Brittany COVID Regulations

SqueaksDad Forum Participant Posts: 30

Can anyone help please?    We have not yet cancelled out planned journey to Brittany - leaving the UK on 19 August so are trying to find all current information we can regarding virus situation in Brittany.   Have trawled the internet but latest information we can find is July so asking if anyone has been there recently and can impart information.   We understand the R number for the whole of Brittany is 2.62 but this seems to rtelate to areas around Brest and the Morbihan - we are going to Perros Guirec inbetween St Brieuc and Lannion on the coast.   What I am really trying to find out and the French website does not offer the answer is whether it is mandatory to wear face coverings in coastal areas when walking, cycling or on the beach accepting, as in the UK, they will be necessary in shops, close spaces etc.,  Any information will be appreciated.    Thanks



  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,928
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    edited August 2020 #2

    Regulations in France vary from place to place but Perros Guirec town is one of the places where masks are required to be worn outdoors when walking in the tourist part of the town as well as in all indoor public places. 

    How do I know? I googled Do we need masks in Perros Guirec -and it gives info up to date as of yesterday. 

  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited August 2020 #3

    France has just recorded its highest number of daily coronavirus infections in more than two months. If the R rate is as high as you say regionally that sounds like a volatile situation that can change very quickly whatever you establish as the situation today. 

    You might want to try and run it through Google Translate if you’re not a French speaker. It provides information about local daily CV rates and restrictions.

    Bonne chance!

  • SqueaksDad
    SqueaksDad Forum Participant Posts: 30
    edited August 2020 #4

    Thanks Eurotraveller and SeasideBill for your information.   I went on to the French website and accessed information regarding masks and infection rates total and increasing for Cote d'Armor which is where Perros appears so a very useful site thank you.    We live in Northumberland so have been somewhat shielded from UK virus hotspots and like a lot of other motorhomers are in the 'vulnerable' age category..   Heart is saying go head is saying stay so a battle over the next few days.   Thanks again. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited August 2020 #5

    I think you will also need to consider wether a 14 day quarantine will be problematic for you. Currently the infection rate for France is only marginally below Spain, for which the quarantine does apply. Unless it starts to come down in France it is probable  it will be removed from the green list.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2020 #6
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  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited August 2020 #7

    Yes, go for it. We’ve had several UK trips this year entirely using our own facilities. Normally we’d use site toilets/wash facilities if available for convenience, so it was a bit of a test for us. We’ve been careful about stopovers. Sites here are almost all full (less likely in Europe) but it’s relatively easy to keep away from others and take precautions. For us choosing the locale e.g. avoiding places with any prospect of ‘busy’, is the key to staying safe. We all stop somewhere for a reason, but this year that reason might not be quite so compelling if it involves towns/cities or popular spots. France and beyond generally offers greater opportunity to avoid the madding crowd than our tiny, overcrowded island, this year especially. I’m on the ferry to Spain in October all being well.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2020 #8

    quarantine is not the problem it is loss of travel insurance if the FCO puts a particular country on the "non essential travel not recommended" list which is where Spain is at just now

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2020 #9

    If you're heading for a particular area that may have extra covid measures in place you'll need to consider whether the closure of local facilities will impinge on your trip and whether sites stay open etc. It's not so much heart or head but whether you''ll be able to go at all in these circumstances and whether there is time to make alternative arrangements.

  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited August 2020 #10

    Yes, and that’s a risk. I think we’ve had this conversation before? However, until 31 December at least, EU arrangements apply so any medically necessary treatment remains an entitlement. That obviously doesn’t extend to repatriation etc. I’m lucky in having a Gibraltar option if things go pear shaped, but even so I’d rather live with adventure than cotton wool! I’m obviously hoping FCO advice changes by then otherwise there won’t be a tourist industry any more.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2020 #11

    However, until 31 December at least, EU arrangements apply so any medically necessary treatment remains an entitlement.

    Agree but guess who will be at the back of the queue in A&E if there should be a major incident in say Spain or France. France would not be quite so bad as in most cases you would only be a days drive to the ferry, stuck down in southern Spain is not so good as many found out earlier this year.

  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited August 2020 #12

    You’ve got a rather dim view of our foreign neighbours and the medical profession. During the recent outbreak I can’t recall any examples of Brits saying they’ve been discriminated against by medics whether in Spain, Italy, Vietnam, Japan or elsewhere.

  • JudenSteve
    JudenSteve Forum Participant Posts: 169
    edited August 2020 #13

    We’ve just cancelled our ferry crossing for the 2nd time this year the first time was end of May and we were due to ship out on September 4th, basically my wife is self employed and I do work for a good company but not sure how they would take to me isolating for a fortnight so instead we booked a couple of weeks in Cornwall as it seemed a safer bet and closer to home if we need to curtail our trip.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited August 2020 #14

    We are due out to France at the beginning of September using the tunnel. 

    At the moment things don't look good but its still 24 days until September so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 

    Insurance is the one thing that concerns me so will be looking for a good cover. If the situation in France doesn't get any better then we will just turn left when we get off the tunnel and go to Germany, Austria or Italy and come home through the Netherlands. As we are intending to go for 5 weeks anything can happen while away. Quarantine on return doesn't bother us.

  • birderbilly
    birderbilly Forum Participant Posts: 349
    edited August 2020 #15

    If you are planning to travel against FCO advice you need to check all your insurance policies, not just travel insurance.  For example Red Pennant will not provide cover ( I have checked this with the club).  You need to be sure that car and van insurance is valid, it may not be, for many the lack of insurance is a far more significant issue than quarantine.

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited August 2020 #16

    It seems that Rufs has changed tack as he previously said he would simply return home at the first whiff of Covid issues during his proposed trip abroad so would not have been seeking any medical support?

    Like you I have no awareness of Brits being treated differently but guess that does not make for sensationalist posting.

    I do know three people who had to return from Spain and the personal choice, that Rufs said he would exercise, did not exist-you were told what you could do and when you could do it and then told to leave their country.

    For us any trip, now definitely not happening this year, issues around quarantine would be just an a inconvenience whereas lack of insurance would be a definite no no.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2020 #17

    It seems that Rufs has changed tack as he previously said he would simply return home at the first whiff of Covid issues during his proposed trip abroad so would not have been seeking any medical support?

    I do not recall making this statement in fact I think it was Seasidebill that made this statement, and as we have provision to park our caravan in Spain, our daughter lives in Spain, we would probably view this as an option and then fly home.

    I do know three people who had to return from Spain and the personal choice, that Rufs said he would exercise, did not exist-you were told what you could do and when you could do it and then told to leave their country

    again i think you are making this up, i do recall on a number of occassion saying on this forum "when the police in countries like Spain and South Korea where i have worked "say jump you ask how high"

    You’ve got a rather dim view of our foreign neighbours and the medical profession

    Not a dim view SB, but having worked in crisis torn countries providing aid I have seen first hand what happens in an emergency, and i would say it is human nature, but for the record unless there is a drastic change in the situation in Spain, one of our daughters has just returned and said she had a fabulous time only 30 people on return flight, our trip to Spain is off, but France is still on providing it does not go on the black list, and after reading reports on resorts such as Salcombe in the UK, France may be the better option

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2020 #18
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  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
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    edited August 2020 #19

    Tammygirl. As I said on another discussion, we are planning similar to your option of Germany/Italy (out 1 Sep back 1 Oct).  Be aware that currently if you plan to stop in Austria you need a Covid free test within 4 days of entering the country. In our case getting this test would not be possible as we are travelling around Germany a bit before going through Austria.  If passing through, non stop, you do not need this test but may be asked for evidence that you are just passing through.  To meet this latter requirement we have booked sits for both out and return journeys and have the confirmations as evidence should we be asked. 

    All planned and ready but could cancel at last minute if necessary we would just have to postpone our tunnel crossing and apologise to the sites; we did this in March for our planned Spring holiday and received a Credit Note which we have used for the Sep trip.

    Although we are monitoring the rules for the various countries would appreciate updates from members in case we miss them.  The relevant countries are France, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Italy.  No rumours or speculation please, facts based on the respective Governments announcements - like the passing through Austria advice.


  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited August 2020 #20

    ....and after reading reports on resorts such as Salcombe in the UK, France may be the better option...

    Yes, saw that.  A TV reality show ‘celebrity’ recently escaped from Chelsea complaining about problems with social distancing in Salcombe. The hypocrisy is astounding!

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited August 2020 #21

    Staysure are looking a good option for insurance just now, TG, especially if you have pre-existing conditions to declare. But having just got a quote for a trip next May they do seem to have whacked their premiums up quite a bit. Probably worth it for peace of mind though. One tip with them - don't buy when you get the quote because within a couple of days you'll get an email offering you 15% off! smile

  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited August 2020 #22

    ......I do not recall making this statement in fact I think it was Seasidebill that made this statement....

    Guilty as charged, but for me the essence of the ‘shall I, shall I not go’  debate is your attitude to risk. Some want to avoid it altogether for fear of the consequences, others apply some common-sense and vigilance and manage the risk in the knowledge that it could all go pear shaped and some others are just reckless. I think the former miss a lot of what life has to offer and the latter are generally a danger to themselves and others. Those in the middle category manage the risks, take responsibility for their own actions and get the most out of life. I’m conscious that I might have 15 years or so living my current lifestyle if I’m lucky. I’m certainly won’t be wrapping myself in cotton wool during that period - don’t want to be the dullest (and richest) man in the graveyard.

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited August 2020 #23

    Rufs, you made several posts where the gist was that you were planning a trip abroad and if there were issues you would return home-you are still saying the same in your recent post.

    I simply said that you may not have an option other than to do as you are told.

    I am making nothing up-I was careful not to quote, as you do with regularity, sensationalist headlines-rather mentioned three people who I know did not have the freedom to do as they wished.

    As for your quote re Salcombe, then that sums up your contributions for me.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2020 #24

    Rufs, you made several posts where the gist was that you were planning a trip abroad and if there were issues you would return home-you are still saying the same in your recent post.

    correct, it is called risk assesment

    I simply said that you may not have an option other than to do as you are told.

    correct and i posted , i think several times, that i have worked in countries where when told to jump by the relevant authority, you ask how high, not what for

    I am making nothing up-I was careful not to quote, as you do with regularity, sensationalist headlines-rather mentioned three people who I know did not have the freedom to do as they wished.

    As for your quote re Salcombe, then that sums up your contributions for me.

    Your 3 friends were either unlucky or lucky depending which way you look at it, i know, and indeed posted on here, of folk who stayed and were happy to stay in Spain,

    my own daughter went to visit her sister who lives in Spain with granddaughter only last week despite Spain being on the black list and had a great time, would i have done that defintely not, did i say she shouldnt go, certainly did, but she is old enough to make own risk assesment.

    Nothing sesationalist about Salcombe, Bornemouth, Brighton, Durdel door etc, all reported in the press and it is for real, even posted on here complaints re the club site in the New Forest, wake up smell the coffee it is all around us.


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2020 #25
  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited August 2020 #26

    Whatever (Anon)


  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited August 2020 #27

    Rufs, we will have to agree to disagree.

    You seem to be sure that in any given situation you will be the one to decide on what happens to you, and I hope that would be the case for all of us, but seem unable to accept that this may not be the case.

    So far as that being a risk assessment it appears to be wishful thinking, based on your wide experiences that you mention, but still without any certainty.

    As for the Salcombe reports, if you think that one, seemingly attention seeking, actress is worthy of being mentioned on here then, again, we will have to disagree.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited August 2020 #28

    Actually, I think that was Wordsworth wasn't it? Might be wrong though! wink

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2020 #29
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  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2020 #30

    As for the Salcombe reports, if you think that one, seemingly attention seeking, actress is worthy of being mentioned on here then, again, we will have to disagree

    dont know what you are talking about, dont recall ever mentioning any actress in my post and i certainly do not know any attention seeking actress, or have read about one, think you are confused.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2020 #31

    Looks to be an almost certainty now that France will go on the naughty step this week, Spain will close its borders with France and Portugal on the 18th Sept unless number of infections falls dramatically which is highly unlikely as the whole of Spain in on hols just now and congregating in bars clubs, beaches etc.