Minimum night booking

Has anyone else noticed the increasing amount of CL's stipulating a minimum booking of 3 (or more) nights. The last few I’ve looked at near us for a weekend have been ruled out due to anomaly.
I realise that it’s entirely up to the owners how they run their sites, but I feel that they are excluding the bread and butter visitors in favour of those who book for longer (but maybe only once or twice) whereas local working folk (Weekenders) may visit numerous times per year.
I’m not usually one to moan but it’s quite frustrating and seems to be newer CLs although a few older ones too! I hope it’s not a sign of things to come otherwise we’ll never get away 🙁
That’s my gripe with C&CC as well. It flies in the face of the ethos of touring☹️.
This year the CLs may do well despite that restriction but in future they could be glad to see us one or two night stayers if we feel willing to give them a second chance. The customer is king although sometimes you'd not think so.
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Actually, I have some sympathy for CL and CS owners doing this. Especially of late, there seems to be an increase in the incidence of ‘no shows’ - certainly on the sites we have been using since 4 July. Even when deposits have been taken (and this isn’t always the case), some people don’t even have the decency to let the owner know they’ve changed their mind.
Must be very frustrating for someone trying to run a business on marginal profits.
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It may well be that the CL/CS owners are now realising that most people want a "few days" away and the most popular periods are weekends ,which as posted on here numerous times, that it is "impossible?" to get on to sites because one night is not available
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That’s my gripe with C&CC as well. It flies in the face of the ethos of touring
Thats easy to work around especially as it only applies in peak periods and weekends and even then its only 2 nights at the majority of sites. Only at 7 sites is it more than 2 nights minimum and even then it is only in peak periods.
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You are correct as I phoned to book a CL near Garstang in late July, just prior to my visit. I didn't pay a deposit as I am not sure how to pay via bank transfer by phone or internet so asked if I could pay when I got there, which he said was ok then rang me later to make sure that I was going to turn up. He told me that quite a few people on Facebook have mentioned that they book the same dates at more than one site at the same time, decide which one to go to then just don't bother to turn up at the other site or sites that they have booked. I HAVE seen a few CLs which state a minimum of 2 or 3 nights (usually at bank holiday) but not many.
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Apart from long journeys ,not many in uk ,why would a few want one night stays
A few years ago now i was advised that the 1200 arr time on club sites had reduced the one night weekenders, who would arrive between 0900-1000 on a Saturday and expect to leave late on a Sunday
Cls/CSs may be experiencing the problem that has made a min two night stays
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It is fairly easy to work around, PD, by going to a different site! A two night minimum is a real pain though when I only want one night to break the journey.
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I’ve done quite a lot of one night stops as part of a tour on both CLs and club sites. Not everyone stays in one place.
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Apart from long journeys ,not many in uk ,why would a few want one night stays.
Plenty of touring motorhomes do. Haven't you been keeping up with comments both in the press and on the forums about wilding etc in the Scotish highlands especially the NC500 and now Wales is marketing the Snowdonia 360. Both are touring routes made for hopping from place to place. Next will be the West Country Wander!
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Likewise, PD. The owner of the CS we have been on for the last two weeks was telling me that returning deposits after the lockdown was imposed caused him so much hassle that he’s not bothering with deposits anymore. He’s a farmer and has other things to think about / occupy his time. Sadly, though, there are more than a few who are taking advantage and just not turning up and not even showing the courtesy of letting him know.
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many of those who "wild?camp will not stay any where if they have to pay.
That's the caravaners and NIMBI publics mantra. and blatently untrue to use the term "many". Provide simple stopover facilities in the right place at a reasonable cost and it will get used.
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He told me that quite a few people on Facebook have mentioned that they book the same dates at more than one site at the same time, decide which one to go to then just don't bother to turn up at the other site or sites that they have booked.
Personally I think this sort of behaviour is disgusting. I wish there was some way the perpetrators could be held to account by the Club, maybe a suspension of their booking rights for a period of time.
if this behaviour isn't stamped out then CL owners will be looking at all prospective customers through the same perspective of mistrust.
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I can’t see your point. No shows occur however long the booking is for, not just weekenders
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I think the minimum stay requirement is an attempt to maximise occupancy. I agree it’s unlikely to alter the occurrence of no shows.
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Where did I mention anything about weekenders? That wasn’t my point at all🙄
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I think the only thing that CL owners can do, other than taking deposits or full payment is to have a “naughty” book, names linked to Membership. Keep it handy, if you get a name crop up that was previously a no show, don’t take the booking without a none refundable deposit.
It would be even better if Club had a dedicated CL Officer, who could link up with CLs and record no shows linked to Membership numbers, send the no show an email warning, so they know that CL no shows are being monitored. As CL owners (certainly recent ones) have to take out Membership, then it’s a bit back for that Membership. Depends of course just how keen on reporting no shows some CLs might be. Some will bother, some won’t.