Wi-fi on club sites
It wasn’t me who was provocative with the initiating comments made on pages 2-3, Steve, but I’m prepared to leave it there.
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I have to say I find the OP really amusing , "free wi-fi " on buses and places to eat / drink etc I don't think so . In my area bus prices increased to be shortly followed by "free wi-fi " , and I'm sure that's across the board .What happens then is everyone pays whether they want wi-fi or not. At least CMC show it as an extra , then becomes your choice .There would soon be plenty of whining if they increase pitch prices to be shortly followed by "free wi-fi " .Be careful what you wish for .As to its quality , that's for another time .
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Correct streaming is the major problem at both clubs .smart tvs ? The suggestion is you download and watch later . But everybody has tea then goes berserk on internet .Me book .wife ,have a guess
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Me again ..if youre on the bus why do you need wifi ? bus has windows to look out of ..If you go for a meal dont you talk ? Can you walk without youre phone stuck in hand ?
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I can accept it does not"work for you?" but as Steve and i have found on plenty of sites that if used as it has been set up ,then the majority of times i have not found it to be unusable,even the Hotspots at Clumber park and Notgrove sites do as they were set up for,but as with anything it is open to "abuse"at times
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Tend to agree with all the comments about wifi - largely useless outside the comfort of your own home network, so data is the way to go. Wifi site fees vary considerably for generally poor service, some are outrageous, particularly on the continent.
One unexpected benefit I discovered this year is that media players like iPlayer don’t recognise you’re outside the UK if you use data rather than wifi to access. So, if you’re own a long trip, a long way from home and missing a bit of UK telly, data is the way to go - happy I got to see the final episode of ‘Line of Duty’. Data is also fairly secure, any wifi other than your own network is potentially insecure.
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Need a lot of data to watch telly.
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It certainly is, BB. I can see the day coming when landlines and even fibre broadband will be a thing of the past as the mobi coverage continues to improve and package costs become more competitive and all encompassing.
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Not as much as you might think if you download the odd programme from iPlayer. I don’t go touring to watch TV so it’s only stuff I’m desperate to view. In my experience, value for money compared to paying for slow, unreliable wifi - downloads quickly via 4G. Not sure about Android stuff, but I use my iPhone as a personal hotspot for my iPad so bigger screen to watch it on. Also useful when a secure connection is required for internet banking etc.
I think history will show us that wifi is just a phase we passed through and something better emerged. Too many organisations have seen it as a ‘cash cow’ and try to sell us an underdeveloped, not fit-for-purpose product at inflated cost.
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I am not prepared to pay for something which should be included in the price. Club sites are not cheap. I can get free Wi-Fi on the bus in the local café, pub, McDonald's and library.
Like many members we have been to Europe this year and free Wi-Fi was available at no charge on all the 5 sites we visited. Alright we couldn't watch TV or download videos. We don't want to we are on holiday.
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So we have "free?" wifi no where it is all costed in the prices and as the cc wifi is supplied by a company is responsible for the supply and the running of it ,how much extra will ALL members who stay on sites that have wifi be prepared to pay on top of , as some say already too high site fees to have it "free" for those who want it,
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Like many members we have been to Europe this year and free Wi-Fi was available at no charge on all the 5 sites we visited. Alright we couldn't watch TV or download videos. We don't want to we are on holiday.
CAMC wifi isn't up to that task either, even though it is paid for.
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CAMC wifi isn't up to that task either, even though it is paid for.
Have you tried to watch TV or video on CC wifi recently or is that what you have heard CY?
We don't generally watch TV in the caravan but I do watch some youtube video -no idea how that compares. I will I suspect watch for 15 to 20 mins a day to catch up on some youtubers that I follow and generally have no problem watching. Regards TV we have watched 3 episodes of University Challenge in the last 12 months on CC sites without problem - couldn't be faffed getting TV out and tuning for so little use
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I’d say you were fortunate. We visited 30 sites this year over a 10 week period in France/Portugal/Spain and I reckon we got useable Wifi (day or evening) on 2 sites, paid for or free. Similar story last year, but different countries.
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Have you tried to watch TV or video on CC wifi recently or is that what you have heard CY?
No I haven't. My visits to club sites make purchasing the wifi, whatever its performance level uneconomic. I've just browsed the Forum with it when it has been 'adequate'. I based my comment on the statement that the product is not intended for streaming.
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I based my comment on the statement that the product is not intended for streaming.
I base my comments on personal experience CY. As for how 'uneconomic' or otherwise that depends largely on personal usage. For me it is certainly economic at less than 40p a day for the time that I stay on CC sites with wifi.
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how much does it actually cost to put a broadband service over an existing phone line and then route it to the site via a couple of masts?
No idea BB. But it works for me and I am happy to pay the annual cost to enable my usage on CC sites which probably account for about half my annual site nights. For many it may not be economical as it depends on their usage patterns. If it was free and used by more folk then I doubt that it would be as usable as I find it to be at present.
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The economics of it in relation to site nights is perhaps not all that relevant, certainly for myself. The amount I pay for my mobile sim is considerably more than £27.50 a year. Although I do make some calls and texts, in the main it is used for data applications. Whilst away I use a large proportion of my monthly allowance. However, at home the phone locks onto the house WiFi and a lot remains at the end of the month, which is lost. Not really a lot of different from the CC WiFi, I am paying for something I am not using to its maximum.
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My feeling is that with a mobi contract package you have the convenience being able to use it almost anywhere at anytime. That’s worth something to me. Some operators now allow roll over of unused data to the following month which might be of benefit.
(Btw, Steve, I’ve just returned from two nights on a club site and the wifi lived up to my expectations🤣🤣🤣🤣.)
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I was was looking at this and wondering if there is any reason we cannot take it with us when we are in the van? Cannot see any FAQ that covers that.
Cost is comparable to what we pay for our land line and broadband at present.
While away we use a 3 preloaded data SIM, so "paying twice" for when we are away.
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It does say you can plug it in anywhere you want broadband so I guess that includes your caravan wherever it rests.
Perhaps the difference is that the 3 Network 4G broadband is just that - broadband. Your landline gives you calls as well. 🤷🏻♂️
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We do not have a calls package with our landline, we just use our PAYG mobiles, as we make very few calls, so we could continue with that.
Banks etc and anyone who needs to call us already have our mobile numbers.
Would be worth it to not get nuisance calls!
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It certainly sounds worth investigating further, Kj.