Site closures and storage

In the great scheme of things this is a first world problem but does anybody know what the score is regarding vans in storage on a club site. The email makes no mention of this.
We need access to the van to retrieve some items and ideally pull it out for some repairs next week. Also its now due its service.
I will see if the club contact in the next couple of days but any thoights in the meantime.
All the above of course is subject to us being completely locked down within the next few days.
Cheers guys.
I’d ring the site. As I understand it, wardens are still there.
Edit: Snap, JV.
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We are still on site and will remain ready to reopen whenever that will be.
Give the site a ring and speak to the warden, I’d give it a couple of days so the information flowing out of EGH has been fully communicated on all the different parts of our operation
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Currently access to storage areas remains the same allowing members with storage to access their outfits or return them. If access is challenging at a location it would be advisable to call ahead to understand the arrangements. However, this may be revised and 24 hours’ notice of movement or access may be required as the situation moves forward.
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The staff at Gatwick have stated the club has no idea how long there will be no access to the storage site I quote when the government lifts the closure???. The warden will be on site or security will be around if they need to leave.
Sunday 29th @ 8pm is the cut off for access to your van / craven after that who knows.
Does not seem to be any thought has been given to the future.
Come on caravan club what's the plan?????
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It’s not just a problem on club sites. We store our caravan in the compound at a local commercial site because we don’t have room for it at home. I had a message yesterday to say that the site would close at the end of the day, and there will be no movement of, or access to caravans whilst the closure is in force (the staff take vans in and out of the compound for us). At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter because we wouldn’t be going anywhere whilst the advice is to stay at home, plus our two bookings in May were at club sites. My only concern is that I have a mobile service booked for 12th June (the first date I could get), and not sure whether this will be able to go ahead. The caravan was first registered in June and it’s the 5th service, so needed for the warranty.
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I am confused by the latest information which suggests that storage areas on club sites may stay closed if the sites cannot open at beginning of June. Our caravan is on Strathclyde Park and provided the gates are open entrance to the site and storage area is by the use of a plastic card presented to the post at the gate. I can therefore get in and out without any danger as I need to go near nobody.
I do accept that not all storage areas are that easy so possibly the club could have been selective in what they allowed.
Given we were told we would be able to get in after June provided we gave 14 hours notice even if the site remained shut, I have booked the caravan for a July service and repair. I wonder if the club could clarify the position as if I am not going to be able to get in as earlier suggested I will need to cancel the work and let someone else have the date.
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It could be due to the fact that if the site staff are furloughed they won't be able to give access. Even unlocking a reception door is deemed as work which is not allowed
Phone EGH, they will be able to advise
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Just read an article this afternoon which states rats and mice are making homes out of unused vehicles which have remained on driveways for many weeks without use.
This causes me great concern for the safety of my motorhome which is in storage at Durham Grange club site, i shall be contacting the site to see if I can gain access.
Perhaps the club could give any updates with regards access to storage sites in general throughout the network.
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Hi everyone,
In light of the recent announcements by the government and its three step plan to re-open the country from the Covid-19 Lockdown we want to update you on the Clubs position regarding access to outfits in storage compounds on our site network.
The Club sites will remain closed in line with government guidelines, this also includes our storage areas, which form part of our sites. Whilst we appreciate this may cause some frustration and concerns, we have to ensure that we comply with the current legislation. You may wish to contact your current insurance provider and make them aware of this situation.
Our site staff, whilst remaining on site and checking the compounds to give an element of security, are currently furloughed to protect the Club for the future, which means they are not currently working and are unable to grant access to the storage area.
Whilst this is not the news you were hoping for I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued understanding and support and we look forward to welcoming you back to our sites soon.
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GR, have you contacted the club yet as some of us have already advised in other threads?
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Nothing like persistence GR. Thats the third time i've read your post, all in differnt threads.
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Yes, like many others I’ve tried. The staff will not budge. While campsites, etc are closed by the Govt., CAMC also cited non-essential travel. Now the situation is more fluid, it seems to be do with site staff being furloughed. Several have questioned this and whether these good folk are actually working if they’re carrying out security responsibilities.
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Sorry. I’ve found my way here after a couple of false-starts. And it’s a shame because several replies are valuable.
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So you’ve had an official response and you’ve read Rowena's post and seen the latest statement. What do you hope to gain by repeatedly posting the same words in, up to now, 3 threads? All you’re doing here is talking to fellow posters who can do no more than make suggestions.
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Further GR's post above.
I am in total agreement that access to storage should be available to enable members at the very least to recover their property.
I am very concerned that my Motor home is deteriorating with lack of use.
Battery probably flat which will result in no alarm or tracker, that with no site security means insurance is likely to be void.
Other likely problem is that the brakes are likely to be rusted up.
I appreciate that up until this week it was not possible with travel restrictions to collect my motor home but the changes made this week should now allow it.
I think the club is taking a very narrow view by including the storage facilities in with the main site.
Surely it should be possible with a little bit of planning to arrange for a non furloughed member of staff to meet at an arranged time with any member who wants to remove their property.
One person could surely deal with a number of sites.
This is all very stressful and whilst I wouldn't want to put any one at risk I think if there was the will among the club officers a sensible solution could be found while maintaining social distancing.
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I paid what for me is a great deal of money for my mh and I certainly cannot afford to replace it. Care and maintenance are essential tasks and a responsibility for all of us The present situation is detrimental for unused vehicles. So I think it’s worth struggling over. A little creative thinking could, as many imply, find a solution. In a members’ club we, the members, should be heard.
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You are not very likely to be heard hear, I'm afraid. When I asked if you'd followed suggestions of contacting the club, I wasn’t referring to site staff but to approaching head office - the people with power to make and change decisions. I urge you to do that again and again if necessary.
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I posted this a few weeks ago.
My caravan is in private storage just under a mile from home, the gate is locked and officially closed. Unofficially and by telephone first he will allow one person onto the site at any one time to check over their vehicle.
I walked to the site at a prearranged time and as part of my daily exercise, through a pedestrian entrance, checked it over, left a text message and left.
He has practiced common sense, social distancing, one person at a time, no contact with anyone and said it should not be a regular occurrence such as weekly.
Made sense to me.
Today he Emailed me and I assumed others that store on his site that the gate is unlocked, but to continue practicing social distancing.
Because of the amount of time static and no sites opening anytime soon, I went over today to raise the axle onto another notch on the axle stands to clear the ground completely instead of 'taking the weight'.
My thoughts on CAMC storage is they want to the GOV to pay as much and as long for as possible, finance is ruling rather than thinking of their customers needs. I also think that now it could be legally challenged.
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As of yesterday , the storage site I use is now open . Social distancing etc has to be observed and use of facilities is a no no . I feel sorry for any club members using my local CMC site storage ,as it is only half a mile up the road from where my van is .
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Thanks, Tw.
I’ve had a lot of email correspondence with Head Office. I’ve only resorted to this site after getting no help from them.
It’s very disappointing and completely dissolved any positivity I had to the CAMC.
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Sorry to hear you have had no help from the Club. Personally I would be fuming if I couldn’t get access to my property. We are thankful we didn’t pursue storing our caravan with the Club now. Ours is stored in a secure compound at a Caravan dealers and we can get access occasionally by special arrangement and appointment. We have been to ours once in the last 8 weeks. Hopefully the Club will see sense soon and allow members access to check their property.