What are you all up to



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2019 #25322

    Thanks DD and David for explaining the "end of the world" bit (on previous pages) I looked it up and it was a fascinating read with some lovely photos....can't you post a photo or two DD? wink

    I was at Forde Abbey yesterday (LINK) for a walk around the grounds, it was supposed to be a snowdrop weekend but due to the warm weather it had run into a crocus weekend. I think the crocuses will be nearly over by the "crocus" weekend next week! It's not far from Chard or Crewkerne if anyone is visiting the area. The river Axe flows through the site, the Cistercians knew how to choose a good watery spot! 

    B2 and family, well another day and maybe some small improvements? I think if you find a medic on your wave length it makes communication easier so I'm glad to hear you found someone who understands your concerns.

    And now for a walk, I'm strengthening up my ankle after weeks of inaction. It is great to be able to go out and enjoy my surroundings once more! Some bright sunshine too. smile

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2019 #25323
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  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2019 #25324

    Good news B2.....best wishes from us too

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2019 #25325

    Turning out a better day now, sun trying to get through the clouds.

    Off to the van to wrestle with the Alde, then down to DD's for dinner later, have heard a rumour that SIL is doing a roast.

    Have dismantled one of their sofa beds and will take it down to them today, time we started getting the rest of our house back.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited February 2019 #25326

    Just catching up, lovely to read about everyone's adventures.

    Bit jealous of everyone away in this beautiful weather. 

    Bakers2,  really pleased your OH seems to be making a good recovery, it will take time, but it sounds like he is heading in the right direction.  All the best.

    We decided to make the most of the sunshine and went to NT Sherborne Park. Did one of the lovely walks, and enjoyed a picnic. Temp reached 19°C  There were lots of snowdrops to enjoy.

    Even managed to wear the dog out, he is now fast asleep in his bed.smile

    Hope you can get your Alde working KjellNN. 




  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,892
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    edited February 2019 #25327

    What a beautiful Spring day even though Winter still hasn't departed. Spent it at Leighton Moss RSPB reserve. They have 2 main parts, one overlooking the marshes leading out to Morecambe Bay, so the scrapes and pools attract Wading birds with a few ducks and geese. Today there was a female Merlin doing its own magic.smile

    The other side is more conventional areas of water and reedbed with some woods. We saw a Noctule Bat in the afternoon, flying around a glade!!

    Mrs WNs knee seems ok so mountaineering gear on tomorrow. 

    Glad things are progressing rather than regressing Bakers. Best wishes.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2019 #25328

    Misty day here today, still warmish but we didn't get any sunshine.

    Went to see Mum as planned, however she was in her bed having a sleep. The staff said she was exhausted as she wouldn't rest and kept walking around the last few days. This happens from time to time but the staff are very good with her and know what to do to settle her. 

    Well we went to the dealers, managed to not buy anything but did see some nice PVC, still got a lot of other makes to see and compile a list for the future. smile

    Bakers, glad to hear your OH has had a better day.

  • ADD46
    ADD46 Forum Participant Posts: 437
    edited February 2019 #25329

    Bakers - Glad to hear things are improving for you and your OH. I look out for your posts in the hope that you are ok. Remember to take care of yourself. Visiting and worrying can be exhausting. 

    Our CL weekend is over and the caravan is back in storage. Back to work tomorrow. We woke to a foggy morning but it was beautiful looking out over the countryside while the mist came in and out over the fields. There was only one other motorhome on site so nice and quiet.....unless you count my shouting at the tv while we lost the rugby. 😮🏉🤗

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited February 2019 #25330

    After a misty start, which soon burnt off, we had another fine warm day but it remained rather hazy for good distant views. Did an 8 ml walk over part of the Wolds from Warter, near Pocklington. We overtook a group of Rambler Association members doing the same walk as us, then they passed us as we were having our picnic lunch, then we passed them again as they were having theirs. At the end of the walk we called into the old St James church, no longer consecrated, but is now being used as a Wolds Heritage Centre......very interesting.

    Last night here before we move into Lincolnshire and onto a CL recommended by ADD.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited February 2019 #25331

    Bakers2, So glad your OH is improving since being moved back to ITU.  I have often thought that lack of fluids in hospital is the cause of many problems, especially confusion amongst older people.  I am not sure whether it is due to lack of staff or inattentive staff. I do hope your OH is continuing to improve and that you are taking care of yourself.

    We had such a lovely week with the family here but they left to go back to N. Ireland yesterday and the house now seems horribly quiet.  Their flight was delayed by several hours due to 'a technical fault' and I did feel for them having to try and entertain 2 young children for that length of time.  I finally got a call just after 9.00pn to say that they had landed in Belfast and were on their way home. We were so lucky with the weather while they were here. We had a lovely surprise - our daughter, who has a friend with a photographic studio, arranged for him to take a photo of all 8 grandchildren and also our 3 children.  They kept it very quiet and I thought they were all off doing their own thing on Tuesday evening and then at the end of the week eldest grand-daughter arrived with 2 canvases of the photos. Our daughter said it was the ideal opportunity with everyone in one place for once.

    Another glorious day here but must give the house a bit of a blitz and then sort out our holiday packing and paperwork.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #25332

    Please  don't  mention  Paperwork  &  Blitz  in  the  same  paragraph  MillieH  surprised.  I've  just  done  the  Annual  Shredding  Fest  !!  The  only  things  not  yet  sorted  are  the  Medical  records,  some  of  which  are  the  bottom  carbon  copies  of  blocks  of  four  or  five,  and  top  copies  were  written  with  a  Blunt Finger  I  guess,  so  it'll  be  out  with  the  hi-power  magnifying  lamp  --  if  I  cannot  read  'em  with  that  then  Brian's  shredding  the  bloomin'  lot  !!  innocent

    Gorgeous  sunny, warm  day  in  South  Cheshire  --  washing  done,  dried,  ironed, aired  and  all  ready  for  filing  away  laughing ==  even  the  Dandy  Mats ( or  equivalent)  are  just  soaking  up  the last  of  their  sunshine  &  fresh  air.

    Right  now  I'm  considering  a  light  lunch,  while  wishing  &  hoping   Bakers 2  is  finding  good  things  are  going  her  &  her  OH's  way  now wink

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2019 #25333

    Looks like we're back on air, lost a post somewhere. I see some of us have been mentioned in dispatches in the latest club mag.

    Just looking in! smile

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited February 2019 #25334

    Back home from our fabulous long weekend.  Only had to travel 35 miles from home for 🌞🏖 (sun, sea and sand).  Van in storage, car washed and safefill bottle removed ready for filling tomorrow.  

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2019 #25335

    What a lovely day really hard frost when out with Rosa but it warmed up very quickly and even our local builder who is doing jobs ,i no longer can/want to do was shirtless by 1200,he says will all be done by tomorrow (all the houses on our estate never had a lintel above the ground floor windows as the wooden window frames were strong enough? but upvc windows are all "sagging", (fitted when owned  by local council) causing several rows of bricks to dropsurprised he has also re felted our shed roof 

    Hope things are still on the up B2

    Received  the letter from hospital that cardiologist advised was on the way,  glad i did not see it firstsurprised



  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2019 #25336
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  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #25337

    Not  sure what  problems  YOU  have  had,  brue,  but  I'm  finding  its  as  slow  as  a  snail  with  a  limp  today.   undecided

     ( And please, please, please NOBODY ask me "with  a  limp  what  ?? " )

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2019 #25339

    We attempted that route a few years back with two old dogs in tow, it was such a hot day we had to give up. Maybe we'll try it again one day! It sounds lovely but we probably wouldn't manage the complete route, well done! (Hope you recover soon. wink)

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,892
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    edited February 2019 #25340

    Brue, even if you only made it Stickle Tarn if would be rewarding, particularly if the weather is kind. A nice picnic by the Tarn then back to Sticklebarn (NT) hostelry next to New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel. A perfect walk without nearly killing yourself.

    Forgot to mention that half way up to the Tarn we were overtaken by a young lass running up with a 3 legged Whippet, who had boundless energy. Even a chasing Cocker couldn't keep up with him! A great sight.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2019 #25341

    Spent today getting the van ready for servicing, and struggling to decide what the problem with the Alde really is.

    The control panel now seems to have lost its marbles, going off and on and giving odd displays, so it became the main suspect.  To get some time for further investigation we have delayed the service by 2 weeks.

    OH had a vague recollection of reading about condensation over winter affecting the Alde panel and the advice was to take it inside over winter....which of course is not of much use if you actually want to have heat in the van.

    However, I turned our little fan heater on it for a while and amazingly it seemed to return to normal.  We went in for dinner and left the heating working, but on just checking, it is not warm in the van as now the pump is not going!

    Off now to see if I can find anything else wrong!

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #25342

    You  don't  call  your  Alde  System  Brian  do  you,  KjellNN  ??

    The  reason  I  ask  is  'cos  every  time  I  turn  round  at  present  a

    different  part  of  me  aches  &  complains  yell !!

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited February 2019 #25343

    Well done to both of you, I'm jealous. Found another grand site, courtesy of ADD, at would suit you down to the ground. More later about it. Enjoy the rest of your stay up there. Going home as planned or extending your stay until the weather breaks?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited February 2019 #25344

    Perhaps a short blast with the hair drier on the panel might help to fix it of any additional condensation.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2019 #25345

    Yes, I have left the little fan heater blowing over it, but  the problem seems now to be that the pump is not getting power.  The panel is still displaying correctly now, it shows the pump should be running, there is voltage at the pump, it turns freely when out of the fluid, so is not seized up, so I am back to suspecting this expensive PCB on the boiler......poor connection somewhere, there are many connections, or it could be one of the relays.

    Will take another look at it tomorrow.  If I cannot find the problem and the fix, I will have to let our dealer sort it.  OH spoke with them to check they would be able to sort it, though they apparently would need to order in parts, they say that they do have an Alde competent person.

    They also helpfully gave us the Alde phone number to ring for technical advice, so I may try  that too.

    Going to be tight now getting away on our planned date as there will only be 12 days from the service date to our departure date, and we have grandparent duties and a Guide Coffee Morning to fit in too.

    Would not normally bother us if we had to alter our dates, but we have arranged a meeting with an elderly second cousin of OH in Aberdeen, and she is no longer able to use a phone, so we have to correspond by snail mail.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2019 #25346

    Dentist this morning for us both, nothing to note for me in fact I got a very good smile OH has to have 2 fillings replaced as they are crumbling, it will be done on our return from Lanzarote.

    Another bike ride this afternoon, it was very nice and quite warm in parts of the ride,  a bit blowy going over the top of the hill but great on the way down laughing

    A bit more gardening this afternoon after the bike ride. Tomorrow will be a good tidy up and clean through the house. Bags packed the next day ready for the off. Clothes are all laid out ready just need to split them between the bags just in case.

    The caravan is going up to the dealers on our return to get the work done on the brakes, will leave it with them rather than hang about, its almost 200 mile round trip but  prefer to let them have it a few days and not have to rush it. Seems its a known problem but they have a fix for it. Time will tell i guess.

    Kj, hope you get yours sorted and manage to get away I think you have more than earned a break.

    WN, I feel tired just ready your post laughing must admit I've always managed to resist the temptation to climb hills, now trees are another matter laughinglaughinglaughing

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2019 #25347

    I just might have to start doing that ABM, it is certainly giving me a lot of problems!

    These fancy  systems are great when they work, but when they go wrong.........!!!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited February 2019 #25348

    Sorry to hear you are having problems with your heating Kj. I do hope you get it sorted so that you can get away as planned. You deserve a break.

    Gosh everyone sounds very active!! It must be something to do with the weather. ABM I hope you didnt get repetitive strain syndrom after all that shredding.

    I got a voucher for Bannatyne Spa for Christmas so had my nails done yesterday ready for our holiday. I usually do my toes myself but never have my hands done so it was quite a treat. 😊.

    Bakers2 I do hope all is going well for your OH.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited February 2019 #25349

    Had your nails done! I suppose you'll want to be excused washing up now?

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited February 2019 #25350

    We used to go up by climbing up the beck, beside the path.  Used to go to Stickle Tarn on a regular basis as it was one of the regular stops for our DofE expedition groups.  Another favourite was Goats water at Coniston.  Drive out of the village on towards the old man park by the wall then walk the rest of the way.

    Lovely bright day again so off to see grandtwins this afternoon.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2019 #25351

    That's the bit we did Oneputt, we were just aiming for the Tarn. Such a lovely part of the lakes.

    Hope KJ gets the heating sorted!

    Enjoy your holiday Millie.

    Not such a good day with our ancient terrier yesterday, a visit to the vets which we felt gloomy about but no, aged nearly seventeen, she lives to enjoy another sunny day.

    Lovely day here again, what a shock it will be when it changes.