Grey water outlet Pilote MH

Well we took the plunge and purchased a 2018 Pilote P740C. We have always been Caravaners, but been looking and umming and arring for 3 years for a MH.
Anyway, my question is...The Pilote Motorhome has a slide dump system for the Grey Water tank. This is ok if you can park over a disposal point. I would like to fit an extra outlet from the waste water tank so I can run it out into a wastemaster to save moving the MH every time I need to empty it. Plus we usually look for fully serviced pitches...
The dealer quoted £250 to add an extra "side pipe outlet". This seemed expensive for what is just a pipe and to drill a hole into the underslung waste tank.
Has anyone made such a modification? If so how and where did you source the parts and do you have any photos or diagrams of what you did.
It would be good to have the outlet pipe just under the side of the MH next to the pull handle of the pull valve. I would then be able to drain into a wastemaster or using Flexi pipe on a serviced pitch direct it straight into the drain on the pitch.T
Thanks in anticipation
Our waste pipe came out at the side and we were able to fit a waste master under and just open the valve. We soon stopped that as it took a good while to fill the 90 litre waste tank. First use nerves 🤣🤣🤣 I'd try it out in anger first and see if you really need the modification. If you need to empty waste chances are you'll need to top up the fresh water.
Once you get sorted you'll soon realise is a similar but not the same method of holidaying as caravanning. Enjoy your new purchase
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I can’t quite get my mind round having to carry a Wastemaster in a motorhome for the reason Bakers2 says above and also agree that you should try and use the motorhome in the way it was designed. Serviced pitches are unnecessary with motorhomes, however, if you are set on this modification and you have flexible hose connections to the water outlet you can fit a Y-connector and on/off tap fixed with U clamps to the underside of the motorhome.
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"The dealer quoted £250 to add an extra "side pipe outlet". This seemed expensive for what is just a pipe and to drill a hole into the underslung waste tank."
Sounds like the dealer is too busy to want the job. I had the waste on my Autocruise modified during its annual service and no charge was made at all - all part of the dealers service.
I would second Bakers2 and hitchglitch's suggestion that you wait a while until your pattern of using your MH settles. A MH is not just a self-propelled caravan, it's an entirely different way of touring.
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£250 does seem somewhat expensive but it might depend if the dealer has to remove the waste tank in order to fit a secondary outlet? The system you currently have sounds a bit more complicated than the usual side drain valve. If you are tempted to do it yourself you will need to examine the tank. In one corner you may find a small flattened area into which a hole can be drilled to accept the wasted outlet. Even if you can achieve drilling a suitable hole with the tank in situ you still have to have access to the inside of the tanks in order to push the connector through so it can tightened against the tank wall. How big is the current discharge point, would it be possible to attach a section of hose that could be directed to either a waste container or drain point?
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Ok, I have my tin hat on! I’ve had 2 Bailey Autograph’s. Both are low profile with a waste tap slung low just behind the rear offside wheel. In 5 years I’ve knocked 2 off.
So I took the pipe off completely and attached a flexible hose to the existing tank outlet and replaced the old tap on the new end of the hose. I fastened both with jubilee clips and clipped the hose up under the side of the MH where it won’t get knocked off.
I usually find that when I arrive on pitch there are 2 or 3 other MHs queuing for water at the service point. When I’m ready to leave there is usually 1 or 2 MHs queuing to empty grey water. So I carry a wastemaster (light when empty) and empty the night before we leave, or first thing at my leisure. I also carry a 25 litre fresh water carrier (light when empty) which, using my Bailey submersible pump helps me fill at my leisure without moving the MH.
The flexible hose is easily unclipped and popped in the wastemaster. I also have an extended waste hose to use on a serviced pitch.
My way may not be for everyone, but it suits me and cost less than £20 I guess. It also increases my fresh and waste tank capacity if I need.
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Also owning the similar Pilote to you I understand your problem. We asked local dealer when we were in for hab check to modify with pipe coming out the side, so around £120 later sure enough there was a pipe coming out the side for a wastemaster. Biggest problem was every small bump/sleeping copper we drove over this modification would ground out so in the end we removed the modified pipe.
Whilst camping recently there was another Pilote parked opposite and on looking at his tank his waste pipe came out the side. I asked if he had modified and he said no it was like it from new when he purchased - funnily enough from where ours was modified!!! I said I was going to drill hole in side of mine and he advised: be careful these tanks are double skinned!!?
So have you managed to sort yours or are you - giving it a go - as suggested please?
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We have just changes our van from an A/S Broadway which had the grey water opening at the side and we could easily fit a pipe over it to drain into hedges etc on CLs (where owner requested, of course) or use to dump into a drain that was not a drive over.
We now have a Globecar Summit Prime and the grey water pipe exit is about 45cm under the van. So fine for drive over but too far under to add a pipe. We are experimenting with our own home made solution. This will be a rigid bit of pipe (rainwater down pipe) with a rt angle end that is wider than the waste pipe. This will be long enough to easily place under at the right place. OH is just working out how to fit something to the end onto which we can fit our normal drain pipe.
I do know that a couple of Globecar owners have had extensions but dont know what they paid. One got a local engineering company to fit a pipe extension.
Dont know whether any of this makes sense or helps, but I wouldnt do anything permanent until you have used the van a bit.
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We have a 2018 model Pilote purchased new by us in 2019. When we agreed the sale, the dealer mentioned that they usually modify the waste outlet with a pipe taking it to the side of the van. They did this as part of the sales price so I'm afraid I cant help with cost. However I think it is a very worthwhile modification. The waste extension comprises 40mm grey solvent weld pipe connected to the slide valve outlet and supported with one pipe clamp and studded rod hung from a small chassis member near the vehicle side. The large bore means emptying the waste relatively quick, and being able to get it accurately position over a drive over waste. For other circumstances such as C/Ls or sites with pitch drain point I have purchased a Colapz waste pipe adapter which fits over the grey waste outlet and flexible hose to waste point. I also have a small 25L black waste carrier that sits under the waste for other stuations. So all situations catered for. Not sure about the comment on drilling a hole in the tank. This arrangement has been fitted to the slide valve outlet.
Hope this helps