Wet? Not yet!

AsyDRabbit Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited November 2019 in Motorhomes #1

Water is not all around me.

I'm assuming this is due to my ignorance of some basic fact or a malfunction rather than a bad set up, but in brief I bought a motorcaravan a month or so ago. On inspection I tested the taps and spurts came out. I was told they didn't let it sit with water in the tank. Seemed fair enough.

Finally filled my tank and now I can't seem to get the tap, shower, or flush to do much, although the flush does give a weak dribble - unsure if it is getting water or if that's a remnant.

Anyone have recommendations for someone I can take it to to have a look around the Oxford / Northampton area? Or potentially Canterbury as I have some business there to occupy me for a few days. I alsl have a question about a switch if unknown provenance which doesn't seem to do anything, so if they do electricals that's dandy to :)

In case anyone has any suggestions about ways I can help myself, the van is a Fiat Ducato 1998 reg, 2500 cc.

There's a PowerManagement System 3.4 fascia on the electrics, by a company called Plug-in Systems. There's a separate switch with a Malaga Water heater, according to the nameplate, which shows a malfunction light after a few seconds.

Superficial information but ... it's a start right? 🤔😅


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited November 2019 #2

    There will normally be a switch to activate the water pump. ( the 12volt system will also need turning on) Then when the taps are opened you will hear the pump activate. The pump might be a submersible in the tank and fairly quiet, or outside of the tank and noisier. The normal procedure then would be to fill the hot water tank, after first closing the drain valve on it. This is achieved by leaving a tap open on the hot setting until water spurts out. Then switch to cold to remove air from the cold pipes. Operate any other taps / shower to purge air from those. If your not getting a noise from the pump it may be faulty. Check the relevant fuse, if that's OK you probably need a new pump.

    Some flushes will work off the main tank, some will have a separate tank that will also need filling.

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited November 2019 #3

    Is there no handbook for this motorcaravan ?  And i dont mean the Fiat one. Most motorhomes are built onto Fiat chassis. SO it is the make of the conversion that will identify it fully.

    All the above details i agree with, but you will have other problems that more information will help solve.

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited November 2019 #4

    Just as an aside, plug-in systems was widely used in motorhomes and caravans at the time. We had a Swift caravan with one of there units (it failed!). I’m not suggesting they were no good but if you have problems there should be some knowledge around.

    As for why the pump or toilet flush aren't working, I think that’s well covered by the replies above. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,188
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    edited November 2019 #5

    Just something simple that might have been overlooked. They clearly drained the water and heater tanks before you picked it up, any chance they left them open? I know  Steve has mentioned this but even if the main tank valve is closed the heater one might not have been which would cause a constant air lock.  



  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited November 2019 #6

    At the Canterbury end of the A28 (Canterbury_ Ashford )road ' there is a big M/H garage . Sorry can't for the life of me remember it's name .

  • AsyDRabbit
    AsyDRabbit Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited November 2019 #7

    Thanks for the replies guys, I'll take a peek.

    Sadly I'm largely inept. I'll have a Google and see if I can find where the valves would be.

    The water tank does have water in as the indicator shows that when it previously showed it as empty, and I do hear the pump running.

    I'll try the methods you've suggested SteveL :)

     No handbook I'm aware of Ray.

    Choose Leisure Ltd  or Motorhome Aire ring a bell Trellis?


    Thank you all for your time.  I'll give it a go tonight or tomorrow and see if I can get anywhere :)

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited November 2019 #8

    With the temperatures starting to fall below freezing at night, once you have managed to get everything running, you will need to drain everything down, if you are not going to use the van or heat it against frost. Ours is in a storage compound so we can't keep it heated and therefore drain it down.

    You will need to open the water heater drain valve, open the taps in a central position and drain the system down. Plus open the drain valve in the water storage tank and fully empty that, also the waste tank. The flush if a separate tank should also be drained. Sometimes there will be other valves that need opening for winterising the MH, there are on ours. If you can get hold of a handbook these will be mentioned under winterising.

    If you are on site it is best doing the above before you leave. Driving home with everything open, should shake out any last drops. Leave taps etc open in storage until next use.

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited November 2019 #9

    Choose leisure certainly rings a bell .😀😀. That's the one .

  • AsyDRabbit
    AsyDRabbit Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited November 2019 #10

     Water heater drain valve ... No clue what that is :)

    Will Google it though.

    I live in it full time so I'll be wintering in it.

    Almost everything seems to be functioning now. I'm guessing it was air in the pipes. I left the taps on and eventually they began running.

     The shower only runs when the hot dial is turned though, the cold doesn't seem to do anything even if left in what I'm assuming is the on position.


    Toilet still doesn't flush but may be a separate tank. I'll check for that when it's less rainy outside :p

    Just turned on heater to test if that functions. Although it's gone from malfunction to operation and back to malfunction which is where it's stayed.



    Water did come out smelling and a bit discoloured but I think that's because I thought it was the fuel hatch and put a few drops of diesel in there.


     I'll assume that'll run out given time, and using some tablets. I only drink and wash up from bottles so should be fine as it'll only be for showering as toilet seems not to be linked.

    And @trell, cool I'll take it there if I can when next around thanks :)

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited November 2019 #11

    Glad to hear you got the water running.

    Not sure about showering in diesel laced water. However, if you are able to stand under it, I would think the hot flow is being diluted with cold, unless the water heater is on a very low setting. Our showers have only ever had the one tap, full hot one way - full cold the other - warm in the middle.

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited November 2019 #12

    Diesel in the fresh water tank is VERY hard to cure, and often results in having to replace the tank. As the water will always now carry a taint of diesel.  One of the prime 'DO NOT DO THIS'  rules of motorhoming. Bad luck.