Is the site fixed now? - temporarily locked



  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
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    edited July 2020 #62

    Say it very quietly, don't want to push our luck, BUT the site is much quicker todaysurprised

  • charlie25
    charlie25 Forum Participant Posts: 100
    First Comment
    edited August 2020 #63

    Late availability not working again. I like to see how many pitches are available on the sites we are going to, but just lately there has been a lot of problems which I hope will be resolved soon.

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited August 2020 #64

    I think somebody heard you sealed . also why do i need to log in every time i want to use the site. never had to do that before. 

  • Forest Gate
    Forest Gate Forum Participant Posts: 103
    edited August 2020 #65

    You're right Goldie 146. There doesn't seem to be a facility to post, only to respond as you say.

    I admit to being on FB but only because I am in a number of groups which use FB as their medium for cascading information to members of the groups. If I wasn't on it I wouldn't know what was going on so a necessary evil for me.

    However, given the fact that this website seems at times to be on its knees much of the time I can't help wondering wonder if there is a "plan". An example is that being unable to post a profile picture using my MacBook, I used an old Windows laptop. I can now see my photo in My Profile Information but not in My Profile in Club Together or when I post using the MacBook. Maybe some of our Windows users will tell me if they are able to see my profile photo?

    It strikes me that there is very little effort going into upgrading the site and eventually, under the guise of keeping up with modern trends, we will all be forced to use other mediums.



  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited August 2020 #66

    I don’t think the “club” has any intention of fixing the site as I don’t believe they think there is anything wrong with it !

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited August 2020 #67

    Aint that the truth .... I've reported it a few time & have had zero response!

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2020 #68

    today i had a *sss while waiting for the discussion page to refreshyell

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2020 #69

    Is it worth mentioning things are extremely slow to load, on the forum and the main site.

  • Mr OrangeTree
    Mr OrangeTree Forum Participant Posts: 32
    edited August 2020 #70


    It is not fixed.  It is extremely slow, and frequently hangs.

    There are some fairly easy to identify reasons for that, but I am certain the club would prefer to be free of advice on the matter!

  • Mr OrangeTree
    Mr OrangeTree Forum Participant Posts: 32
    edited August 2020 #71

    This seems likely.

    It is pretty much unusable as it is. 

  • Miggs
    Miggs Forum Participant Posts: 15
    edited August 2020 #72

    Trying to navigate this website to browse and book sites is as painful as pulling teeth.

    Definately a deal breaker for me and has prompted me to defect to the other side.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited August 2020 #73

    Excellent, the less people on here the faster it gets👍

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited August 2020 #74

    Perhaps, Metheven, but there must be lots of folks hiding in the dark corners at the moment 'coz it's very slow & clunky ! I think I'll go  and play with my steam engines wink

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited August 2020 #75

    Hope it's a big one👍 I had a tiny one as a lad with a methylated spirits burner laughing

  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited August 2020 #76

    They want to have a look at Swift Talk or Caravan Talk to name but two to see how it should operate. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2020 #77

    Are they also part of a much larger website?

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,406
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    edited August 2020 #78

    Whilst not actually a fault, as I assume it is meant to work like that. Why is there a need to show likes in latest activity. They just clutter up the list and make it difficult to spot latest posts, particularly when the site is slow and takes ages to page, or like this morning there are an unusual number of likes.

    As I say not actually a fault, but not conducive to easy navigation of CT. if that is even possible.😀

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2020 #79

    Maybe, but that is irrelevant. There i no reason why that should effect performance. There is no reason why the forum and the rest of the club activity should not be on separate websites. For example to get to the booking from the forum is merely a click on a link button.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,476
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    edited August 2020 #80

    The Likes aren't normally an issue but this morning there's a non-member liking every post in some threads. How can you like both sides of a debate - unless it's to applaud the standard of literacy, perhaps? 🙂  I remember another who used to do that but we had stars to collect in those days.

    I'm almost afraid to say this but the forum is running much better this morning👏. Will it continue or lapse into its usual PM state later? Post Meridian or Post Mortem? - take your pick😀

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2020 #81

    Or pretty mediocre

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2020 #82

    There also seems to be a problem with the booking system as sevaral times i have looked at LA pitches and it shows whole areas as none available but some individual sites show vacanciessurprised

      I was told the whole system is under a lot of Stress? with the amount of people looking for pitches

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2020 #83

    Unfortunately JVB if you've been using LA to suggest on the forum that sites are full recently you will have been incorrect. The LA system appears to be broken once more more and hasn't been working properly for a long time. frown

    Sites searches are buffering too.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2020 #84

    It is only in the last few weeks it has been incorrect ,since EGH have had about 100 staff working remotelysurprised

    At times site seach has buffered but as posted it could wll be as at times at home,   the EON site also buffers when busy wink

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,406
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    edited August 2020 #85

    I wouldn't have thought where folks are working from matter. Surely the site wardens input the number of pitches they have available. The booking system knows what is gone / cancelled and what is left over shows as late availability. Should all be down to the computer system, very little human interaction required. 

    Perhaps the fact that it is down to the computer system, which seems to be falling apart, that is the problem.😂

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2020 #86

    I uderstand that the IT dep have also been heavily nvolved with the remote working equipment ,just it may be more of a priority wink

    Ps just a thought? if about 100 staff are still working remotely ,i would expect them to also be using this web site ,have they been given "priority" which is bunging up the system more than in the pastsurprised

  • Amesford
    Amesford Club Member Posts: 701
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    edited August 2020 #87

    As a post from 2016 has just appeared I would would think there are still problems

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited August 2020 #88

    As of today it seems to have improved marginally, in that I no longer have to double click in order to progress.

    Keep up the good work and may we look forward to another improvement in speed in the near future?

  • AnnB
    AnnB Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited August 2020 #89

    Site availability looks up the chute. Checked for next weekend and Late Availability shows nothing in the NorthWest. If you look at the individual sites though that is wrong as there are pitches at both Burrs (Sat and Sun)and Southport (sun)

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2020 #90

    I get server error most of the time if I try to look in via Latest Activity.

    Late Availabilty has stumbled and spluttered over the last few weeks so is a very unreliable source of information.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited August 2020 #91

    To answer harryb's question posed two months ago, the answer is an emphatic "NO". Just the same as it wasn't fixed three years ago when I started the "snagging list" thread.

    Compared to CAMC, even Gavin Williamson is looking competent.