LPG pumps on campsites
You admitted on an earlier post that the "company"that employed you and had an LPG pump for employees to use on company vehicles the staff after being shown how to competently use the pump by anther competant employee could use the pump unsupervised, how would that be carried out on cc club sites with the general public, and it is noted that the site mentioned in the OP also needs a member of the office staff to be in attendance,
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Is the majority of CC Ltd customers still so dishonest, untrustworthy, and unsafe to be let out alone?
Irrelevant The Red Book recommends monitoring so the anybody filling does not have a fag in their mouth or are filling inappropriate containers/ A CMC risk assessment might determine that all members are angelic
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I would think as posted by others, motor caravans/campervans seem to be those with more "need?"for sites to have LPG pumps installed , would fill the gas tank when arriving or leaving sites , which would also mean moving to another spot as they would also be filling/emptying their tanks at a diferent areas
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And that was for an employee of the company who had not used the equipment before, how does that apply to a member of the public /member who wants to fill up at a club site and is not normally known to the site staff, it is a completely different set of circumstances, can you advise why you think that is a similar scenario? or are you saying that the staff should just accept that if a member says they have been shown before ,to leave them selves vunerable as in today's society, and anybody with any "legal knowledge?" I would not expect to try to wriggle by "liking" your post
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Have you ever used an LPG pump JVB?
I have used several, at petrol stations in various different countries, nobody has ever asked me if I know what to do, nor have I ever had anyone show me how to work the pump.
There are instructions on the pump. You cannot start filling if the nozzle is not properly connected. The nozzle is locked in position. The pump stops automatically in the same manner as a petrol pump. It also stops if you let go of the big button.
I do not see how you could "miss fill"
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Yes, UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland......probably other countries I cannot remember.
I do not think anyone is saying that staff should not be able to see what is going on, there could be CCTV, just that close supervision, or staff actually doing the filling, is not necessarily needed. That is how it is in fuel stations. You can ask for help if you need to.
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Which ever way you think ,it was still training/supervision of someone not used to useing the equipment
And as the op the same applys to anyone as noted in the site info,which according to fire service instruction is what is required ,,with remote pumps/tanks as on most caravan sites ,would also apply
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All the pumps as per regulations are as I have noticed in self serve fuel stations, have hopefully, "idiot proof?"instrutions and as with all pumps are controlled by the forecourt staff,any remote pumps are i.e. where you were "allowed?" as an authorised person after being shown/trained in the use ,,then as noted and checked on line any other remote pump is required to be attended/supervised, ,which it seems would include clubs or any other remote pump that the public have access to
As per the instructions on the site in the OP of this thread
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Missed your reply whe posted , but cannot understand where you think that at Henlow bridge and lakes site , does not to comply with the regs by not attending the lpg pump, as they say "on arrival call at the office so a member of staff can attend"