Not happy about the atitude of site wardens
I dont think so the pitches weren't directly next to the only toilet block open.
But again, you can reserve a specific pitch for disabilities, that shows that the wardens and system could be more adaptable.
Moderator Edit:
'you can reserve a specific pitch for disabilities ...'
No you can't but you can request a pitch close to the amenities block and the site staff will do their best to accommodate your request.
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"pitching adjacent to friends is fantastic, experienced this for many happy years"
Us too! But when we want to do this we choose sites where we are able to ask to be together. We don't expect the club to change its rules just for us. There are alternatives out there and we're often being told they're better and cheaper than club sites. So win-win really!
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You have no idea that these cones had anything to do with bookings. You’re speculating, BD.
Why would you ask? Because the issue clearly bothers you unless you’re just posting for the sake of it.
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It's fair in the sense that it's the same for all present on site.
To be truthful, we've often spent holidays with our family and friends and even with the clubs way of doing it we invariably have pitched together. Don't always get what we would consider the prime ones but together non the less! It does generally work and is fair.
Imagine turning up at site only to find many pitches being saved by family members, some all day just waiting for those that follow later. I'm sure the vast majority if not practically all members would be unhappy with that scenario. Now that would be unfair!
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We have holidayed with friends using Club Sites, but the fact that we weren’t within a few feet of each other never spoiled our enjoyment. Conversely, we have been on private sites where family groups have made huge corrals with windbreaks etc...... and that too in the main hasn’t been an issue, unless the noise levels occasionally got a tad too much.
I think the Club’s policy of choice of pitch on arrival is best for how the Club operates and how busy some of the sites are, a fair way of allocating pitches. Happy to allow the Wardens to manage the sites as they are expected as well. I can only recall a handful of occasions where it might not have been possible to take adjacent pitches, but this would be on busy sites, or at busy times.
Edit: talk of “gangs” is rather nasty W&M, and says more about your debating and chatting skills than anything else.
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Aw, well, I see you’ve reverted to type, Brit. That’s likely the end of this debate then.
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I is often "quoted" on here that comercial sites(some?) do reserve pitches ,but then this and i think also the ccc do not which is standard as per the rules on all sites which will be known by most members,and also reduces complaints from members who will throw their toys out of their prams at any opportunity
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I'm on site now, Norfolk below Lowestoft, cant remember the name,
Sorry BD, you're on site now but you can't remember the name? Is it a club site?
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White House Beach at a guess.
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is that how you see anyone who posts contrary to your own views? Have you read the CT guidelines about respecting others views?
The point is that the rules of the club apply to all, that is what makes them fair. The OP want the rules to change for their benefit, as do you It has to be said?
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Oh aye yes.
Said I couldn't remember
I love faux outrage, do more.
Off for an evening walk and piccie taking, some amazing clouds forming.
Good night gang!
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Well you're welcome to our clouds W&M. It's been pouring down all day and blowing a gale here at Bridlington. And a group of about 10 vans could all pitch up together on the side of the site we're on. You'd be in your element here!
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I know it’s in Suffolk, so is Lowestoft. 😁If it’s below Lowestoft, and a Club Site then WHB fits the bill. Not me that said Norfolk. If other Club then the one near the Zoo.
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guess we'll never know?
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I can’t recall name of other Clubs site. Kessingland or Kellingheath, but I do know you can hear the lions in the zoo roaring!😁
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Or care? 🙂
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Good Evening
The OP states that the site was booked on 12th February. There would be no wardens on site then at all as it didn't open until 16th March so no one on site until the 10th at the earliest. I guess the booking was made with the call centre and the caller was unfortunately mis informed. I know there is no excuse for this but it's wrong to label the wardens with a bad attitude because special treatment is denied.
As an aside, there's always someone who'd like different requests for their holiday, be it pitching together, arriving the night before in the LNA
or any manor of things. As wardens we have a brief to adhere the rules and bye laws that holds the club together but we will always try and help with any requests if at all possible
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Gosh, 54 replies in 6 hours, faster moving than an anti dog thread
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It’s raining almost everywhere Milo😁’s raining in the UK. Those elsewhere will have been too busy to contribute.
Good post JK by the way.
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To avoid anyone reading this getting the wrong idea.......
You cannot reserve a specific pitch.
You can request a pitch close to the disabled facilities but there is no absolute guarantee that you will get one.
A few sites may have specific pitches set aside for disabled members, but in most cases the warden will go out on the morning of your arrival and "reserve" what he/she considers the most suitable pitch. If all the pitches near the disabled facilities are occupied that day then you will likely be offered the next nearest pitch.
There is no obligation to use the selected pitch, you still have free choice of all those available.
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We havnt had the forecasted winds, in fact the weather hasnt been as bad as forecasted.
I wonder how the Puffins are fairing at Bempton Cliffs Rspb site, not a million miles away from you.
We had a trip to Flamborough Head a few weeks back, been day tripping to the East coast for going on 30 years, never been down onto Flamborough's foreshore before, thought it time.
Enjoy our Yorkshire Weather!
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I get a sense of de ja vu, as I posted in reply 7 on page 1 the site opening dates and asked if Wardens were on site over a month before opening. Now learned about a week prior to opening.
Kessingland is the other club site. We found feeding children to the lions kept them quiet when we visited years ago
Have once managed to get adjacent pitches to friends by chance. That and receiving a text on arrival giving us pitch numbers of adjacent vacant pitches in order to go straight to the pitch
CAMC Members know the system employed. Play it two ways, to your advantage, or not. Simples
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We arrived last Friday on a members only site at 12 noon (more by luck than judgement lol) where there was one other unit in front of us. The lady paid for her pitch, then paid for another pitch for another family member who was a couple of hours behind them, the warden told her to park their car on the second pitch to reserve it, she said as the pitch was paid for there was not a problem. Did it bother me? nope, plenty of others to choose from. Live and let live is my motto.