, but there's a bridalway about 1/4 ml below the entrance which we've used that heads up to open fields . You can get down through a small wood to it but the path was rather rough the last time we were there, and after the recent flooding may no longer exist.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2021 #6

    Just to add TDA the site is situated on the side of a hill with a fenced off river gorge behind, the adjoining road is on an incline up and the entrance to the site has a downwards incline. So apart from the site itself the surrounding area is hilly.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited May 2021 #7

    Hilly indeed😁 We know the area, just not the Club Site. It looks a pretty, quiet little Site, our kind of place. But got to think of the pooch as well......

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited May 2021 #8

    Be grateful for any useful feedback, it’s not a Site we know, and I don’t think we have OS map at the moment. Thanks.

    If you use the Microsoft Bing maps, it has an 'OS' view option for the country, not as good as a proper OS map but shows footpaths, bridleways and contours, it's aerial view is better (sharper) than Googles also.
