Serviced pitches
Rather rude BB? Is TW not allowed to reply to another poster in any way they see fit in accordance with guidelines and without your judgement on the quality or length?
I'm certainly too polite to say anything like that about anyone's post no matter how long. I stick to the points in question. Could you not give the same?
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the black waste passes through the macerator and is mixed with grey water before being disposed (when full) as 'slurry' via an external pipe and an exit module which sits over the drain and prevents splashes, spills and smells....apparently...
finally, the drain is cleaned with a blast of fresh water....
Given the ridiculous positioning of some MH points,☹️ they had better also supply a flexible extension, otherwise much of it is likely to end up flowing down the road.👎
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I dont think it is a case of being brave, for the die in the wood old timers on here who prefer to hump fresh water, and empty it from the other end let them use non serviced pitches on sites that have them,
It id not that old timers prefer to hump water but for many The amount of humping required does not warrant the cost of a serviced pitch. On a facility site, if I stayed a week I might need to fill the aquaroll once and top up with a couple of 5 litres at most. £28 for that is ridiculous IMO
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Not unusual to find these in Australia or Trumpland, maybe Canada also?
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Whatever sort (i.e. price) of caravan the macerated slurry device is fitted to now, it will filter down (no pun there) to almost all caravans in a short time.
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We don't often use club sites but on the few that we've visited that have serviced pitches these have not all been occupied, giving a lie to your assertion that they are booked up before ordinary pitches, as many of these were occupied.
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Not so. There have been occasions when I’ve booked a site only to find the serviced pitches are all that’s left - what does that tell you? I therefore end up paying a premium for something I completely don’t want. The less of them on sites the better as far as I’m concerned. If it’s all too much trouble dealing with the fundamentals of camping, might be better going on a cruise? I can see the point for genuinely disabled people, otherwise no.
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Well you could of course go to a non club site? Rather than be forced to pay?
Well a few posters agree with me and that's our experience.
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As above.
Also you admit not using club sites often, only a few, and certainly less than me, yet you extrapolate your experience into an assertion across the whole network in general? I find that the height of hubris and really giving a lie to your assertion.
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NTH ans SB, have a look at Burford, Bridington, Melrose, Seacroft, and Norfolk broads (my last 5 sites) and see which type of pitch is easier to book in September?
I won't extrapolate one month into all year/whole network unlike yourselves but it will give you an idea?
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What kind of solution is that? I have to go elsewhere other than use a preferred Club site having paid a subscription to the Club. Meanwhile, the pitch may remain unsold. - l’d call that a lose/lose.
Furthermore the Club should be more proactive about promoting healthy living than facilitating inactivity.
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Paying a membership fee does not guarantee you a pitch, I though that would be obvious?
Are you saying you only use club sites as you paid a subscription to the club?
Will it remain unsold? I doubt it, but your allegiance to the club goes even beyond mine if you so want to ensure the club sells a pitch and:
I therefore end up paying a premium for something I completely don’t want
I have never done that either in the club or outside of it.
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Yes, my experience of them as well.
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Furthermore the Club should be more proactive about promoting healthy living than facilitating inactivity.
No idea why you should think that SB. The club's task is to provide sites and pitches, Not to promote other aspects in particular.
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But that is exactly what you did yourself, extrapolated your experience across the whole of the network for the whole of the year.
Forgot information the site's that had empty serviced pitches when we were there were Durham and White Water Park, and on the latter on more than one occasion.
So hubris to you too.....if I knew what it meant!😋
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... On a facility site, if I stayed a week I might need to fill the aquaroll once and top up with a couple of 5 litres at most.
but less than 10 gall in a week is anything but average usage. If we both shower in the caravan, we'll use that much each day.
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It's not about empty SP at all. There will always be empty pitches at some point, I've no idea when you were there but you are basing your whole premise on as you say a few times.
While I use club SP everytime I go away, and that, apart from this year is a lot. Easily 120 plus days a year versus a few of your? Who has the greatest experience to suggest things. I respect your experience as valid within its narrower parameters, perhaps you might do the same?
Others have said the same experience. They go quickly, and quicker than SP as shown in real evidence for this September.
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The club should promote...
Really. I always thought the club was there to provide enjoyable lazy carefree places to stay and let people decide on the amount of excerise they wish to do on or off site. The club is not a boot camp?
I may not fetch and empty my aquaroll waste master but I've probably been walking and serious climbing easily 12 miles off site many a time.
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I'm not saying they are full all the time ED, there will be times and seasons and sites when they are well used and when they're not. Just in my experience on the sites I have used to it is best to book early as they go quicker than other pitches. Others have said the same, it is our observations.
At the moment SP account for about 10 % to about 30% of pitches on sites that have them which I've said upthread is about right for everyone.
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We have also found service pitches more difficult to obtain, if not booking well ahead than standard pitches. Even when they are not fully booked I think the percentage is higher than for standard ones.
At Hawes currently there are only 5 free days in October. Whilst Covid might be having an effect at the moment, it is always possible that the trend will continue. Folk that have tried a service pitch for the fist time, might find they like them and want one on future stays.
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On a facility site we don'use the caravan shower in normal times. On a five night stay we fill aquaroll once and at the end of the stay Empty most of the remaining contents into the sink via the pump using the hot tap. That will usually fill the sink from a third to maybe half. The 40 litre aquaroll is more than enough. If staying for 6 nights I may add an extra 5 litres after the hot water tank takes up its 8 litres but not truly necessary and there will still be water left to empty into the sink on departure.
That is why, for us, a service point is expensive to fill one aquaroll on arrival. On a non facility site I will pick up 5 litres when I take rubbish to the bin and for a 5 bight stay that will suffice.