Corona Virus Concerns
Locally clothes aren't being recycled at the moment. I presume the eastern European trade has stopped, mountains of bags go over there for redistribution or recycling. Not sure how the charity shops will deal with clothes when they reopen, washed clothes would be essential?
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Same for us with letters but not so trusting of plastic. Wish they would stop delivering the free local paper. Nothing in it lately, so thin. We leave it where it falls for 3 days then, possibly a glance at the letter page, before hand washing. Then the recycle. Waste of paper. Then they asked if we would like to contribute as they weren't getting the advertising!
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Apart from on line orders we've had nothing other than post which goes in an outside box. So we peer inside before handling although usually our postman hands over the mail from the van, gloved contact and a bit of chit chat included.
Edit all our deliveries including food get left at quite a distance, nothing comes to the door at the moment.
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Hi peedee,just got the chance to have a look at the article and must say it makes a change from the relentless 'we are all doomed' being constantly thrown at us.
I read with interest the comments about 'safe enough', reducing risk and personal decision making having been involved with both H&S and fire safety.
I made a post quite early on, in the virus threads,about the fact that we may all see the hazards, with the coronavirus we are made well aware, but that we may see the risk thai it creates differently.
In terms of H&S, the hierarchy of controls is quite clear and at the bottom of the list is PPE yet, as in life in general, many see that as the one stop solution.
Isolating is at the top but its clear that this is not an option for many, and even if it is now that will probably not continue to be the case, so we move on to the limit on contact, numbers and frequency, and then in comes the PPE for the residual risk.
The personal decision making seems currently to have disappeared for many and been replaced with a media fed hunger for yet more 'guidance'.
It is perhaps not surprising as my experience of implementing a risk assessed regime, in place of the previous mandatory one, is that most people when faced with having to make decision would often say 'I am not an expert-you tell me'.
These same people would protest strongly if you told them, had even hinted, that you would be telling them what to do prior to saying 'its your decision'.
On the 'safe enough' this was the actual phrase that the Chief Fire Officers Association, now replaced by the NFCC, wanted to be used to drive a process whereby actual visits to premises were cut back by making a call to the premises asking some questions and deeming them 'safe enough' and a visit would not be required.
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It was a good article, the link on the article to the statistical risks has been blanked off. Risk assessments are interesting, we did them at work, we have to venture forth at some point, as the article reminds everyone we're not 100% safe from the vagaries of life. Thanks Peedee.
It's quite strange but I think letting go of the Thursday clapping will be a step forward. Where we live it's a bit of contact with other locals, we'll miss it, but it will let some normal life back in too.
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for postage we have placed a recycle box outside with a note on it for parcels to be placed within then ring door bell.
I have had packages delivered from DPD, Hermes, Post office etc and this system seems to work quite well and as the packages are outside, easily decontaminated and left to air before opening with the waste going straight in the adjacent bin.
When I am in the front garden the delivery is left just inside my front gate.
The roads were unexpectedly quiet today which was a nice surprise
I wonder if tomorrow will see a different side of the coin.
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It's fairly quiet here, a bit more traffic on the A303 and kamikaze motorcyclists taking the bends near us on a road which has a speed limit because of accidents on tight bends. We can hear them, I dread hearing a bang...but it's good to have more freedom.
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I read the article today as Mrs WN pointed it out to me.
I'm not quite sure how to view it from a personal perspective. I'm not supposed to be here, so every year is a bonus but I'm enjoying the bonus.
So, what's my normal life expectancy for the forthcoming year? Well, not that good but I've just reinvested some money for 4 years so am staying positive. I don't think it will change my caution when re-assimilating into normal life but I'll do my best to take as many precautions as I can whilst still enjoying life and that's all one can do.
However, it is heartening views for many others. It has given my live in Mother-in-Law a fillip. Not much wrong with her at 87 so she'll not be so wary about the great outside and has, anyway, been taking an hours walk every day now for about a week.
Great if it helps build confidence for some people who are fit but above 70.
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The roads round here have been quieter for some weeks
This weekend is no different ,except for the lack of parked vehicles , where are they?
i would think it will be busier now , as it seems you do not need to follow the lockdown rules per say and can "spin your own intepretation as required?
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Personally I’m fed-up with constantly having to listen to ‘guidance’! After all these weeks of staying home and listening to the guidance I think we know by now what is sensible and appropriate without more nannying. I don’t want to risk anyone, my loved ones, or ourselves in any situation so I will continue to be ‘safe enough’. We will, sadly, not be seeing our family in the next few weeks for our (now cancelled) Golden Wedding celebrations. Hopefully in the next few months things will become clearer and - safer?
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Well said, heddio. The longer that this goes on, the more that we”re becoming infantilised.
There are certain people and organisations that have come to believe that they are somehow more enlightened or entitled than others of us. As you rightly point out from your own experience, many people are suffering as a result of all this and unnecessarily so, in my opinion.
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well it looks like schools will start to go back 1st June, and car dealerships, of all things!, will be allowed to open then as well.
all other retail concerns can open from 15th June if they follow the regs.
no news on campsites though, or are they classed as 'other retail'?
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No, they’re classed in with hospitality and scheduled for reopening on 4 July at the earliest.
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Very ill thought out. Campsites must have a similar or even lesser risk profile than car showrooms. Not that it will make much difference to me. OH has been called for jury duty next month. Talk about timing.
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+1, New England Bay being a prime example👍🏻 Whilst at NEB I visited the environs but the bay was excellent for Paddle boarding & Kayaking.
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Yes I agree it's ill thought out - the only argument I can see for car showrooms opening is an economic one rather than a health one. How is one supposed to go for a test drive with a member of staff and maintain social distancing? It's a nonsense.
Next thing we'll be told that a "test drive" is the way to go for an eye test given that opticians are not allowed to open - but I ask you, what sort of person would go for a test drive to check their eyesight?
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The economic argument is important and most car sales places that I have visited are large enough to social distance. The country has to try and get businesses back to work where possible
Customers to be trusted
Meanwhile, the head of a car dealership has said that customers will be trusted to take test drives alone as part of safety measures when they reopen next week.Robert Forrester, chief executive of Vertu Motors, said his company had set up a number of measures inside their showrooms to become Covid-secure.
And he told BBC Breakfast: "When you actually go for a test drive, you will be the only person in the car.
"We trust the vast majority of our customers to do the right thing."
He added: "It changes how we sell cars, but there are a lot of changes in how we sell cars.
"People are doing far more on the internet. Our online sales have gone up quite considerably over the period.
"We sold 650 cars last week as a group without a single test drive and not one person coming into a showroom."
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I sincerely hope that those of us who have our units in storage on CAMC sites can get to them in June.
There will be access to so many businesses, from garden centres through to shops, that the exclusion of members will appear ridiculous.
Come on CAMC, show some initiative.
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Customers to be trusted
Meanwhile, the head of a car dealership has said that customers will be trusted to take test drives alone as part of safety measures when they reopen next week.I can't remember the last time a car salesperson sat in a car with me/us when taking a test drive and I'm going back about 20 years now and about 7 cars between the pair of us. We must look trustworthy.
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Quite agree AD, some sites you can laze around near the pool but other sites, as they have no attractions, are just a dormitory.
Whether you spend time on site will also depend on how long you are away for - just a week and you will probably try to cram in as much sightseeing as possible, away for months and you will have much more time for relaxing.
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Had to deal with a couple of Theft claims from Motor Trade clients when in the business. On both occasions a member of staff sat in the passenger seat and had Trade Plates on the windscreen ledge. Both times the customer stopped and asked the sales person to attach them properly to the front of the car as otherwise it would be an offence. When they got out of the car the "customer" sped off leaving the salesperson stranded. Different Motor Traders, different area but same M.O.
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I cant remember the last time the salesman accompanied me on a test drive either, although when i was looking around dealers for my current car, the JLR salesman told me it was a condition of their insurance that if i wanted a test drive i had to be accompanied by a member of staff.
When i asked for a test drive of a new X5 i was alone and told i could have it for half a day if i wanted.
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I was posting👍🏻
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One car dealership said that they would be wiping down/steralizing each car after every test drive.
I for one would not want to be sat anywhere near a pool until I'm either immunize against the virus or it has been eradicated completely.