Have CAMC over priced some sites
Unless I'm missing something, it looks more like double that per night, which considering it is well past the holiday period is a bit steep.
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If the problems that some of the unsupervised children have caused in the showers and toilets here over this last weekend are the norm over the network then the parents or grandparents as well are not being charged enough
And as Rosa has not been to well we have stayed on site so have noticed the children being allowed,as modern speak "to be children"
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lts alright for us who are retired we get mid week discounts, can't see where family's get their discounts. If we want to encourage the younger end to take up our hobby we need to give some incentive, l would like to see children below the age of 16 to go free, once they into A levels they are normally not interested with coming with mum and dad anyway. If we lose the younger end then we lose as well. Have you thought how much a family of 5 would have to pay for a couple of weeks say at Bridlington it's frightening. I remember taking my family in the early eighties it was nowhere near the prices of today even taking in inflation from that time. I would gladly pay another quid on my site fees to combat the loss of the children's fees. Now l will reach for my tin hat
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Heethers, you forget that there are already discounts for children. We are also reliably informed that younger people have far bigger incomes than us old timers and site reviews complaining of hordes of noisy children on site bear out the theory that families are willingly paying up and using sites in peak times in vast numbers.
While you may not mind paying an extra quid on your site fees, many complain that they are already too expensive and are starting to drift towards CLs and other cheaper sites. That’s not going to keep the club’s financial head above water in the long term. Think of the bigger picture here.
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Doesn't everyone get the midweek discount.
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Sounds cheap to me.
I suppose it depends on your idea of cheap/expensive. Everyone will have their own take on that no one is wrong.
And of course the same with hardstandings v grass?
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Well a family of five at Bridlington will certainly pay less than at Seacroft yet the site was full of such families for the time I was there.
Also you maybe forgetting that such a family will have purchased a five birth outfit costing possibly many tens of thousands before even getting to Bridlington.
Even taking the initial outlay into account we found caravaning far better value than package holidays.
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Put holiday time in.
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Well I did say that everyone has to judge cheap/expensive for themselves and no one is wrong, but it appears that your definition is the correct one we have to abide by?
Personally £30 for a night away is cheap by of any stretcht of imagination, but that is just my personal opinion and do not impose that judgement on anyone else?
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But for some people that have Caravan Club running through their veins £130 per night would be cheap ..... 😘
Just a tad naughty MM
And £30+ a night is not cheap
No not cheap but you did choose to use it. I go off tomorrow and will visit 6 sites; three are CC sites at £28.60, £24 and £25.9
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Only a tad but remarkedly restrained ..... 🙄
Yes .... I did chose it but only out of convenience for an over night stop and in the grand scheme of the week away it was a small part of the over all cost. But I still consider it expensive vs the £14 per night I'm now paying .
PS .... Shouldn't you be in bed considering you'll be up at O'crack Sparrow fart? 😉
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The difference between the younger generation and us wrinklies is that, generally speaking, we might be asset rich but are income poor. It is income that we need to pay site fees and therefore many club sites seem prohibitively expensive.
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Surely it is a question of value for money rather than cheapness. I agree with MM compared to many CLs at £14p.n. A Club site which offers just a facility block more than a good CL for £30p.n. is not value for money. Whether you're a wrinkly or someone with a family I think it all boils down to value and what you want for your annual holiday. For many working couples with children, its a lot more than a hard standing and a facilities block..
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A Club site which offers just a facility block more than a good CL for £30p.n. is not value for money.
Is not the value that you seek
it all boils down to value and what you want for your annual holiday.
Exactly BB it either boils down to what you want on your holiday or what you are prepared or able to pay.