Floods and car insurance
Watching on TV, cars driving through flood water, including areas where it was obviously very extensive and possibly very deep in some places, made me wonder about insurance. If a driver decides to drive through the water and then gets stopped part way through, probably having to abandon the vehicle, would their insurance company pay out?
If a car is parked up,say overnight, and the flood waters rise suddenly and engulf the vehicle I would thing the owner has a good claim but for if the owner knowingly and willingly drove into water of an unknown depth I think it would be a totally different matter.
Without actually experiencing that level of stupidity I think insurance has a negligence clause, as in if a person knowingly were negligent it allows the insurance company to refuse part of the claim. I’ve read it & heard about it but I have no empirical evidence. It does sound fair too👍🏻
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When driving solo from the High Onn site about 8 years ago there were a lot of floods. It is not always easy to know the flood depth if you can't see any road in the flooded sag curve in front. Before driving through one such section I carefully considered the likely depth by assessing the Post Office van that was abandoned in about the middle.
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There was plenty of negligence shown round here starting Friday. Astonishing just how unthinking some folks are with their vehicles. Lemmings following nose to tail, one got stuck, they are all stuck. And then the water started to get deeper.......and deeper.......and deeper. That was Meadowhell for most of Friday, folks wading out to safety, everything on total shutdown.
Edit Someone goes for it........and fails miserably https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=meadowhall+floods+2019&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=nimv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjf0omc9-HlAhXARxUIHcvzDb4Q_AUoAnoECBAQAg&biw=1024&bih=666#imgrc=ffRqjiHUVDZjmM
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The ford in this picture has warning signs. So could be an interesting claim.
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I like the video on this link. About 10 seconds in it demonstrates the wisdom of your words
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Yes, it’s the same one in my link ET. It demonstrates the classic not looking beyond the bonnet end driver.
What’s highly amusing, is that a lot of the drivers share a common theme.......Vorsprung Durch Technik, if you get my drift.....😂
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Yup, the ones who believe red traffic lights/give ways/no overtaking/disabled parking et al are for mere mortals😂😂
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When I was about 17 my wife to be was driving her dads car. Don't think that she had driven it before I think she had not long passed her test and would have been 18. She was driving, with me in the car, along some country roads. I said to her that she had best slow down as there was likely to be floods around the next bend. Told her twice! Did she take her foot of? No.
The car was an Austin 1100. She hit the predicted flood at speed and car surfed nicely as far as the middle of the deepest section and then seemed to sink down into the water. I got out in bare feet and trousers rolled taking care not to splash the water lapping just below the door. I pushed the car to where it was only mid shin deep. I opened up the distributor and dried it, took plug leads off plugs to make sure that they were dried, wiped plugs and put the leads back. As I was putting the final leads back I stupidly said 'When I say you can try and start'. As I got a belt from the coil all the way to my jaw my next words were 'No fear when I say'.
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😂 we have had a few 1100’s and 1300’s. Now they would go again.....😁
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Ah, but the rust would have got you at a later date.....😂
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One of the upsides of owning a 4x4 is the fact they’re designed to go thru water to a degree more than std vehicles. Knowing of the bow wave effect helps too👍🏻😊
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Yup. I took on a very large puddle on Friday. I waited until my exit was clear (didn’t want to get caught behind a numpty), told Mum to hang on, and got that lovely shove you give water up front. We had no problems......those in the other lane however.......😂
All that practice in the fords on NY Moors down the years helped. My OH taught me all about 4x4 driving as soon as I passed my test.