Cirencester Park access road
The weather forecast for Saturday is not very good, possibly heavy rain throughout the morning. That's unlikely to stop the tennis club users coming and going. It will exacerbate the visibility issues. I wish anyone venturing there the very best of luck!
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Perhaps the simplest thing would be to install traffic lights? I have no idea of the relative cost viz a viz changing the road but it seems that even if they improve the road it won't be enough to alleviate ongoing problems unless they virtually completely rebuild the road which I suspect is not going to happen?
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It won't be a decision the club alone can make and, as you imply, M, obeying lights won't be enforceable.
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Without a proper layout plan David and some idea of the height and nature of any barriers to visibility it is impossible to say what might be done.
A simple traffic light system would be relatively speaking a simple and reasonably cheap solution (compared to other options) from the clubs point of view. As I understand they would not affect the college since I understand that they use it as a pedestrian route but I have no idea about the other parties views nor their accesses.Hopefully if there is a site meeting today they will have representation
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It sounds as if the clubs "spin" on any objections to the scheme and the planning application do not seem to "match"
,As they say "their contractors" will also be at the meeting today, i would think the club are now looking at paying something by getting their contractor involved who ii think are quite local based in Gloucestershire (Pershore?)
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Not sure if any alterations might be considered as not substantial and minor amendments agreed with the planning department. If any true works are done I would have thought that the site may well need to be closed during them. If the works affect access to the cricket and tennis courts there might be some way of allowing them to park in the college grounds if security is arranged and paid for if the work was done outside college term time?
Whatever the outcome PD I doubt that much will be achieved (if anything) any time soon.
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If the local contractors do the work they are from Pershore Worcestershire.
Glad we visited late last year and would not go again until road is altered to allow leisure vehicles to use it.
Will be interested to see what the club will do to the road.
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Just referring back to my OP and in particular the last sentence, has anything been decided about arrival/departure arrangements (I might well have missed it.) I mean, I know it won't be a major issue on Saturday, as long as the few units already on site have the common sense not to plan any outings that day, but from Sunday on I can foresee big problems with folk leaving it till the last possible moment to depart and others turning up "a few minutes" early. I also suspect the wardens will, understandably, not be so generous in allowing folk to stay on into the afternoons in future.
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I think they have only recently updated the website, it wasn't there the other day. It will unfortunately prevent those who want to stop an extra couple of hours from doing so. That option always seemed very popular on a Sunday. It would rarely be a problem as there was plenty of space in the week.
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Many's the time we did that when we were both working. I would drive up on Thursday to get everything set up and stay overnight, go back to work on Friday morning, then we'd head up together with the dogs on Friday evening. Staying till after lunch on a Sunday made for a very pleasant long weekend (of course that would have been in early and late season with plenty of free pitches before anyone starts jumping up and down complaining about us "pitch squatting"
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They can have whatever arrival and departure time they want. It’s not going to stop either cars or MHs leaving and entering Site at all hours of day if it’s their holiday location.
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Won’t bother us M, after the performance we had at Old Hartley a few years ago, we pick our Sites with care. 😂
Club Site on Roseland operated on a traffic light system I recall. Never been, but we did notice lights and signage.
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A simple solution would be to have the length limit on this site reduced to four meters. That's about the length of a long wheelbase Land Rover, or the van from Tesco/Morrisons/Sainsbury/Waitrose that are now allowed to deliver to site.
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Some chap phoned yesterday, to arrange our ‘slot’ and pay up. We are due to arrive at around 10am. The B-I-L and his wife have a 2pm slot. The pitches have been allocated, which gave the opportunity to be pitched next to each other, which was nice. Our normal routine is to set up, and pop out to get provisions. Will now have to shop beforehand, which is a bit of a pain. We always forget something 🙄
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I don't think I ever had a late stay 'freebie'. That was out of choice though and have not really done 'a weekend' for 37 years. When the wife and I had children we would often shove off on a Friday. Most of our regular weekend sites were within 1.5 hours. Often only just within 1.5 hrs. If the weather was decent then I would usually book the Sunday night but leave around 8pm. You could book for just one adult as nobody was staying the night. leaving at 2 or 3pm was neither fish nor fowl for me
The only other regular weekend break was when I was on my own and would use a site at Garstang where my caravan was stored free of charge. Every couple of weeks I would leave work at 11.45am and be on site (caravan ready sited for my arrival by the site owner) by about 1pm. I had stacks of leave available around 65 days with bank holidays. I would fish on the Fylde coast, River Wyre, canal and local trout fishery as well as a few small lakes on site.
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This saga would appear to suggest a comprehensive elevation of spherical objects.
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I don’t think anyone's lined the lanes to Down Thomas with boulders, have they?