Has anyone used or have any knowledge of this search engine?
I've heard of it as it has been around for a while (over 5 years). Here is a link to a 4 year old review from somebody who had used it for 12 months. Plenty of comments from others beneath the review.
I used Google to search for the review
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Thanks ET.
ABM - I am increasingly concerned that search engines try to ‘take over’ my computer world, Google, for an example, is like a rash, it’s over everything. Edge is about as much use as a chocolate fire guard and conflicts with my virus detection system. I came across DDG and wondered if it was the answer.
May give it a shot on my I pad
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Thanks for the info OP
I always find if I get one answer from a search engine or such then I know whats what, BUT if I get two or more, I'm worse off i.e. more confused than if I'd never asked at all !!
I do that anyway, brue -- but then I've got a radio / music box within arm's reach and can bung on whatever I feel in the mood for. Right now its County Championship Crikit ( Well it is Yorkshire )
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OP, my old lamented pappy would have liked your spelling !!
He was conscripted into the Welch Regiment in 1939, but soon shipped back into civvy street. Well it took 'em 18 months to discover that without his glasses on he couldn't even see if the sun was shining !!