Is it a rip off?
We decide on an area we want to visit, then look at sites that offer us value for our money. What is provided, and what we value may not be the same. Varies from area to area, from season to season, and if we are using van or MH. Lots of variables. Luckily Club also provides a variety of site types, but they don’t get our exclusive use. 😁
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That was just part of a comment EasyT, the main one being that there is spare capacity on sites all over the uk just now and I will continue to wonder if a few price reductions might bring more bookings? However if there are only a limited number of van owners maybe there is too much capacity and perhaps running all these sites is going to cost more to keep them going when half full? There are various ways of looking at price increases.
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have to careful with the can't afford club site prices though, they then post they are going away over there and spending £50 per day or getting a new car/MH? What they really mean I'd rather spend my money on something else?
I really can't imagine any other large club, for example a golf club shall we say, having directors who would do a similar approach of keeping prices down for their 'poorer long term retired members' who can no longer afford the fees? Does this happen? do they keep the increases below inflation or to keep the business/club running?I have no idea really, if I knew an ex director I'd ask.
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so are you saying because you have used the club for a long time you expect a lower price?
I am going to write to Canon, I bought my first AE1 in 1981 and bought them ever since. I think I deserve lower price increases on the latest models.
But you have answered your own question without that membership fee you wouldn't get CLs?
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Not sure where you came up with the impression I was referring to Cornwall as a backwater TW. It is a fact of geography that it is a large peninsula. Also a fact that it does not have the large cities present in other parts of the country, or a large resident population. As a result sites at this time of year show high availability at weekends. There just isn't the population close by for folk to travel after work, as happens at sites in this part of the world. At Clumber recently and Chatsworth at least a third of the Friday arrivals were after 5pm.
It's either that or folk do think they are to expensive.😉
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Would I be right in thinking that 10% of the membership fee of IoD is somewhere on a par with, of even more than, CAMC membership?
Membership from £640 for IOD makes CAMC seem a real bargain.😀
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Just a snippet from the DG in the latest magazine suggesting more of us try the "simpler" sites and noting that due to fewer pitches they are more of a financial challenge to keep open. I'm all for simpler sites. I would imagine half empty big sites are also quite a challenge so I don't expect we'll see much change in pricing (or much change in our pockets.
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Enjoy your trips away with IoD, then. 😂😋
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Hospitality/Leisure businesses need last minute bargain sales. You only have a finite period to sell a pitch (or a table, or a room, or a seat, or a cottage, or a B&B bed) once that date has gone, it’s gone for good.
I tried this at a seriously nice residential pub in a very desirable Cornish resort. We were on our way down to our van, had decided to camp, but torrential rain ensued. So I bet my OH I could get us, and our two dogs a nice comfy room in a nice comfy pub. Dropped in at 4.30 pm, room was priced at £180. Didn’t want to budge. So we went for a mooch around, then I went into pub again at 7pm. Still got that room? Yep. Sold it to us for £70 plus we agreed to dine in bar. Not a bad deal. I was more chuffed at getting a second night for the same price though!😂 Food was excellent as well. We were happy, the landlord was happy as he had got some money for a room that he was unlikely to fill, and two extra diners. Some money is always better than no money for time sensitive commodities.
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I think you'll find certain over there poster has said that.
You were the director of a golf club? that is news
Mmm you mention a lower rate, strange as you keep going on about inflation being the benchmark? Was the fee set above inflation? did inflation even come into your calculations?
Were the membership fees were perhaps higher than the club's?