Fuel discount card

RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that some of you will be receiving an email from Pump King’s customer service to advise that Pump King has been purchased by Horizon Fuel Limited and will now operate under Fuelpecker.

Fuelpecker has listened to customer feedback and developed set discounts off the pump price which means guaranteed savings and therefore no more weekly fuel price text messages or variable savings. Fuelpecker has also expanded the network to include Shell petrol stations. In addition, the Fuelpecker set discounts are now available in Europe so you can save whilst travelling.

Your Pump-King account will be cancelled and your information will be securely Deleted User from Pump-King on the 17th February 2020. Therefore your Pump-King card will not work after the 17th February 2020.

To continue benefiting from discounted fuel, you will need to sign up for your new Fuelpecker discount card here: Fuelpecker

We hope you take advantage of the new benefits with Fuelpecker.  For more information and FAQs please visit the Fuelpecker website. smile




  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2020 #2
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited February 2020 #3

    I didn't bother with Pumpking but this sounds more interesting with it including Shell stations  and "over there"


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited February 2020 #4

    Thanks for the information Ro.  I've signed up!  laughing


  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited February 2020 #5

    Hope we don’t get the same fiasco as the pump king fiasco

  • GMC
    GMC Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited February 2020 #6

    As an existing - and satisfied - Pump King card user, I would say that the new Fuelpecker version is a retrograde step, for two reasons:

    1. A fixed amount off the forecourt price will almost certainly be less advantageous than the weekly discounted price under Pump King.  This is unfortunate as far as motorway fuel in particular is concerned.  It looks as though I will once again plan to avoid all Esso motorway stations if at all possible.

    2. Whereas PK permitted payment via a credit card, in my case Fuelpecker refuses to accept mine, so it's debit card only.

    Not sure I'm going to bother any more as I'm not a large user.  Fuelpecker may be "excited" about their news, but all I can see is a downgrading of the savings under Pump King.  And I would be very surprised indeed if their "customer feedback" persuaded them to proceed in this way.  The CAMC is obviously aware of the change - have they any comment to make?  (If I have missed it then apologies in advance.)  

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2020 #7

    Have you read the OP from Rowena?surprised

  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited February 2020 #8

    If you read the faq’s the 1st one is about payment and says you can pay with credit or debit cards

  • CumbrianCaravanner
    CumbrianCaravanner Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited February 2020 #9

    I'm surprised there wasn't a mention of this in the latest club magazine (unless I missed it hidden in amongst all adverts). 

    Not everyone who is subscribed for the card will come on this forum. I haven't received any communication from pumpking about it and considering the current discount card will cease to work in just over a week it's not very much notice ! 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2020 #10

    If you use the card i think you will get an email (look in your junk box) but the discounts if now in operation is no where near the pump king price this week 1.23 .1 for diesel against 1.31 .9 cheapest esso here,and cheaper than any of the supermarket prices

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited February 2020 #11

    Current Tesco price here is 1.19p.l. with a 10p.p.l discount voucher. I have still ordered the FP  card, you don 't have to use it if you can get it cheaper elsewhere.



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited February 2020 #12

    I expect the mag went to print long before this happened.

  • dennisps
    dennisps Forum Participant Posts: 51
    edited February 2020 #13

    Anyone at CAMC want to explain what the price reduction actually is? The CAMC page: https://www.caravanclub.co.uk/membership/member-offers/fuel-card/ differs in prices from the FuelPecker page! I presume the CAMC one is incorrect?

  • StevieMcC
    StevieMcC Forum Participant Posts: 14
    edited February 2020 #14

    Ditched my pump king long ago - was barely getting any saving even when filling up at Esso, as pump prices were often the same or even less than the pk price!

    The way the whole scheme was administered, I’m not overly confident about my all my data being securely Deleted User, but what can you do?

    Not a chance will I personally be embarking on another rollercoaster ride with this scheme after the debacle of the pump king roll out, but good luck to all who gain benefit from this one. 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,928
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    edited February 2020 #15

    If only I had one of these new membership cards I could drive 15 miles to the nearest Shell fuel station and get a penny per litre reduction. Ah well...the joys of living in the countryside . 

  • Toro
    Toro Forum Participant Posts: 48
    edited February 2020 #16

    I have signed up to give me an additional option, but I think that I'll be using supermarket filling stations more than I did previously as the present difference between our local Asda and our local Esso station is 8.2p per litre. With the weekly price from Pump King the difference is 2.2p per litre, but with Fuelpecker it would be 4.2p per litre. 2p per litre dearer under Fuelpecker.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited February 2020 #17

    I have signed up to give me an additional option

    That was my thinking and with the addition of Shell and Coninental station it makes it more useable. Supermarket stations are not always the alternative. Some can be very difficult to get into especially on the Continent.


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,406
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    edited February 2020 #18

    We found it's not so much the getting into but out, due to ridiculous chicanes by the pay point, which wasn't even normally staffed.  Had to reverse out of two in September.😂

  • JohnM20
    JohnM20 Club Member Posts: 1,421
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    edited February 2020 #19

    I've tried to create an account this morning but hit a problem. The system asks for a password to be created using at least 8 letters. I've tried 8 letters, 10 letters, a combination of letters and numbers and a combination of letters numbers and symbols up to a total of 12 characters. Every time I get the same error message telling me that the password must be at least 8 letters and the application stops at that point.

    The website doesn't seem to give any way of contacting Horizon to sort out the problem. Not a good start Horizon (or CaMC).

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited February 2020 #20

    johnM, I had no problems with an 8 character figure letter combination. Might be a problem with your browser settings?


  • BlueVanMan
    BlueVanMan Club Member Posts: 384
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    edited February 2020 #21

    "We hope you take advantage of the new benefits with Fuelpecker"

    I am slightly surprised that CAMC feel able to endorse Fuelpecker or rather Horizon Fuels, a company which has only been in existence for eight months and which has a share capital of £100.  It has (understandably) not yet filed any accounts and has only one Director. they may be backed by (for example) Paypal for all we know but that is not discernible and presumably the Club don't know either. 

    On Fuelpeckers website there is a statement. :-

    "Fuelpecker is proud to have top global entrepreneurs and business people as investors and board members" (note plural )

    Well maybe they do but there is no UK company called "Fuelpecker" and there is only one director of Horizon, Tom Leyland who may or may not be a global entrepreneur but he has no other directorships.   With a  share capital of £100 there is little permanent capital invested in the company. 

    Furthermore if Horizon have "purchased" Pump King then that would normally mean that customer lists and data would be transferred to Horizon otherwise there would be little point in paying for the company, might as well just start up in competition. So athough of course  I don't know what has happened here and whilst it may be the case that   PK has "Deleted User" its user data it may also have transferred that data or at least cardholder details to Horizon. Anyway data would normally be retained by PK for a period insofar as necessary for audit or compliance purposes. 

    Whilst I appreciate that exact commercial relationships with companies may be at least in part confidential I have a concern that the reputation of the club could be tarnished by recommendations if these were not preceded by careful scrutiny of the supplier.

    Or to put that more simply I hope the Club have thoroughly investigated Horizon before (by implication) recommending them. 



  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited February 2020 #22

    although i share your concerns, i believe we went throught all these scenarios when Pumpking was rolled out to members.

    for me this new discount is rubbish if compared to todays prices

    esso fuel card £1.23 diesel local Shell £1.34 diesel.

    i guess we all take chances when we disclose our card details to anybody, but for all the shouting last time around i never heard of anybody getting scammed undecided

    dont do much UK mileage, but any saving is a saving, and card could be useful over there.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited February 2020 #23

    Went through exactly the same with Pumpkin which only came into existence a couple of months prior to being released to CAMC.  I suspect that the director is probably the same person but different company name.  Either way you are correct that the CMC should investigate the company more thoroughly.  After signing up with Pump King my junk email folder became full rapidly!

  • Unclemort54
    Unclemort54 Club Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2020 #24

    I agree with GMC, the new discounts are not as good. I use premium diesel and always make a considerable saving. I’ve just payed £1.311/litre against a pump price of £1.49/litre. Biggest losses with the new card will be on motorways. £1.69 compared to £1.37 at Scotch Corner in the not so distant past. I think the savings, even with the current card, have never been as good on standard fuel compared to premium.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited February 2020 #25

    I would recommend that you read their Privacy Policy before signing up.  BTW this is the first time that I have come across a site asking for a password that does not include numbers or characters.

  • Watendlath
    Watendlath Forum Participant Posts: 232
    edited February 2020 #26

    Like some others I had initial difficulty with my password, which has always contained upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, After re-reading the rules I just added enough extra letters to get to eight letters plus the other characters- accepted straight away.

    Odd that FP don't appear to understand that numbers etc are just computer code inputs the same as letters (as well as more secure), so why exclude them from the rules?

    Also I agree with others that the deal is worse than currently as my local Esso is £1.331 this week and PK is £1.231 - that's 10p per litre discount now compared to the "improved" 4p in the future. Still, its an option to have if I can make sensible use of it.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited February 2020 #27

    I seem to recall you were the chief trail blazer for pointing out all that was wrong with Pump King, so much bluff and bluster amounting to nothing except some savings on fuel in the end. I can honestly say i never received 1 piece of junk email when i signed up for Pump King. 

    Yes it is not good that it is now all change and we have to sign up for a new deal, but my guess is you will have had a Pump King card tucked away in your wallet despite all your bluff and blusterwink

  • Shires999
    Shires999 Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited February 2020 #28

     Anyone noticed that the T&C's on the Pump King website have already changed to Horizon Fuels?

    They also look identical to Pump Kings previous ones as are teh FAQ's on FP's website

  • Shires999
    Shires999 Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited February 2020 #29

    Also the discounts abroad aren't as good a the UK but I suppose 2c is better than nothing

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited February 2020 #30

    I generally buy my fuel in a supermarket either in the UK or abroad except for the gas guzzler's nirvana, Luxembourg. I've already got enough plastic in my wallet to destroy a planet or two.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited February 2020 #31

    BTW isn't the Fuelpecker website "illegal" as it does not have any contact information etc.  The only way to contact is via email?  There is not even an address on the website? 

    I registered yesterday and today decided to have another read of the T&Cs on the Fuelpecker site and they are nowhere to be found.  Not even hint?  Surely that is not correct and could be illegal according to current legislation?

    Seems the club has chosen another fly by night outfit to give us discounts.  BTW no mention of how they will process VAT payments?