Corona Virus Concerns
Not just you BB. I couldn't understand the logic of that either.
I think what hasn't been made really clear, is that the T&T is for the long term. Possibly a year or more if a vaccine isn't forthcoming. It's the only way we are going to get back to some semblance of normality. The only other option is to lock ourselves away. Although I am content to severely restrict my movements for the next couple of months. Doing it until this time next year🤔 The T&T will be particularly valuable as we move into winter, with more time spent indoors and the possibility of a return or mutation of C19.
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I think the chances of getting it totally right first time very small indeed. Currently I have 29 Apps requesting update on my phone ( I don't let them automatically do it). I last updated on the 15th May. Most of these updates are fairly minor tweaks and enhancements. Hopefully that will be the case for the NHS App, following its IOW trial.
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I would have thought they could isolate them using the first part of the postcode that you input on registration. Although the PO would be the same as the mainland, surely the number afterwards would be different. Or does it only ask for the letters?
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I make no comment.........
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If I understood right, the App is not being released yet apart from the trial which has not seen the best results yet, so why bother discussing it!
What has been missed is that the track and trace self isolation, ie 'immediately' you have symptoms, or, have been contacted by the 'trace' team is now a CIVIC DUTY, not voluntary as it has been up to now.
the word Duty brings up the potential of sanctions, that will be implemented for those failing to comply.
what will those sanctions be I wonder, will they be enough to persuade the none compliant to do their 'duty'?
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Two points - Has it been voluntary up to now? I thought we'd been told ad nauseam that "these were instructions" though just lately it appears they were only instructions until and unless we,used our discretion!
Secondly, Matt Hancock used the expression Civic Duty shortly after Boris had said (I think - as ever he seemed unable to finish a sentence coherently) that it would be voluntary to start with - sanctions might need to be considered though he wouldn't be drawn on what those might be.
Clear? Well thought out? Apparently each of us must make our judgement (based as CY says earlier on the distinct impression that we've been taken for fools heretofore!)
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This is a very big enterprise and it will take time to settle down. Until those operatives in the Call Centres have had time to gain some experience face to face with real people it may well seem a bit chaotic at first. As anyone will know who has been involved in the implementation of new systems that whilst they appear absolutely fine as designed it is not until the wider workforce gets involved that you start to understand some of the issues that crop up with realtime use.
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If you are asymptomatic, but have the virus, then how likely are you to ring 119 and ask for a test? Not very I would have thought. Which means that you could feasibly come into contact with lots of others and unknowingly pass it on, with some of those becoming very very ill.
Track and trace works very well at the outbreak of an illness. Track it, trace others, lock down fully, no travelling around for any reason like other countries did at the start of the spread. A robust testing regime needs to underpin it as well. All that this is going to do is highlight that areas, all over the Uk are still seeing cases on a daily basis. It’s possibly going to stop a tiny percentage of cases, but still relies on the public being vigilant, taking social distancing and sanitising precautions and “doing the right thing”.
Some schools and businesses are going to be on yo yo strings. Teacher tests positive, do they isolate those children? Their close family? Other teachers?
How will they tell if someone has their Bluetooth turned on? What about all those who don’t have smartphones? Or a mobile phone at all? Who will be enforcing it all?
Lots and lots of what ifs on this one. Personally, we are still trusting our own common sense for the foreseeable future.
Edit I fully agree about all the media outlets, I take everyone with a degree of scepticism.
It will take time to settle in DK. In the meantime, I wonder where the collateral damage will focus this time while it does? It’s being touted too heavily as a cure all in my opinion, and there is a lot of misunderstanding. Fingers crossed it works and does help...
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Just been looking at the system, you call 119 for a test if you have symptoms and you self isolate, then you're tested, if it's positive the contact tracing starts, if it's negative all ok for the time being? Asymptomatic carriers won't be picked up unless they happen to be one of the contacts?
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When they did the recent testing at the Weston General Hospital (Somerset) they found 40% of the staff were carrying the virus and many patients too. They've had to stop the carriers working on non covid wards etc and close the hospital to new admissions due to the results of all these tests.
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Exactly brue. It’s going to be very difficult. It’s a beast of a virus, affects folks so differently, not that much in way of common factors in terms of incubation periods, transmission that well explored yet.
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You're right TDA and as you say we must take our own precautions from now on, I don't want to sound too low key as we're not in a place where we have to venture forth into throngs of people. I hope it works for those in more difficult situations, at work etc.
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Just been talking on Facetime to number two son in Hong Kong - he's amused that UK is only just starting track and trace and he was saying how well it has worked there.
The results are that they still have had only four Covid deaths in the city - and it's actually the democracy protests which have trashed his own wine bars and restaurants in Central - but otherwise his businesses out in the countryside at Sai Kung are open - happy hour in the Conservatory restaurant was in full swing, tables were filling up, and his children were just home on the bus from school.
Poor old UK, he said. .
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Hopefully it will work. We certainly have to give it a go and I think our support. Although apart from using the App, your support is a requirement, not an option.
The only other thing we can do is to isolate until there is a vaccine and the country can't afford that . No country can.
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Same here brue. I hope it helps those who are going to have to get out there.
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b) we are contacted by a 'Trace' alert...self isolate
Not sure if an 'Alert' will come in by text message, if so maybe open to abuse by people in the know and nothing better to do, by sending out fake official text messages saying we all have been in contact with someone positive with Covid 19.
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It might well become a requirement Steve. All we can also hope is that enforcing it has also been included in the thinking process, along with the manpower and budget. A sense of duty hopefully will prevail. But they have lost the trust.
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My OHs information came by text. Four weeks after the lockdown and to my phone. Generic message, no names so we had to do some ringing around to try and find out what was going on.
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The .GOV website has the info you need and, as it says the 'traced' person must share information, this would suggest that it will not be contact by text.
As I understand it this test and trace, with reportedly 25000 tracers, is not related to any system using an app.
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Interesting question just asked on BBC news Q&A - and I'm pretty sure I heard correctly -
If you are contacted and there is a vulnerable person in your household, they (the vulnerable person) must leave. Can that possibly correct? And if so, how and where to?
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The .GOV website says " alert: you will be alerted by the NHS test and trace service if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus. The alert will usually come by text, email or phone call."
So with all personal information harvested by scamming etc, havoc could wreak by sending out thousands of fake 'alert' text messages, obviously this could be checked out by phoning the NHS call centre (if you can get through) but in the meantime, a worrying time for the individual that may not be tech savvy.
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Likewise. To my phone, well at least mine is turned on 😉. But there's only he and me so not too bad. They still keep coming too.
Now Iceland are bombarding us by email with slot offers - limit to my needs with them but have done a frozen order, which has been delivered, to ensure we stay on their radar 😉. Waitrose are sending emails too but since they are a 20 minute drive away I've stuck with Tesco for now, might order some special items from them but I think they want a £60 spend and as we dont drink alcohol won't push the total up 😂