Alphabetical maladies
F Fungus. (not nice !! )
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H Halitosis - this thread needs a breath of fresh air.
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I Ingrown toenail .
Ouch !!
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K Knee pain/joint replacements !!.
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M Malaise - that should cover everything.
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N Nose Ache !! (them curtain twitchers !! )
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P Peritonitis .
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R Rhumatic Fever.
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T Trauma's..(lots of those in life !! )
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V Varicose veins.
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Y Yellow fever ( also available in scarlet)
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A Ah Ah A Tishoooo.
Lots of it about !!
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C Coronovirus !!
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E Emphasema - using quote marks and bold type
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F Flu'