Happy Days

Last October we booked a CL in Cornwall and another in Devon for a week at each in the second half of April. We figured that we might get our first Covid vaccine in February, based on the general information coming from HM Gov with the second dose three weeks later. In late January we got our Covid vaccine appointments come through and although the first dose was the 1st February the second was not until 20th April, an 11 week gap, right in the middle of our first week away. Sod's Law!! Try as we might it proved impossible to get any sense out of the vaccine booking system. No we couldn't have an appointment for the second dose four days earlier but we could have it sometime after we got back in May, but appointment dates that far ahead had not been released.
After several phone calls to them to see if things had changed and also contacting my GP to no avail we resigned ourselves to cancelling the first week of the holiday. Not really what we wanted to do but had no other option, we thought. Then last night the CL owner at St Ives phoned to check that we were still going in April. I explained the problem to which she said "why not change the date? You can come the following week". I hadn't considered this as an option as I thought that by now CLs would be pretty well all booked up. I was obviously wrong.
Changing that one CL at St Ives meant changing an overnight stop on the way down and changing the dates for the second week in Devon followed by a couple of nights near Tewkesbury on the way back home. A few phone calls later and I'd surprisingly I'd managed to change every booking so HAPPY DAYS! Roll on late April., second jab done and holidays all intact.
Not selfish like the people, our neighbours, who don't think it is wrong to go to their grandson's birthday party and all stay in the house because it was cold outside. Not selfish like another neighbour's son who drives fifty miles to visit his parents because he is bored. Not selfish like the people in the supermarket yesterday who couldn't be bothered to sanitise their hands or trolley handle and pushed past the people waiting patiently to use the sanitiser or the customer who reached in front of us as we were getting an item off the shelf or the customer who stood less than a metre away from us in the checkout queue. Not as selfish as the people who make no attempt to pass more than two metres away when we are out for our daily walk. Not selfish like the people recently at our very local National Trust property who blatantly ignored the big' No Entry' sign and went in the opposite direction to everyone else on the one way system and even commented as they passed us that they knew they were breaking the rules. I could go on and on.
My attempt to contact my GP was to ask him if it is acceptable and safe to delay my second jab for 14 weeks plus from the first jab. If it was OK I would have happily made my earlier appointment available to someone else so NOT selfish at all.
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I think I might have been tempted to contact the CL owner (s) before the vaccine booking system or the GP. Still, hindsight's a marvellous thing isn't it!
We may be in a similar position with a cottage booking for first week of May when our second jabs may be due - the jabs will take priority though!
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Nice result John. I don't think it was selfish, just trying to be practical.
Not like you were asking for the second jab weeks before it was due. We've known people ask for wife and husband second jabs to be coordinated, some by moving it a day or so.
I know when I was given my second date it was to the exact time 11 weeks hence so I suppose they do have a logistical problem in moving it. The example I gave before was for second jabs which didn't have a second date specified. I suppose those having the Pfizer are being contacted when the jabbers get the supplies.