Proportion of Serviced v Standard Pitches
it's exactly this as to why booking a type of pitch should be a none starter.
Do we actually know that everybody wants a hard standing or is another case of a minority shouting louder than the rest? I certainly can't abide hard standings and will seek out CLs & CC sites that have grass pitches
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At least if the site is all grass or has an area that is all grass there's the option to move pitches about to even out any wear ... if it has loads of gravel, then that option has been removed.
I think Nunnykirk is a great site because it's all grass.
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I think lots of folks who want a HS pitch, but find only grass available will simply go elsewhere, be it another Club Site or somewhere entirely different. A lot of folks who tour nowadays simply don’t have the vehicle or extras that make life that bit easier if it has to be grass. No criticism, it’s just choice. As is between HS or grass.
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That would only be the case if they had turned up on spec, if they had booked then they would have already chosen between grass and HS.
I doubt many turn up on spec for a 2 week stay.
We used one of the sites where the pitch surface could be booked, we did not see any confused members, all the HSs were in use, but only a few of the grass pitches.
We knew we had booked HS, warden confirmed we had booked HS, everyone was happy
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would that over in Europe David?
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well put
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I think times have moved on.
You regular posters seem to be prepared to "Muck in" for want of a better expression. Not a criticism, an observation.
I'm probably more representative of the future, again cant think of a better description.
I dont want to have to spend an age levelling, carry the necessary equipment, car slipping to get to a pitch
I want ease, reliable, workable, the picture on the caravan magazine, I want that. Happy smiley times, not hard graft.
We have been on 3 CMC sites this year location good, facilities poor! Is this because the average CMC member is happy to compromise on the promised happy camping experience promoted?
Give me lazy easy pitches every time, those are level hs pitches fully serviced.
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I'm sure there is an underlying concern, particularly among M/Homers, that conditions may result in difficulty in getting off a pitch. This could be alleviated by providing reinforced grass pitches which would reassure members in the event of adverse weather. Then only the "gasp, shock, horror" brigade who baulk at the idea of a blade of grass walked into their van would insist on a HS in all circumstances.
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Have just been reading some of this discussion so these are some of my personal thoughts/comments.
DD’s post - What counter arguments have they put forward for not enabling pitch type booking? It would be interesting to know this.
BB’s post - if your chosen pitch type not available for your entire stay, change pitch type to complete booking... Personally I think this would be somewhat time consuming/difficult for those staying for longish periods who have awnings etc. especially if they have to move more than once.
W & M’s post - We have been on 3 CMC sites this year location good, facilities poor! Is this because the average CMC member is happy to compromise on the promised happy camping experience promoted? Would be interesting to know which sites as some are only managed by CMC. Warwick Racecourse comes to mind as dated but kept clean by wardens when we were there.
Personally I am happy with any type of pitch providing it is in the area I want to be at that moment in time. Having said that I don’t book too far in advance so if weather has possibly caused soft ground I would choose HS at a pitch provider nearest to where I want to be. Hope something positive comes out of this discussion regarding the OP of pitch provision at the Cayton site near Scarborough. Off to prep the LV now for some time away.
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Give me lazy easy pitches every time, those are level hs pitches fully serviced.
I would agree with the HS and generally level, W&M. Whilst being perfectly able to level our outfit, I don't obtain any particular enjoyment from it. Particularly now with the MH, it is much easier to correct any minor discrepancy by direction of pitching, than messing about with ramps. Also much quicker if we want to go out for the day.
However, whilst we would always go for the service pitch, if available, when we had a caravan. It wasn't a deal breaker and we would happily opt for a standard pitch. Now with a MH it is more likely we would opt for one in order to guarantee HS.
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Have a Hotel on wheels, better food, waitress and after hours service! 🙄
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Agree, my main reason for going for H/S is not wanting to get bogged down ( fwd motorhome) if it rains for several days. But in saying that today we are at New England Bay on a lovely grass pitch, albeit that the grass is about an inch deep over a solid base of round beach stones. Best of both Worlds ? enjoying being away...6 weeks and counting.
Wouldnt pay an extra £3.90 a night for a serviced pitch....dont need one..its what motorhomes have tanks for. Pitches are dear enough as it is.
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"We have been on 3 CMC sites this year location good, facilities poor! Is this because the average CMC member is happy to compromise on the promised happy camping experience promoted?"
It'd be interesting to know which three CAMC sites you've been on with poor facilities. We've also been on 3 - Cirencester, Bridlington & Putts Corner and it would be hard to criticise the standard of facilities on any of those. Or are you talking about "extra" facilities like a bar, restaurant pool etc?
Having said that we've been on more CLs and C&CC sites and have also been happy with the facilities at those. Maybe we don't have such high expectations, maybe we're less discerning, but we've been campers/vanners for the best part of 50 years now and have enough experience to know when things are not up to scratch.
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As been said before over there practices (and prices) have no bearing what so ever for sites in the UK.
And this is the UK touring section and you, or one, has to live with what happens in the UK, so yes I think it does matter. Bringing in irrelevancies is not at all helpful as such practices cannot and are unlikely to influence what happens over, and vice versa of course.
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as Oscar Wilde said "the more something changes the more it remains the same" good to see all the old topics being regurgitated time and time again, by the same band of loyal members, for me as long as i can get my caravan on a pitch and have a reasonable amount of space to put my deck chair I dont really care whether grass, HS, although i have to say i do prefer half HS and half grass, svcd or just bog standard are fine.
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We have strayed a little from DKs opening post a little😁
We have only been on a serviced pitch once. Small private site in South Wales. Owner said use which ever you want, so we had top of site for views. Didn’t charge us extra, £15. I think I recall using tap on pitch for filling dogs bowl.
If Club puts in a lot of service pitches, and then wants a lot extra to use them, then we won’t stay, go elsewhere. They can do what they like with Clayton Bay. I doubt we will ever use it, nor the other Scarborough site.
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I am with you 100%. Who wants sweaty half hour after a long journey, probably with children, queuing to pay and then finding a pitch. Give me a level pitch and a mover any day. Make it like the magazine pictures, a glass of wine and the setting sun.
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I'll let you into a little secret, agree with you 100 pct, however, if this is not possible stick the van on the pitch, send the children down the play park, sit down have your glass or 2 of wine watch the setting sun, then think about the chores, they always look less daunting after a snort
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Reverse onto pitch, adjust position with mover if necessary, if we need to level, so would a MH. Legs down, wastemaster out, then sit down for lunch or whatever. Everything else can wait.
May take a few minutes more than BB, but still no sweat.
W+M, just remember that some exercise is good for you!
On a CCC site at present, water and waste are about 20m from our pitch, on a HS but plenty of grass all around to sit on. £16.52 per night right now, at that price I am more than happy to walk the short distance to the service point!