New member and site booking



  • Unknown
    edited June 2019 #32
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited June 2019 #33


    We don't know yet but you could get your way with regard to deposits as we know there is going to be a new improved booking system and the Club would not confirm one way or another whether that included deposits!

    Whether people book long and cancel late but still within the rules is a sort of six of one and half a dozen of another sort of thing. That late cancellation is my blessing as I rarely book more than four weeks ahead. I just don't know how anyone can book a year in advance and have absolute certainty that they will be in a position to fore fill that booking. I suspect if there were deposits the number of very advanced bookings would fall substantially, nothing like money up front to focus the mind!!! The trouble is there is no perfect booking system, they all have their faults. Whichever way the booking system goes the one thing that can be guaranteed  there will be a full discussion about it on herewink


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2019 #34

    I just don't know how anyone can book a year in advance

    I never have a problem David wink Yes ill health might prevent me taking them up but that can happen anyway.

  • Wellys and Mac
    Wellys and Mac Forum Participant Posts: 447
    edited June 2019 #35

    For balance

    Michelle and myself both have full time jobs mine is permanent nights, Michelle has three shift patterns as well as a weekend rota.

    We book at least 9 months in advance for 3 of our 4 annual holidays, I have a booking with the club now for a week in October made several months ago.

    We pretty much live for the weekends, hence our seasonal pitch which is for weekend use, but before we had this we would book around a dozen weekends at the same site, commercial, deposits taken, this site would also be fully booked at weekends leading upto and in peak periods. I've witnessed people arriving on spec and been turned away!

    The site I have my seasonal pitch stopped doing touring, because weekends became manic and too much to cope with.

    I doubt very much a change in the booking system (deposits) would free up vast amount of pitches for people to book closer to their dates, as demand for certain sites will at the moment always be high.

    My own reason for joining this year was a week in Sandringham in February, I didn't and dont care about the cost, including the membership fee, I'm quite happy to have paid the combined sum for that weeks stay, as my demands at that time were met.

     I've also picked up that the younger adults are placing more emphasis on work life balance, so perhaps a sprinkling of more leisure time to use is a contributing factor too.

    In my opinion lack of weekend availability is a result not of a system of no deposits but of increased sales of caravans and Motorhomes and the time ability and will to use them.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited June 2019 #36

    I don't like planning too far ahead but sometimes it is necessary usually when it is known choice is going to be limited or none existent if you leave it too late. Unlike those that chase cancellations, I cannot be bothered. If there is nothing available I look elsewhere just like you would in shopping for an item you find out of stock. As far as I am concerned the vender is the loser not me. Increasingly the Club is not getting my bookings. Over the last 3 years the proportion of my nights away at Club sites, which is already quite low, has been falling by an average of 2 percent a year. This year, so far, only 12 percent of my bookings have been on Club sites, last year it was 15 percent. I can only see this continuing because with bookings now being available a year in advance on a rolling basis, it is even harder to book a pitch at honey pot sites or if a weeekend is involved. If cancellations are taken up by others or are not a serious issue and the Club isn't loosing money as a result then there is no incentive for the Club to make changes. It is just some customers will end up frustrated. The big question for the Club is how many are like me and look elsewhere and would the introduction of deposits or even stiffer penalties make any improvement to the bottom line.  


  • Justus2
    Justus2 Forum Participant Posts: 897
    edited June 2019 #37

    I have been retired for nearly 10 years. Our normal booking practice over the past few years is to book the whole years trips in January whilst it is wet cold and icy outside. We have pending medical appointments etc and school holidays to hand so we can isolate prior commitments and off we go, sorting the whole year's trips in a couple of weeks. We book both club's sites , 5 van sites, and private sites, it matters not if deposits are required up front so introducing deposits will have no impact on our behaviour. In all this time we have only ever cancelled once, we had to abandon 4 days to come home for a funeral before returning to where we left off. Personally I don't think deposits will have the effect on availability that some imagine. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2019 #38

    As I have discovered with the C&CC deposits won't stop popular sites filling up well in advance. The demand is now so high that I've just booked a year ahead to make sure we can visit a particular site at a certain time and this includes minimum bookings.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2019 #39
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  • KeefySher
    KeefySher Forum Participant Posts: 1,128
    edited June 2019 #40

    To give insight to how a year in advance and certainty of filling the booking works for us.

    If you have children at senior school, following a recent case, you can no longer take children out of school without sanction. In our case the year ahead is proving invaluable. We know the dates of school holidays and are able to book a site for the ones we want. This recent half term saw us take up a booking for a serviced pitch at Black Knowl. We had taken up a booking last year made a year ahead purely as that was the first year sanctions around taking our daughter out of school had been imposed. We have booked for next year.

    Another example for us. We lost a parent in 2017, at Easter. We made a promise to visit family and take the surviving parent out over Easter each year going forward. The exact date doesn't mark his passing as Easter changes annually, however school holidays always include Easter. The year ahead has enabled us to keep that promise.

    There is an annual event that we get tickets for each year, so we book the site in the grounds of the venue each year a year in advance. Although this year we have another holiday booked to visit family overseas, so we released the pitch for others. It'll be the first event we have missed in all the time its been on, but the alternate holiday and opportunity to fulfil a 'supplies' as we walk into the family members home early one morning soon, is worth it.

    That holiday has been paid for in full some 14 weeks in advance, and had a deposit required on booking.

    The CAMC system with year ahead released monthly is working for us, better than the old frenzy day in December.

    If a deposit scheme is imposed by CAMC we would expect to see a reduction in fees to take account of the money on deposit for a year, and last minute booking rates to be lower than normal, just as on our other holidays. 

    To clarify that last bit. Our upcoming holiday is a cruise. When bookings are released only full fares are available. At 9 months out discounted fares become available. At 14 weeks further discounted fares are made available. At 5 weeks further discounted fares are let to fill unbooked places. We used a 3rd party to book, got a further 15% discount and on board spend and car park at Southampton. 

    When we take long haul holidays, we fly Business Class where the more sectors you fly, the cheaper the fare.

    So many different models than applied by the CAMC of increase fees and extend peak periods of highest fees. Hence we tend not to do summer school holidays on CAMC sites these last 3 years, It's more the principle of raising fees for families in fixed holiday times we object to, not the cost as evidenced by our other holidays costs. We have, as often put on CT, gone elsewhere as we don't like the fee structure.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2019 #41

    Normally very much the same here Justus as far as usually booking the year ahead. Not keen on the rolling 12 month programme though. For us it was easier to sit down in late november and plan a few tours and book all on frenzy day. The rolling programme is likely to catch us out

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited June 2019 #42

    I think W&M hit the nail on the head with -

    In my opinion lack of weekend availability is a result not of a system of no deposits but of increased sales of caravans and Motorhomes and the time ability and will to use them.”

    I’ve been saying for a while that LVing has become a victim of its own success. 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,915
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    edited June 2019 #43

    The late availability list seems to be showing about 3000 vacant pitches on Club sites this weekend - but I lost count before I got to the bottom of the list. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2019 #44

    Neither do I, I'm currently using up bookings made a year ago and have a year's booking in advance too. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2019 #45

    Unless I miscounted there are 52 sites with availability this weekend. Just 25% of the sites.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited June 2019 #46

    I have no problems with the present booking system. I think the problems arise with the notion that some may be making multiple bookings knowing full well that they will ‘dump’ the ones they don’t want. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2019 #47

    but if that happens, is that still advantageous to the club? or rather even does it matter to the club?

    those (sometimes 'late') cancellations will be taken up by those that can and sites still showing good occupancy rates? Income still high? remember when the club had deposits the number of no shows was higher and more empty pitches that could have been taken up?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2019 #48

    it is easier to copy the table into excel, use search and replace to get rid of the word pitches and then let excel do the adding upsmile

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2019 #49

    How many vacant pitches might interest the club. Of more interest to members looking for a pitch is how many sites have vacancies for Friday and Saturday.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2019 #50

    For ten years we booked our four week Summer holiday a year in advance, paid for it up front as well quite happily. Five pitch CL, so if we didn’t book, the likelihood of not getting a pitch on our favourite CL for the full four weeks was extremely high. I could take my A/L when I wanted, OH was on a rolling rota. Once I had booked, kind CL owner allowed me to tweak dates to suit. This Summer break was all we ever booked, all other times we just headed off after a phone call to see what was free. 

    If the Club decides to use deposits, they will have to be meaningful and concentrate the mind. The previous £5 up front was a tad pathetic, even so long ago. The seriously committed will pay, (and use holiday insurance if required). However, I think it will alienate a fair percentage of the membership who like things as they are now. 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2019 #51

    Totally agree. We've just booked a small private site in the Forest of Dean for 5 nights in August, deposit required, no problem. We recently stayed on a couple of CLs one which wanted a deposit and one which didn't. The things is that the dates we book in advance are dates we want to go and know we are free. I really dislike this idea of making bookings "just on the off chance" knowing that they probably won't be honoured..

    The only time we've had to cancel a CL I felt so guilty that I sent the owner the full payment anyway. smile

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2019 #52

    As I have said before there is only one occasion when I have booked on the off chance. That was at a time when we did not book so far in advance. We started booking earlier simply because we would, as now, plan a route but then have problems getting the sites that we wanted for specific dates along the route. So one February I saw that the popular Braithwaite fold, then CC, had 5 nights availability at end August/Early September. We had not planned the September break. When we did plan in April we decided that we would use it as part of a tour; otherwise I would have let it go.. 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited June 2019 #53

     Surely that is even more reason to make sure pitch usage and for that matter membership is maximised. Is that actually happening?

    I've seen the 2018 accounts and while bookings and site income are up on 2017 I have my doubts. Bookings can be up due to the introduction of the rolling system but what are cancellation levels like? Site income can be up simply because of pitch fee increases. Membership increase is small and certainly does not seem to reflect the much talked about growth in sales of leisure outfits.


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2019 #54

    Well I would say the cancellation rate means nothing at the end of the day/year.season if those empty pitches are then re-booked? Which the current system seems to do and maximized,  if you take the posters on here saying site full /only two empty pitches...


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited June 2019 #55

    The same thought occurred to me as I read PD’s post. What do cancellations matter? It’s wheels on pitches that count. 

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited June 2019 #56

    If a site is full it doesn’t matter how well ‘membership is maximised’ there’s no room for more. Your theory just creates more upset members☹️. Money in beating money out in my book is a success to be applauded not questioned🤔

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited June 2019 #57

    Whether or not it’s advantageous to the club is irrelevant imv. For me, it’s all about a level playing field. If someone can’t get a pitch because someone has speculatively booked a pitch knowing full well they might/will cancel later on, that doesn’t seem right to me. Imagine (for instance) someone booking a pitch for 3 weeks (say) when they only want 1 week, is that fair? Not everyone can take up late cancellations. Don’t get me wrong, people will cancel for all sorts of reasons, and in the main, I’m sure it’s genuine, no problem with that. As I see it, the system is open to bad practice by some, to the detriment of others. I’m not for one moment suggesting it’s widespread, I hope it isn’t, as I said, it’s notional.

    I said it before, the system suits me fine the way it is, I just want it to be fair to all.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited June 2019 #58

    Freddy, whichever way you look at it, we all have the same opportunities to book and even to cancel. Therefore, it is fair.

    The club is in the business of selling pitch nights and, if they succeed in doing that, they aren’t going to bother too much about anything else. 

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited June 2019 #59

    Which begs the question, would you be happy if I booked 3 weeks next year at any given site if I only wanted 1 week?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2019 #60


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2019 #61

    well I really wouldn't know what your or anyone's intention, are so really it's a impossible question to answer.

    But even if I knew it would not bother me. The rules apply to all, and so (imho) fair to all.