Ada Lovelace, a female icon.

Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,925
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edited January 2021 in Entertainment #1

This is an unusual place to find myself, in the Entertainment section, but I sat down with a coffee just after 2 pm today and watched a fascinating programme about this remarkable lady, under the auspice of Learning Online Broadcasting on BBC2.

I knew about her history but anyone involved in Computing must regard her as one the greats. The obstacles placed in front of women in the mid 1800s were almost insurmountable, even for the daughter of Lord Byron, but her place in Computer programming must now be assured. A bit like a Painter whose works are only recognised decades after his/her death.

Whilst no computer nerd, by a long shot, I did enjoy the programme. Mrs WN was gobsmacked that I spent a full hour watching a programme I didn't even know was


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2021 #2

    If you're ever in Totnes WN the museum there has a Charles Babbage area (his family came from Totnes) and there are some interesting displays about this pair of friends. smile

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,925
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    edited January 2021 #3

    I'll keep it in mind Brue. Thanks.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,341
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    edited January 2021 #4

    Wherenext thanks for highlighting this programme I watched it on iPlayer this afternoon. Really informative, but I still have trouble with the actual concept 😱 of how it works! A bit like listening to Brian Cox explaining the universe, I sort of get it, but doesn't compute 🤣 completely!

    I like Dr Hannah Fry and enjoy Rutherford and Fry on radio4. Incidently Adam Rutherford has been very ill with long COVID 🙁