Dogs and Touring
The are various reasons but the short answer is very simple, you do because those are the charges as set out by the club.
I know there are plenty of sites where dogs will be charged for, or even not allowed so if that is better for you?
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Dogs play a massive part in a lot of folks lives. Love em or loathe em they are here to stay. Constantly attacking them & their owners will get you nowhere. The Dogs are not at fault it’s bad owners. Always has been & always will be. I would reintroduce the licence, £100 per Dog to fund everything Dog related👍🏻
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Absolutely 100% agree it’s always the owners that are the problem. I’d go further with the licensing fee and site fee to provide a real disincentive to the frivolous and irresponsible.
Nothing more to say on the subject some of you will be pleased to hear.
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As a dog owner I just wondered how much money pet ownership brings into the economy so I checked in 2019 the turnover for pet food was 2.8 billion pounds and 2.5 billion pounds for Vets, in 2019 there were approx. 9 million dogs and 8 million cats in the UK
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Can I just remind people that this thread is in the UK Sites and Touring Section and is about touring with dogs.
Please read Rowena's opening post. It's not for a general discussion about dogs.
If you want to discuss dogs, ownership, licencing or cost implications, please use the Pets Section.
Many Thanks.
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Thank you Jill. I think some of us have lost track of the times that this has been explained to some who misunderstand the essential reason for this thread, namely to share sites, walks, dog related ideas, help anyone who tours with a dog. 👍
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One of the best things with C&MH sites is the ‘not having to leave the Dog/s at home’. It made my breaks so much better having them with us. They need a break from the norm norm too. . .Why?, because they’re worth it👍🏻😊
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Absolutely, Rocky. It’s ideal for those who want to take the dog along (🤪) and the dogs love it too. Ours always knew where the dog walk was if he’d visited a site before.😀
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Rocky, our norm norm is being away in the caravan (although perhaps not this Covid year) so our dog's break is being back home!😁
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As long as you 2 are there the Dog will be happy anywhere in the world👍🏻
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Just reading a post on here, which states there is no bad dogs, just bad owners.
However when you do get bad owners on site whose dogs are a nuisance, and you do say something, it normally end in an argument or let’s say looks that could kill, or who do you think you are too says something about my nuisance dog
If the bad owner chose to do nothing. and you go to the site wardens, from my experience nothing happens
Do not suggest reporting it to the club’s head office, as by then your holidays is over, so what's the pointSo, what are you supposed to do about bad owners?
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TMTO, with regard to your first post, Rowena has explained what you should do in her OP. Perhaps you should contact her if that doesn't address your point.
Also, the question raised in your second post should be put directly to Rowena.
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What is that you should do, so the issue is resolve quickly, and no later then the day you bring up the issue of the bad owner
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I would see the wardens first then follow the advice given in the OP.
Also I would note what is in the OP:
Please also do not use this discussion as a means of complaint
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Tried it does not work
Any propose system has to work and quickly , contacting the club directly is not an effective way
Receiving a email after your holiday is done , how is that a solution ?0 -
My posting are in connection with owners of dogs not dogs ,and was only repeating what a previous , non Deleted User posted stated
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You could video the situation that is upsetting you so much TMTO, making a note of the date, time, pitch number, Club Site, and then if the Wardens don’t do anything, you could send the video and all those carefully collected details into HQ, for a full inquest there? Sadly your holiday may be over before the jury reaches a decision. But think of the added joy you might feel if not only is the offending Member cast out of the Club, but perhaps it might result in the Wardens being reprimanded as well? A double dose of joy for you. Your next trip out will feel so much more fulfilled.
This of course is a reasonable suggestion from a dog owner, but be aware that not all owners are reasonable and might take offence at you. 😉😂
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I could be wrong, but I think TMTO is a literal thinker, so maybe needs some leeway to absorb the nuances and subtleties of this thread, and the information being passed on. As yet the dog owner crime being committed remains hypothetical, but TMTO deserves the right to ask a question in their own way. 🤔
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Really, in answer to TMTO's question about what do we do about bad dog owners I would say what you do about:-
Bad Neighbours on site who play too loud music or whose kids decide to play football outside your caravan and force you into a buttock clenching half hour to see if it hits your unit or the inconsiderate buggers who light a barbecue upwind of you only to force you into closing all of your windows and skylights in a tropical heatwave or those people who insist of flying their kite on the pitch next to you thus waking you at regular intervals during the night or those people on site who insist on rinsing their toilet system out on the drinking taps or leave their remains of tonights dinner in the sink when you go to wash ups or don't clean the loos after using them and leave them in a right old state or...........
You either inform the warden, talk to them, put up with it or find a farmers field that has 3 acres and only 5 units in it. Even then you might find the owners dogs leaves a nice present for you on your step or the next door neighbours start a bonfire of garden refuse etc. etc.
Give up caravanning might be the only option or grow a thicker skin.
There's good and bad in every walk of life relating to every aspect of it. Some dog owners are just one small problem like bad parents etc. Get used to it because you can't tell me that you don't live in an area that suffers from people who don't pick up after their dog or have cats that decimate the local bird population. What do you do at then? Complain to the police? Video the offenders?
To return your question, what do you do about bad dog owners (at home)?
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My posts are not about the animals, but about the owner on both clubs and good private sites
I do object to some of your suggestions which punishes those that are not the problem and rewards the nuisance owners. that are.
I agree with you about loud music. but a far more common noise nuisance is those that have their TV in their awning .and have it loud, as they are suffering from age related hearing loss
In respect of barbecues wind is wind, and in which direction it is blowing at any one time, is not in any one control
I will not go through the rest of your list
Any one that has gone to dog owner knows this is a risky business, in one occasion a few years ago, ended up with me pining the guy up, next to his caravan, and many times requires some exchange of un-polite words
Most of these owners know that direct confrontation really happens, the most common comment is , they have never had someone (Dare) to complain before ,and relies on that attitude get to away with it
Have used the site wardens option, another waste of time exercise ,varying form nothing done, to warden ignored by the nuisance owner
Contacting the clubs is a waste of time, the situation needs sorting that day, not a email or phone call received after your break or holiday is over.
As for comparing Children to animals , Children are far more important than any animal , including my own pets, and I question peoples priority when they do that comparison
As I question the clubs priorities of charging £1 pound for each child, but nothing for no matter how many animals the caravaner has
As for your last comment; nuisance dog barking where you live, that’s a easy ask. We have council dog wardens. and such organisation as the RSPCA, if it is the condition the animal is kept, that is the problem.1 -
Contacting the clubs is a waste of time, the situation needs sorting that day, not a email or phone call received after your break or holiday is over.
... and you think a post on a forum with very limited viewers compared to membership numbers is the way to get it sorted on the day. Wise up, if you want an immediate response your only solution is to insist the Warden on the day does something about the problem, there is no other avenue for 'on the day' action.
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As i posted
Have used the site wardens option, another waste of time exercise ,varying from nothing done, to warden ignored by the nuisance owner
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You've been unlucky then, or maybe not approached the wardens in the correct way.
I can only think of 2 examples in all our time using club sites where I have approached wardens concerning dogs and both were dealt with swiftly and effectively.
The first was at Chatsworth where a couple decided to go out cycling for the day and leave two terriers in the van in very hot weather. The poor things were making so much noise that a neighbour and myself went to see the wardens, more out of concern for the dogs that to "grass up" the owners. That evening at warden went to them and there was what I believe is called a "full and frank exchange of views". Within minutes the awning had been taken down and they left the site very early the next day.
The second was at Putts Corner when, for the only time I ever seen it, a lady came out of her awning, dressing gown on and fag in hand, and walked her dog round the back of the van to do what dogs do first thing in the morning right outside the neighbouring awning. I didn't see if she cleared it up or not, but that's irrelevant. I mentioned it to one of the wardens who, within minutes, marched up to the "offending" van to have words!
So the idea that speaking to wardens is completely ineffective is, I'm afraid, mistaken.
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Wardens will invariably act when action is needed and, if there is a failure to act, it becomes a matter for reporting to head office.
What is difficult for wardens to decide is whether the complaint being put to them is justified or whether it's someone who habitually whinges about the slightest little thing.
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At this point I think anyone with a complaint about the way the club deals with such matters should read Rowena, the Community Manager's post about complaints in the opening paragraph. It states (my edit) "if you've had a bad experience with dogs on a club site or CL we want to hear from you." There is a contact number and email number provided.
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It’s a sad fact of touring life that there are a lot of folks out there with serial dislikes of one thing or another. For some it’s anyone with a dog (no matter how well behaved it is) For others it’s children (no matter how well behaved they are).
My own personal cross to be borne (thankfully only very occasionally) is moaning curtain twitching serial dislikers who really should get on more with their own holidays without fussing too much about every relatively small nuisance that occurs. Save it for the really bad ones, and then do something about it. Politely if possible, but through the proper channels if not. That goes for dogs, children, noisy visitors, not parking up to the peg, leaving your hook up cable in grass and every other misdemeanour in between.🤨
We have a lovely touring life because we try to get on with everyone, I can recommend it👍😁