Covid Madness -



  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited October 2020 #1142

    And then we wonder why its spreading

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited October 2020 #1143

    It seems that many  of the regions that thankfully escaped the worst of the initial outbreak, are now getting high numbers of infections /  consequential hospital admissions etc. 

    Certainly the case here in East Lancashire, we’re really copping for it now, after a very lucky escape in the first outbreak.

    Keep safe everyone,  And be kind to yourselves, 🙂


  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited October 2020 #1144

    And I’m finding so much of this thread really depressing, not what I need at the moment......


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,391
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    edited October 2020 #1145

    Apparently France are considering a month long national lock down. 500 Covid deaths there yesterday. They will find out this evening when President Macron addresses the nation.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited October 2020 #1146

    Not a lot different to the UK


    sky news

    Coronavirus: PM under pressure to toughen restrictions after highest death toll since May

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited October 2020 #1147

    and although not an avid Guardian reader these few paragraphs seem to sum up what was predicted many moons ago undecided


    A further 367 people have died in the UK in the last day, the highest daily increase in five months and 50% higher than the daily increase last week.

    The figure is more than six times the daily death toll of 54 announced on 23 March when the national lockdown began. It confirms fears about the escalating second wave of the pandemic and brings the total of those who died within 28 days of testing positive to 45,365.

    It marks the highest daily increase since 27 May when 422 people were reported to have died.

    The government said that, as of 9am on Tuesday, there had been a further 22,885 lab-confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK, bringing the total number to 917,575.

    Separate figures released by NHS England showed 207 patients who tested positive for coronavirus had died in English hospitals alone. The patients were aged between 36 and 101. All except six, aged 60 to 93, had known underlying health conditions.

    Richard Burgon, the Labour MP for Leeds East, pointed out there were now more Covid patients in the city’s hospitals than at the peak of the pandemic."

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited October 2020 #1148

    As I browse the front of the papers and the BBC News website, it becomes increasingly clear that the restrictions around the country, at whatever level, are being ignored. We currently seem to have the self-preservation instincts of lemmings. The longer this state of affairs continues, the longer we will be enduring these appalling mortality figures.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited October 2020 #1149

    There is no logic to what is happening. We still moan that we want more money. We cant buy socks in Welsh supermarkets. We travel from high risk areas to say Cornwall and moan its crowded. We want the pubs to reopen. The reality is its increasing at a very fast rate. People are dying. The hospitals are being overloaded. Routine illnesses are being put on hold. Perhaps as a nation we deserve what is to come or we take draconian action forcing everyone to stay at home.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2020 #1150
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  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited October 2020 #1151

    We live in interesting times. In my view the original lockdown made  to gain some breathing space and take stock. All governments in UK seem to believe that. that the majority of infections occur in peoples homes when they socialise and presumably in certain pubs. I could see sense in tackling those areas and, at a local level, addressing the problem of outbreaks in some work places (reviewing the steps that companies have taken). Personally I have not felt uneasy in any shop and I am happy to wear a mask in such circumstances and happy to clean hands on entry and exit. 

    There are (my opinion) ways to mitigate damage to and from most business whilst providing a safer environment without closing them down. It may be necessary to close certain pubs. I can see no way of making cinemas and theatres etc safe other than closing.

    The virus is not going away anytime soon and we need to learn to live with it.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2020 #1153
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  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited October 2020 #1154

    I cancelled my european trip because i thought it was the sensible thing to do, nothing to do with duress, stop making it up, and i dont think "caught out by changing dictat from our government" is soley responsible for what is going on in the rest of Europe today.

    Anybody that has seen the photographs of the vilolence that is now taking place in major EU citys such as Paris, Turin, Milan, Barcelona in protest at their own governments measures being taken to quell the covid virus, not the UK government,  e.g. overnight curfews enforced by troops with guns etc, would surely have second thoughts about travelling to these countries or be taking measures to return asap and certainly before a real emergency erupts, such as a total lock down in France, regional lock downs in Spain, which is possible, and as i said more of our money has to be spent to bring people home. I call that common sense.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,157
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    edited October 2020 #1155

    They have just had a academic on the BBC News channel saying it will be interesting to see how successful the Welsh lockdown is in bringing down the cases. He seemed to be suggesting that if the model works, England could follow. I am not convinced that the confused layers we have in England are easy to understand and simplicity would make the task far easier? 


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited October 2020 #1156

    would tend to agree, however, there are parts of England with low or lower infection rates and in these areas people are still working and thereby putting money into the gov coffers, so it would seem a bit silly to cut this revenue off, but we might have to bow to what Professor Chris Whitty forecast way back in June/July undecided

  • Compo
    Compo Forum Participant Posts: 324
    edited October 2020 #1157

    It may be easier to understand full lockdowns, but I get the feeling that there is a lot more scepticism about them this time around. After all it only worked for a few months last time and that was when the majority of the people complied with it. Also, I am not sure the country could afford further lockdowns. I think we will have to learn to live with or for some  to die with the virus, without further lockdowns. It sounds cruel, but I think we have to face reality.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,434
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    edited October 2020 #1158

    But....this fairly safe area is currently seeing an influx of holiday makers. I've just encountered quite a few of them barging their way around a local supermarket with no thought for social distancing.

    In order to prevent infections rates spreading, I believe some sort of restriction on travel is needed.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited October 2020 #1159

     I think we will have to learn to live with or for some to die with the virus, without further lockdowns. It sounds cruel, but I think we have to face reality. 

    Yup and we will not be able to put all the blame at the door of care homes this time round, my son in law, daughter tested positive, daughter now has Shingles following on from covid and daughter living in East Grinstead just off for test, all are front line workers, so for those who have not experienced covid, believe me it is real undecided have not seen daughter in EG since June, we chose to keep apart because she is front line, but already planning huge family party for when this is all over, " always look on the bright side of life", Eric Morcambe /Ernie Wise ?

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited October 2020 #1160

    In order to prevent infections rates spreading, I believe some sort of restriction on travel is needed 

    Yup, as soon as this started to kick off again e.g. early October perhaps we should have clamped down on out of area travel across the UK, now as you are witnessing, hundreds are visiting key holiday resorts and i am sure some businesses are glad of the revenue, but at what cost. 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited October 2020 #1161

    Same view here TW, old Mate !!  Should we go down the  "Full Lockdown" route I believe it won't cure a lot in honesty ~~ C19 will still be outside our doors waiting to bite our *** when we are released alas.  We can only hope that :--

    a) a couple or more different anti C19 injections become available

    b) the virus itself gets modified into a different, less virulent form as 'flu does from time to time

    c) people start realising restrictions are not something  politicians impose out of hand, but attempts to keep us all fit, well and relatively sane !!


    RUFS --  that ditty was a regular one from Monty Python actually  innocent

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,434
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    edited October 2020 #1162

    Good post, Brian. Very succinctly put.👍🏻

    PS. 'Bring Me Sunshine' from Eric and Ern. Hmm, we could do with some of that but not if it encourages travel😄

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2020 #1163

    Especialy the last sentence as that applys world wide

      We have a growing  problem with "conspiracy theorist" bombarding many of the social media platforms which seem to attract the more "susceptible?" of society

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,391
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    edited October 2020 #1164

    Looks like it's now the whole of Nottinghamshire going into tier 3 from Friday, (BBC news) rather than just Nottingham City and surrounding boroughs from tomorrow. It's giving those businesses in our part of Notts little notice as the local authority website still says we are staying in tier 2. 

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited October 2020 #1165

    . 'Bring Me Sunshine' from Eric and Ern, had this is my head but my fingers typed

    " always look on the bright side of life", Monty Python, of course, silly me

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,434
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    edited October 2020 #1166

    Both are spirit lifters👍🏻😀

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited October 2020 #1167

    I was speaking to someone on line yesterday, she couldn't understand why she was getting grief from others, because she had travelled up from England to the central region with her caravan to have a holiday. As far as she was concerned the sites are open so why not. Why anyone would want to travel and stay in a high risk area is beyond me. 

    Last week we cancelled our trip to Lanzarote (just before the corridor was opened up) not because we were worried about going into quarantine on our return but because we are not prepared to spend over 4 hrs on a plane with who knows who sitting near you. This then proved to be the right decision as a few days ago I saw posts from the resort we were going to stay at. Folk from all over the country were posting about being there and having 'escaped' tier 3 areas yell How long will it be before the Canaries have to close down again because they have been re-infected. 


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2020 #1168

    Those who do what your on line person has done seems to be one of the main problems by having no concept of what they could be doing ,Do they not realise just because sites in some areas have not closed  common sense goes out the window

    Or is it ,as seems ,some in modern society are so used to being spoon fed to not have to think for themselves

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,848
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    edited October 2020 #1169

    The heading for this thread is Covid Madness and I have read an article today that epitomises the very essence of this title.

    A report in Scotland about the impact of the releasing of elderly patients from hospitals into Care Homes states that of the 3,599 patients that were released only 650 of them had been tested for Covid. That is pure negligence. However I believe that the 75 that had been tested and were positive with the virus and were then released into care homes is criminally negligent. How can you have a policy from the very beginning that states that the Vulnerable must shield and identify the elderly as being one of the most vulnerable of society and then send transport the virus into the very same environment that they occupy?yellyell

    I assume the rest of the UK will delay as long possible before carrying out their investigations as I can forsee the same scenario unfolding.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited October 2020 #1170

    Old news WN. But I agree with you. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,397
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    edited October 2020 #1171

    Beggars belief doesn’t it😡 The incompetence and complacency of some of the people making decisions on behalf of the general population is staggering. And the accountability will be nil....🤷‍♀️