Grey Water Wate Drainage

Our Benimar Mileo Motorhome is only 4 years old and hasnt been used very much but the water from the kitchen sink and the shower drain very slowly. We checked the pipes under the motorhome and it appears to be ok from what we can see. We have tried to use bicarbonate of soda with vinegar to clear any blockage but its not helping. Are there any grey water waste pipe cleaners suitable for motorhome? I assume the usual drain cleaners would be too harsh. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thetford have a tank cleaner which I have used by pouring down the sinks using hot water to send it on its way. It depends what is causing the slowness is it just the route of the pipes or are they gunged up? I certainly wouldn't use any household drain unblockers as I would imagine they would be too caustic and could damage the pipes. Perhaps try a solution of old fashioned soda crystals dissolved in hot water?
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Our sinks also drain fairly slowly, but its more to do with small bore pipes and horizontal runs than any blockage as it hasn't changed since the van was new. If we happen to wash up in a lay-by with a bit of a slope its a lot faster.
Regarding cleaners, Iv'e used MH tank cleaners, but now usually buy a couple of bottles of cheap general purpose floor cleaner from Aldi or wherever for about 99p as I find it just as good and is more to eliminate any smells than improve flow.
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A kettle of boiling water every now and then will keep the pipes clean and fresh.
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Prevention is easier than cure. When you wash up, use a washing up bowl, and don’t pour it down sink, take it to waste water point. It saves all that grease and bits going down pipes into tank, which is what blocks them and makes them smell. Only thing that goes down our pipes is shower and hand wash water. A lot easier to keep clean. We have used Rolla Cola in the past to clean tanks occasionally, cheap and effective if there’s no build up. Looks a bit gruesome coming out of waste pipe though😱😂
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Glad your sorted, at the end of season I pour some Fenwicks waste pipe and tank cleaner diluted in hot water down all the drains into the waste tank, then go for a drive over the bumpiest road I can find to slosh it around the tank, leave it to work its magic overnight, then flush out with fresh. hopefully this will keep the pipework and tank free of soaps and grease.
I originally bought the cleaner as the bathroom sink was blocked, it cleared enough to use, but in the end i had to disconnect the drain pipe at the tank and flush out the remains of the previous owners mess