Ultra Low Emission Zone

Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,436
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edited April 2019 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

Ultra Low Emission Zone charges come into effect today in London. BBC report here


Easy to check your vehicle online. Nothing we own is welcome in the ULEZ, but 3 out of our four vehicles are welcome in the LEZ zone, somewhat to our surprise. So we are fine with our two big 4x4s and our oldest vehicle an MBG. But heaven help us should we stray into LEZ zone in MH......£100 a day. Not sure how residents in zone get their none compliant MHs out, guessing most are stored outside zone.............



  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2019 #2

    The bigger problems start when its extended in 2021. It will encompass the entire area inside the south and north circular roads which will affect a lot of MH owners I should imagine.  I personally think that the ULEZ as of today went through because of the smaller amount of opposition it faced.  In 2021 it will affect millions of ordinary working folk so it will be a whole different ball game for Citizen Khan......

  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2019 #3

    TDA, if the MG is taxed as historic then its exempt from the new rules.

    As is my Stag.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,436
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    edited April 2019 #4

    Yes, it’s tax exempt. London isn’t somewhere we ever drive to nowadays, it’s easier for us to visit other ways, and of course public transport is very good once you get there. I think my last time in London was very brief, I was crossing from one station to another, so I didn’t get to see much. Must be added complications for businesses though, with deliveries and such.

  • dave the rave
    dave the rave Forum Participant Posts: 806
    edited April 2019 #5

    why on earth would anyone go anywhere london these days,(get robbed ,legally and illegaly.get killed to death by knife,public transport is a joke,etc.etc.foot-in-mouth

  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2019 #6

    Obviously you are miss - informed or need medical help tongue-out

  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited April 2019 #7

    You obviously don`t go then! 

  • dave the rave
    dave the rave Forum Participant Posts: 806
    edited April 2019 #8

    Many,many years ago I lived and worked in London and thought nothing about crime,the tube,although crowded,worked quire well and going to the theatre was a pleasant evening out,catching a late bus or train home was without fear.Today,if you believe the news stories,it is unwise to be on the streets after dark or even in broad daylight!!!!The system of collecting money from cars and lorries going about their daily business can only add to companys costs and will not save the planet !All ,of course,is in my opinion!undecided

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2019 #9

    Silly question but where does all the money collected go? 

    I suspect back into government coffers, is it being used to help against pollution? or am I just wishful thinking.undecided

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2019 #10
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited April 2019 #11

    According to the Mayor of London:-

    "The T-Charge is intended not to raise revenue but to improve air quality and to change behaviour. The Mayor says he wants those who drive the most polluting cars to move away from those cars, and that any revenue that is raised will be ring-fenced for initiatives to improve air quality."

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,145
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    edited April 2019 #12

    Can't say for sure, TG but I think that it goes to Transport for London rather than the Gov.

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited April 2019 #13

    Call me a cynic! They will always think of ways of extracting more tax from us! That’s what this is about, not the environment! So my 3 litre 1996 diesel can’t go in there then🤣

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited April 2019 #14

    London ULEZ - that sounds like some legislation one could drive a coach and horses through. Wait a minute though . . . that might just work!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited April 2019 #15

    I can't really tell from the comments thus far whether people think there is a problem with pollution levels in London? From all the reports I have seen there does seem to be a serious problem and if that is the case what are the alternatives to trying to discourage people using their vehicles in London? Perhaps they should do as the Germans cities do and just ban those vehicles that don't meet the required standard. If that was on the agenda I imagine people would prefer to pay the charge? 



  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2019 #16

    Ban them from city centres and yes Merve, keep your smelly old diesel out of my village.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2019 #17

    Thanks DK and NTH, not quite sure why it bothers me as we don't go near London and if we did we would be ok.

    I just find that £12 a day is a bit much considering how other countries are dealing with their pollution problems. I agree it is a problem for some cities.

    When we were in Barcelona my throat got very sore and we cut the visit short, it was sore for days afterwards. I see that now they have decided that every second street will be traffic free. Not sure how that will work as surely it will just make the other streets more crowed. 

  • Unknown
    edited April 2019 #18
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  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2019 #19

    Earlier in the year I set off for London on a train filled with the smell of diesel. Londoners are polluted from every angle and the skies too. Can't think why people would want to add to this by taking their vehicles in just because "they can." Years ago I expect many remember cities and towns where everything was polluted and blackened by smoke. We've now got clean buildings but the air still needs to be cleaner in a lot of places, not just London. Hope the measures start to improve things for those that have to live there.

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited April 2019 #20

    doesn't "killed" and "death" mean the same, funny statement that.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2019 #21
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  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited April 2019 #22

    "Death" is inevitable - "killed" is premature.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2019 #23
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  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2019 #24

    If  they  really  want  to  Clean  the  environment  down  that  way  could  they  not  just  close  London City  Airport  for  a  START  !!

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited April 2019 #25

    🤣🤣🤣 any non EHU CLs around your village?🤣🤣

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,534
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    edited April 2019 #26

    Just this afternoon whilst pushing grandson in his buggy along the road I was amazed to witness at least three very old cars pushing much visible pollution into the air surrounding us. It is also the invisible high polluters too. Things are getting better but the sooner all these polluting units are restricted and ultimately banned everywhere the better for us all and our future generations in my view. 

  • Oscarmax
    Oscarmax Club Member Posts: 261
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    edited April 2019 #27

    I am inclined too agree with you, just imagine one of these old polluting diesel towing a caravan under load around the club site the affect on the children health?

  • dave the rave
    dave the rave Forum Participant Posts: 806
    edited April 2019 #28

    Simple answer.....(a) do not push grandchild in the road....(b)move to a less congested area!) questions.....(a) do you carry an emmisions tester whilst you are pushing the grandchild around ......(b)What sort of vehicle do you use to move your holiday home around? This is just for starters!!!!! bring on the discussion!!!!!

  • dave the rave
    dave the rave Forum Participant Posts: 806
    edited April 2019 #29

    took the words out of my mouth!!!!Some people never did appreciate certain comedy sketches!

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,534
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    edited April 2019 #30

    YesI totally agree. And that's the reason why these zones should be ultimately extended to cover the whole of the U.K. And beyond. Then we will be able to

    a. Push our children alongside any road

    b. Have no need to monitor the air quality ourselves. 

    c. Promote only those vehicles which impact as little as is reasonable possible on that air that 'we' all breathe.


  • Phishing
    Phishing Forum Participant Posts: 597
    edited April 2019 #31

    No you wont because the pollution comes from central heating systems pumping out tonnes of nasties giving a base load to the air pollution. Bashing motorists is easy, put a exclusion tax on gas boilers, oh no that would get you unelected. 

    The higher the population density the worse the NOx levels. Take all the cars out of London you will still die earlier due to the high NOx levels.