UK staycation boom predicted
Unfortunately that was the reason I abandoned the idea of our Scotland tour this year Francis as we would have started on 3rd.May and any Tier 3 system would scupper that. I'd much rather have some certainty.
Good luck for you north of the border.
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Hope you manage to get away, provided of course that the number of infections don't start creeping up again.
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I was speaking to someone who had paid a visit, for essential reasons, to a large dealership in Cheshire. The employee told him that virtually the whole stock of hundreds of Caravans and Motorhomes, new and old, had been sold. New stock was arriving even as they left the premises.
So pitches are almost certainly going to be at a premium.
As an aside I did see a report that every hotel room along the North Wales coast has been booked in August and that a lot of Pubs and Restaurants that can accommodate block bookings have been booked solid for family gatherings or parties.
I am seeing a lot of local folk "stretching" the regulations, in other words breaking them.
"They are only a little pregnant".🤷♂️
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Dont get too carried away. At todays briefing First Minister said Self Catering "could accept bookings" but local travel restrictions are still in place. The latest news regarding delays in receipt of vaccines have put a spanner in the previous timetable. More news next friday as to way forward.
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Quite an uproar going on here at present, all over the local news and papers. Morthoe - Woolacombe Parish Council have said they wont put up with motor homes parking overnight along Woolacombe front. Seems some have been emptying effluent down drains and worse last year. The Parish council have written to the Government to have this sort of thing stopped. They think it will be much worse this year as sites get full and with others just doing it to save money. Personally as it says NO overnight parking I dont understand why they don't just slap a fine on some, but maybe that doesn't work.
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I also went there when it was in private hands Brue. I spent a lot of time in the area when I was young, two cousins my age lived there so similar interests - ponies and boys! We often went down there, the old lady who lived there used to show us around. It always smelt of gas, it was rather tumble down, I think she was a little hard up. A lovely house, now rather pristine and N Trusty but they did save it. They did put some cacti in the entrance, the old lady always had lots of those.
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but some people actually live near these beauty spots and might drive there rather than walk for various reasons. I usually walk to my local country park, but there are times when the dog gets driven there even though it's only minutes away in the car.
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They seem to have a massive car park by the beach which I imagine sits empty overnight? Why not designate that for overnight stays. There is a toilet block opposite where with the minimum of work could incorporate toilet disposal. The extra parking fees would soon pay for any extra work. With the increasing number of motorhomes being sold the problem (as seen by some) will only get worse. Far better the local authorities grasp the nettle and see it as an opportunity?
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It was bad enough last year in some places. We drove through Bamburgh, not normally super busy, even during Summer, but car park under Castle was heaving, lots of MHs and campers included. LA had provided a dozen of those blue portaloos to stop folks doing nasties in gardens and the dunes🤢 We didn’t stop, took off inland over the tops past Chillingham, think we passed two cars the whole route. Going to be semi organised chaos in some places this year I fear😕
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That car park is packed with cars every day throughout the season at a very high car park cost. The barrier is locked at night. Can't see the owners seeing any need to make changes.There are so many sites in the area there Isn't really any need to open it up as a site in the middle of a village where locals live. That was part of the problem, kids are sometimes walking in waste on their way to school.
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I am not sure what the local authorities can do about it David. A bit of research shows the car parks are privately owned by the Parkin Estate. Therein lies another problem, the fees collected do not go to the local council or even the county council so I'm guessing there will be no contribution towards parking wardens. The toilets may also be owned and maintained by someone else, most likely the local council. Given the above I don't see anything changing in the future unless the Parkin Estates can be persuaded to provide for motor caravans, i.e. dedicated parking both in the daytime and overnight. What would be in it for them? Not a lot if they can fill the car parks with cars in the daytime and persuading them to open the car parks for motor caravans overnight will be difficult.
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It's an extra income stream. Why not?
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If there is no enforcement of on street parking why would anyone pay to park? What about waste disposal, we all know the complaints about this. Disposal points would have to be provided with the added cost of maintenance. I am not saying it can not be done but in this case I think there are too many authorities involved for anything to be sorted, certainly not for the coming summer.
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Thats a bit harsh our local beach car park we have a shack that sells tea/coffee/bacon butties etc, lots of old folk who have difficulty walking but only live a 10 minute walk away are driven down by family so that can either sit in the car or on a bench admire Osbourne House and have what ever they fancy and as an added bonus this car park is free
, but i know where you are coming from so common sense should prevail.
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Regarding the overnight parking in Woolacombe. Someone has just posted on the local website. 'Why should we go to a campsite where there are screaming kids and where we can't get real ale'. Says it all really! So they would rather just park by the side of the road in a village!
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It's going to be busy everywhere so I'll be leaving the hotspots to the young and adventurous with their surf boards, road and beachside living. I won't be joining in the throngs and queues on the popular family beaches either but the traffic heading our way and to other places won't be fun, so we'll need to get the timing right when venturing out.
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Whilst I understand your sentiment you will probably miss all of this if you go whilst the children are back at school. There is no guarantee that the weather in April/May will be any worse that in July and August. We always think the the peak months are a bit of a letdown after a promising Spring.
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The worse usually is our monsoon season-August🙂
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I so agree it should be max of 24hrs in dedicated parking areas with water and waste points,and charged at a price that does not need locals to subsidise the area or the local camp site prices for each stay, with a min £100 fine for exceeding it, or parking elsewhere for any longer
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We stopped in just such a car park in France. 22€ a night with water / disposal facilities. Didn’t matter if you were a car or MH, price was the same. You could stay more than 24 hours, but no need for any enforcement. You couldn’t get out without paying. The location was good and there were no shortage of takers, even at that price.