A bit early for April 1st

It's certainly the sort of thing you would expect to see in the newspaper on the 1st April. As it's August I assume it's genuine. 😂 What will they think of to waste tax payers money on next?
A pedestrian 'slow lane' for people using their mobile phones is to be painted in Spinningfields.
The idea, a marketing stunt from online retailer AO.com, is to stop mobile phone 'zombies' from bumping into each other in the street.
The 75m long lanes will be in place on Hardman Boulevard for one day only.
According to a post on the Spinningfields Facebook page, 'research has shown that Manchester is the hot-spot for bumping into people on the street due to being too busy looking down at your phone'.
The post adds: "For just one day, busy, tech-savvy workers on Spinningfields will be able to email, text and message without the fear of bumping into anyone!"
It may be a light-hearted gimmick, but the concept of mobile phone safety for pedestrians is fast becoming a genuine topic of public concern.
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They don’t half yelp when they clip their ankle’s on Mum’s wheelchair!
It’s a form of natural selection. Too busy to watch where you are going? Bang. Desperate to get that oh so dangerous selfie? Byee....
At one time the Gov. would have put out a monotone voiced warning advert, but the attention span isn’t there any more.
Cynical? Sorry, yes.🤷♂️
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If I see a phone zombie approaching, I often just stand still and wait to see how long before they notice I'm there. Mostly they do seem to look up at the last moment.
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I drove out of work one day and the first 100 meters of my journey is a pedestrianised area so it's 1st gear and crawl along until I reach the road system. One day a young man was walking towards me, head down engrossed in his phone. He didn't look up, so I stopped the car realising that he wasn't aware that I was there. (I drive a diesel 4x4 so it's not quiet!) He carried on walking and just before he was about to walk into the front of my car, I blipped the horn ☺️ It scared him silly, but he laughed and was a little embarrassed. A few people watching were laughing!
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It's not just the texting that is concerning. I think using them to play music particularly dangerous in certain circumstances. We passed a jogger in Clumber Park a few days ago, ear phones in, back to traffic flow. It was particularly busy as it's school holidays. I suppose in this case at least it's a park and the traffic is slower. Although it's not that unusual to see similar on the normal roads.
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The worst place I have seen this phenomenon is the main corridor at the Royal Derby Hospital at 5.00pm when many of the staff are leaving for the day. They are constricted into a walkway 3m wide with various pinch points where the doors are. Great fun to watch but heaven help those walking into the hospital against the flow. I suppose they think they are in the right place if there is a serious accident.