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Just an aside but don't you think sometimes the beauty of a place is really in the eye of the beholder. We did a house exchange with a family who live in a village on the Vesle. The place that the OP is so keen to mention. We loved it there and mentioned all the petty villages and "petite" champagne château (of which they recommended some for good value local champagne.) Our exchange family were surprised, didn't we realise everything had been rebuilt after WW1!? Well no we didn't realise that but had noticed the many sad WW1 graveyards attached to so many places. Our exchange family longed to see the UK and its less disturbed villages and countryside. We've remained life long friends from that exchange, it was a special journey for both families.
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That's fine David. Glad you enjoy your touring.
Our priorities for enjoying a tour probably differ somewhat. There are parts of Spain I have enjoyed, mainly away from the coastal areas such as Extramadura but I have to hold my hand up and disagree with Dunclairs assertion that the UK seems to be the only country with a litter problem. It's not. Spain is in my view worse.
Sure, there have been places that I have visited that have made efforts to clean up the area but having seen excessive litter from the South West (Isla Cristina) to the South East (Cabo de Gata) to the North West (Oviedo) to parts of Girona in the North East I felt I must redress the balance. And I am sure that there will be plenty of places that are excellent at litter control .
We'll still go to our favourite area to visit Aquamoll Nature Reserve but that will be it.
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We have just arrived home after 7 weeks in France. We hardly saw any Brits until our last stop at Neufchatel en Bray.
This year it was mostly the French that we shared our sites with, hardly surprising you say as it was France we were in
but we have been going twice a year for the last 8 years and never seen as many. Usually it's been Dutch, German and Brits. This year we hardly saw any Dutch until we were at Blois, I would say 75% of the site was Dutch. The Brits and Germans probably made up 20%, the rest French, Belgium and Danish.
Was it because this year we had a caravan rather than MH ? could be we used different sites, different areas, probably.
Sites were very busy in some places and almost empty in others.
We do find France cleaner than the UK, by that I mean it looks tidier, prettier more loved and cared for. The villages have lovely flowers and nice tidy verges, most places seem to be litter free.
The contrast today on the drive from Hull to Scotland with litter alongside the roads, service areas filthy and smelly. Verges like jungles with road signs that can't be seen due to trees blocking them. Really sad to see our country like this.
Would I choose to live elsewhere, yes, not for the reasons stated though.
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I do personally think that the UK is far better pace to live in, and while there are good views/places/cities all over the world there are many just as good over here, and that goes for campsites too.
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+1, I came across these temps in Egypt 42c+, not fun at all. I spent most time outdoors in the pool. I love our climate. I’m one of these people that realises that a Northern climate will never have predictable weather. The only predictability of our climate is-it’s not predictable👍🏻😊
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That is true, but at least we don't get extremes of (high) temperatures all of the time?
but yes sadly true, but part of the charm of over here. But I think a lovely summer's day over in the lakes just cannot be beaten. (or insert your favourite location)
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I think it was due to the retreating glacial ice 10/12k years ago JV, with a bit of tectonic plate movement from millions of years ago👍🏻. Happy to help😊
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Don’t be shy BB, I’ll help you-because we live in a wonderful caring & welcoming society👍🏻. Happy to help2😊
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What a muddled thread this has become! First an OP about needing to book because a camp site in France was full, then a mention that not many Brits are to be seen and later a rant about the UK and not wanting to go home as it's awful in the UK!
Then posts about the state of the UK, the litter, the rottenness of it all.
Strange really as none of us, (unless we're going away to do scientific studies of poverty and deprivation) head for the slums of France and other European countries, likewise in the UK too. We head for the "nice" spots and say how lovely it is and how it all seems so much better when we're there, ignoring the downsides of all countries where there certainly are areas we'd not like to stay in for long and where people struggle with their daily lives.
Holidays give us a break, a change of scenery, somewhere to relax and forget things, a shift from reality in many cases.
And yes some of us stay nearer to home experiencing the same sense of freedom and pleasure but we're all doing the same thing. We're all just having a holiday.