Is it a rip off?
yes you keep repeating that and it is true. I am respecting his decision and have said so, did you miss that?
What is not true is that K's statement that he can not afford club sites, he obliviously can, he simple wishes to spend his money elsewhere. Look at TW's post to give you an idea.
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BB - you are making this something it's not. It's unfortunate that the discussion has centred around Kj's posts, because it's never been a personal "attack".
The point is that being "priced out" of sites is not the same as deciding that it does not fit one's personal budget. Nothing to do with semantics.
We choose not to use sites such as, say, Concierge Camping, but we don't claim that means we've been priced out!
As has been said several times by several folk, it all boils down to personal choice - that's a good thing surely?
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compared to the sites that Kjell, and many others regularly use 'elsewhere' club sites are bereft of such things like pools, bars. restaurants, cafes, sports facilities etc and these sites are available for €16-20 a night for around 80% of the season.
Its obvious that some folk see this sort of site (see Castells or Yelloh!) offering a lot more at a really affordable price.
Unfortunately for those wanting such facilities (I don't) they are not similarly priced within the UK.
I'm reliably informed that club sites are in the median price range so perhaps a better way of describing where the club sits re VFM might be 'CC offers basic facilities at median prices?
The club offers what you may consider basic but is in fact of a standard with the range of facilities that many seek. A similar formula to many sites by other providers within a similar price range.
1 - you go on holidays other than caravan ones? How much do you spend on them if you do?
We only holiday in our caravan, we never go on e.g. package holidays.
We have never, in our almost 50 year marriage, been on a holiday in a hotel.
Our budget for holidays is a max £6k per year, but we are always happy to spend much less. This leaves us more to spend on other things such as hobbies.
Our 2-4 month trips over there are now unfortunately a thing of the past as we are meantime confined to UK, having volunteered to look after our youngest grandchild 3 days per week, this means that the level of Club prices is of even more relevance to us.
Just so you have the complete picture.....
A 4 month trip was something that happened about every 4 years and involved driving a very long way to where I was born in Norway.
I used to have a one quarter share in my parents home, but have handed it over to my oldest nephew for a nominal sum as it was costing us far too much to maintain it.
When "up there" we had no site costs, our caravan was parked in the house garden, of at my sister's house. We did however still have fuel and food costs, both at an eye watering level in Norway compared to UK, hence the £65 per day budget.q
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I have stated at least twice that this is not a personal attack on Kj, DD, and if you care to read all my posts (and think about what I've written) you would see that I apologised if it appeared that way. Maybe you could say which posts you're referring to?
The problem (if such it is) is that on a forum such as this folk make claims which, in hindsight, they might have second thoughts about - and then paint themselves into a corner in trying to justify what they've written.
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+1 to that
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yes, very interested! We are still in the planning stages and OH, who is in charge of site finding, is finding good CLs at a reasonable price quite tricky.
We would absolutely prefer a site that has hardstandings, and EHU is essential, but that is all.....we are totally self contained otherwise
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Perhaps at the end of the day our 'club' is not so sharp when it comes to pricing.
I looked at our Cambridge site and then compared prices with other nearby sites, of apparent equal quality, and found myself booking at one of the alternatives purely on the grounds of cost.
Sorry to but in on a free for all!
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indeed and +1 for me.
And what is important is that all those personal details, figures, amounts, mileage, trips, even what they actually spend daily when away (and a new car) even have all come from Kj himself. We have discussed nothing that he has not given himself.
If people post something about themselves then they should not complain, and others should not complain, when those things are discussed, providing it is done in a way within guidelines of course.
Furthermore post something at variance to what has been posted somewhere else then it is reasonable to point that out and ask for clarification.
This is an open forum, people should consider carefully when they post. Blimey this is like teaching PHSE again!
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Have a look at Noyadd Farm just outside Builth Wells. We stayed there last year a real gem!
(And if you do go, it's well worth the drive up to Rhayader for the Elan Valley reservoirs and especially the Kite feeding station at Grygyn Farm.)
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indeed but then don't say you cannot afford something, that means something completely different. Saving £800+ in fuel will buy you lots of club site nights.
You can so certainly afford club sites, you just choose (rightly) to spend the money elsewhere
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Brilliant, there will always be cheaper sites than the club's. Just choose what suits you best.
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I suppose to put it back to the OP, did you consider the club site to be a rip off or just higher.
But you need to actually stay on the other before really knowing?
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No, we bought a pre reg VW some 27 months back,14 miles on the clock, saving over £10k on the new price . We keep our cars as long as possible, this was an unplanned purchase necessitated by the disappointing performance of a vehicle that we had expected to last us till we finished Caravanning.
As BB has said in the past, many of us have 2 budgets, a capital one for things like a new car, and a daily one for things like holidays etc.
We put money away for capital things, which then leaves the annual spend.
Unlike many couples retiring today, we do not have 2 pensions, and due to OH being very ill in the past, we have never had 2 incomes.
We are not looking for any sympathy here, we all have adversities to bear. We consider that we have managed fine on one income, having put 2 children through private schools and university, leaving them with no debt, and we have been able to help them with house deposits etc
OH is a very good money manager, much better than me, but then it runs in her family, so I leave these things to her.
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Yes, we could afford a club site, but only by going away for fewer nights.
We choose to go away for longer, which means we cannot afford to use Clubs sites most of the time.
We are not increasing the time we spend away, just using sites which allow us to spend the same amount of time away, and these are no longer going to be Club sites.
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The point is that we used to be able to do both a 2-3 month trip over there plus a 1-2 month trip in UK using Club sites, adding up to about 4 months away each year, but these days we can no longer use only Club sites and still spend the same amount of time away.
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Our budget for holidays is a max £6k per year, but we are always happy to spend much less. This leaves us more to spend on other things such as hobbies.
Our budge is certainly less than that. However, we stay mainly on CAMC sites. I certainly don't feel we have been priced out.