Long term Winter stays in Spain / Portugal

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  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,509
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    edited February 2020 #5

    6 weeks away is tops for us, I start getting home sick if any longer. I think any long stay gets stale after a while, even being at home and like you WTG, I like to move on. So sorry no inspirqtion from me other than change your mode of travel. We throw in the odd cruise now and again but flying anywhere is just too much hassle.


  • Unknown
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    edited February 2020 #6
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  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,509
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    edited February 2020 #7

    Cruising doesn't appeal to everyone but it is a very lazy way to move on and to see the world. The days pass surprisingly quick as well.


  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,910
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    edited February 2020 #8

    Sorry WTG, can't help. We put the caravan away in winter and go travelling - never staying long anywhere and not Spain at all.

  • Unknown
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    edited February 2020 #9
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  • Longtimecaravanner
    Longtimecaravanner Club Member Posts: 643
    edited February 2020 #11

    I so envy those of you that spend the winter in Spain as I hate winter at home but hubby will not go for longer than six weeks as, like some of you, he gets homesick. However, I can't imagine staying at one site for those six weeks leave alone the whole winter, so I too would be very interested to know what people do for three months in the same place.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,509
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    edited February 2020 #12

    i remember the Uganda as a passenger ship on the East Africa run, never sailed on it though. I have been on quite a few passenger ships, fortunately I have never been sea sick. Modern ships are much larger and more stable and really do cope much better in rough weather than some of the earlier ships I have been on.

    I don't remember the >Nevasa< but Google says it was broken up in 1974



  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,509
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    edited February 2020 #13

    Quite a few of the winter sites run Facebook groups which if you can access them might give you an insight. There is usually plenty of entertainment laid on, some sites are better than others. Try checking out Marjal or Bonterra.


  • Unknown
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    edited February 2020 #14
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  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited February 2020 #16

    6 months on one site? Not for me. Would drive me up the proverbial wall. 

    I've stayed on sites in Spain for 4 weeks, mainly to pursue my own interests of birdwatching, cycling and walking with some culture thrown  in and have come across these 6 month stayers, who to me treat the site like their own feifdom and become the most incredible bores. Not everyone, I hasten to add, but sufficient to make sure I don't tarry too long. They end up in their own cliques and slip into their own daily rituals and heaven help anyone "passing through" that gets in their way. It reminds me a great deal of how newcomers in schools were treated by the higher forms. It would be a nightmare to us.

    I can fully understand why people wish to go for that length of time but count me out.

    So not much help to you WTG but another who prefers to move on before the afternoon drinks party becomes a habit.



  • Unknown
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    edited February 2020 #17
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,176
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    edited February 2020 #20

    I get itchy feet after six days let alone six weeks or six months!!! I wonder if the people that stay in one place for half the year are a breed apart from the regular touring caravanner/motorhomer? Their motivation must surely be different to those that like to tour? Perhaps they would be better off hiring an apartment but I suspect they fear they would miss comradery you would get on a campsite?  I have a vision of a care home in the open air!!! 


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited February 2020 #21

    We've met life long friends on long and shortish stays and still keep in touch. Funnily enough they all seem to be either German or French.

    We try to avoid pitching near anyone whose outfit contains bountiful alcohol bottles strewn about the place or underneath the caravan or M/h. However on our last visit to Germany we didn't have a lot of choice and were a bit horrified to see 3 crates of bottled beer underneath a 'van. It turned out that the lovely couple were on beer free diet, doctor enforced, and all of the bottles were alcohol free ones as the husband couldn't get out of the habit of having a couple in the afternoon! We enjoyed their company.smile So sometimes initial impressions can be misleading.

  • Unknown
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    edited February 2020 #22
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,176
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    edited February 2020 #23


    My post was meant to be a bit tongue in cheeksmile I was surprised it was you asking the question as you seem to be a person of many interests and you spending six months on one campsite in Spain somehow did not seem to compute, but perhaps I am wrong! We are not even sure we will venture abroad with our motorhome in future. Having spent the best part of the last 30 years travelling around Europe we may concentrate on the UK which has always been a bit second choice to our Continental touring. 


  • Longtimecaravanner
    Longtimecaravanner Club Member Posts: 643
    edited February 2020 #24

    Thank peedee I found the Bonterra programme.

  • Longtimecaravanner
    Longtimecaravanner Club Member Posts: 643
    edited February 2020 #25

    Most of what you do appeals to me very much and is similar to us when we go for our six week trips. Sadly on the list of organised things only the craft sessions and the coach trips to local interests appeal so maybe it is only the sunshine and the fresh air that I am missing out on on a personal level. Still wish hubby would agree to give it a try though.

  • Unknown
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  • Philnffc
    Philnffc Forum Participant Posts: 317
    edited February 2020 #29


    Interesting thread this on why some people can stay put on one site for that length of time.

    When we wintered Spain/Portugal for 12 year we only stayed 30 days at the most and that was to get the month discount because it can get very expensive staying the odd day here and there, on or about the 21st day we were usually bored rigid and wanted to move on I think this was a motorhome thing for us.

    We have now lived in the Alicante region for the last four years and we have never been bored once and find lots of things to do like weekends away in our motorhome usually to places we have never been before but  we do live in a working village though where there is lots happening.

    So WTG this  may be the way forward buy/rent a house to live here for the winter and use your outfit for weekends, Long time rentals near here are usually cheaper now then a month on a campsite. 



  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited February 2020 #30

    Strikes me lots of posts saying we wouldn’t go for 5-6 months.  No posts saying we went for 6 months and hated it.  Lots of speculation not many facts.  

  • Unknown
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    edited February 2020 #31
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