Furze Farm CL leaving the network

Just read a post from Paul Woodward to thank everybody for supporting them over the years but that they were making changes. He was asked if they'd continue to maintain 5 CL pitches but said that they will no longer be operating as a Certificated Location. However, any bookings placed will remain the same but with fully serviced pitches at no extra cost. When we hopefully open in April.
Thanks for the update Jill. Good to know it’s still going to be around.
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A sign of things to come, I suspect.
Still, it's good that sites continue under whatever guise and that more pitches become available.
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I have seen better landscaping than their architect designed for them.
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Some friends of ours stayed there last year ad they advised that all the pitches are very new , a even then the owners were looking at expanding,, Each pitch had exclusive use of their own wash room in one of the main buildings, and landscaping was in the planning stage
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Monty Don might help.
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I agree that the 5 unit limit is a bit outdated but the wisdom seems to be that no one is interested in pushing that because of the risk of the whole concept being scraped so the mantra seems to be to let sleeping dogs lie. Even if there were an increase in numbers I doubt it would be enough for what Furze Farm want to do.
As a CL it looks really good so good luck to them in their expansion plans. Perhaps we need to persuade the Club that in situations like this the Club don't just say CL closed but something more along the lines of CL expanding into a campsite? This would be much more useful information for members.
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I agree that the 5 unit limit is a bit outdated but the wisdom seems to be that no one is interested in pushing that because of the risk of the whole concept being scraped so the mantra seems to be to let sleeping dogs lie.
There is a private members bill currently in parliament. Its had its first reading but its a bit tongue in cheek and I don't see it going much further other than highlighting how out of date the 1960 act is. While there is an amosphere of wanting to reduce the red tape of planning permissions, now might be the best time to push for change????. Perhaps the second reading and debate might throw up some questions that need further exploring.
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"I agree that the 5 unit limit is a bit outdated but the wisdom seems to be that no one is interested in pushing that because of the risk of the whole concept being scraped so the mantra seems to be to let sleeping dogs lie."
David, I have said several times on here that it is worth upping the 5 van limit to say 10 and this would get the cl system back to where it was years ago in the number of pitches available and stave off the number of cl closures. It has always been answered as you say, don't rock the boat. However with the thoughts of the new buzz word, "staycation" there would be no better time like the present for the club to try and push this forward.
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With the price they're asking for a night's stay I'd certainly want peace and quiet, and an awful lot more.
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David the club used to indicate why a CL was leaving the network including if they were changing to a commercial site, but they no longer do that. I have asked in the past why the change and haven't had a proper response......how strange!! I can only think that they didn't want to advertise any competitors.
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The prices for what’s on offer look reasonable. Noise is a difficult one, as we all have our own tolerance. In general we haven't been bothered when others have mentioned it on reviews. The only way to find out will be to visit. It’s only 58 miles from us so worth a couple of days mid week, once we can get out and about.
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Looking at the weekend and bank hol rates, I'd just as soon use a club site, especially if there's a dog or toad car involved.
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It's hardly advertising to mention it once!!! I wonder if it was because they removed the other reasons of why CL's close including not being up to standard etc so went the whole hog and removed all reasons?
It will be interesting to see what the former CL morphs into as they don't seem to encourage touring with pricing geared to those that want to stay for a full week with extra charges if you want to stay for the weekend only.
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I used to argue that too - but have come the conclusion that it's not worth bothering.
Furze Farm and many other former CLs have shown that it's perfectly possible for them to expand in their own way - without a fresh CL straitjacket limit of ten, and without restriction of customers they choose to accept - members or not.
Furze Farm obviously has capital to expand - others may need financial help, but the Club shows no interest in investing as a shareholder to help smaller sites to grow.
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I wish them well. We have used a lot of ex CL Sites that have chosen to expand beyond the 5 pitches. Every one has been nice in their own way, and have been well supported by those who have found the facilities exactly what they need.
Having been part of the Club’s network, they are often slightly more in key with what caravan users prefer, but many have put in place extra features that suit MHs as well, such as drive over wastes. Some of our favourite choices are ex CLs, particularly if the prices reflect the level of facility provision. Furze Farm is at the more “extras provided” end of the scale, but many visitors, caravans especially, will enjoy this.I will copy and paste their website into the Small Private Sites Sticky, so that it is there for reference.
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Doesn't seem very MH friendly if they really do charge for a TOAD. It's no difference to a car and caravan space-wise or in the utilisation of facilities.
I note their website still has the CAMC logo on it.