What are you all up to
Thank you so much for your good wishes. Sadly even with lots of positive thought it didn't stop the news. We learned he needs a triple bypass, double whammy for him cos they suggested yesterday he came come home today.
He's to stay in Broomfield while they do all tests etc for the op. This may take a week or 2 and obviously we need a slot. Absolutely shattered, I feared this after yesterday but very different when you hear the words spoken aloud. I believe the 'upside' is it should be quick because he is in hospital.
Just got indoors haven't opened a birthday or present, well one came today but I didn't realise it was a card! Can't keep putting it off by no stomach for it.
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Bakers2 all our thoughts are with you and your OH. The news must be overwhelming but at least he's in the right place and as you say, it may happen quickly because he's already in hospital. Birthday presents can wait, they'll still be there whenever you're ready to embrace the idea. Take care of yourself and know that we're all here for you.
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Bakers2, so sorry you've both got more to go through but your OH is in the best place. This happened to a friend of ours and although the news wasn't what he wanted to hear at least he wasn't waiting at home for months. Hope you can get a bit of rest when you've had time to take everything in. Will be thinking about you.
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Bakers, a very good friend of mine had a triple by pass about 6 years ago. He had abused his body something wicked and none of us who cared for him gave him any chance of survival. I'm still having dinner with him 2 or 3 times a year and sending him Christmas Cards. If he can get through it then so can Mr.B. Chin up, old thing. Whilst there's fight in the dog the game is still afoot. Best wishes.
Well, Yikes, summed up our day. Long and Short? Car being repaired tomorrow, Home Dealers admitted they may have caused damage to Brake Calipers during replacing ball joint but Car Manufacturers don't have any calipers in the whole UK!!! So at the moment we're carless but hoping not to be £500 out of pocket, plus another £500 to refit genuine part when one available.
Did have a nice walk whilst we waited for news and treated ourselves to lunch in a pub. Ttda, went to Fodders yesterday (see farm shop thread in Food and Drink section).
Anyway in view of Bakers troubles ours seem light and I'm glad we can realise that.
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B2, please pass my best wishes to your OH and assure him that he will be like a "new man" afterwards.
As you may remember, I had a triple bypass in mid June 2015, age 73, and was back towing by early in September. I had my angiogram in the January and, being a non urgent case, was scheduled for my op in April, but then OH broke her shoulder, amongst other things, and needed me to look after her for a couple of months, so things had to be delayed.
I was home 6 days after the op, they prefer not to keep you longer than necessary, the treatment was excellent and the hospital very comfortable. I made sure I followed the advice on gradually building up my walking, on wearing the special stockings, and on taking all the pills.
I am sure you will be supervising your OH's recovery as carefully as my OH did mine!
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I've not got the guide you mentioned OP, but I Have a 'Globetrotter Walking Guide' for "Walking the Cathedral Cities Of England" and its still got a couple of Photo / Video permits stuck on the cover !! Its a year or eleven old now, but I'm sure they'll still be around
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Bakers2. So sorry to hear your news, it must be a lot to take in and very overwhelming for both of you. I am sure it wasn't the news either of you wanted to hear but I am also sure that the care will be excellent and hopefully as your OH is already in hospital the op will take place swiftly. Our NHS is marvellous in these situations. Which hospital will he go to for the op? Take note of KjellNN's very positive post. Very comforting to have someone with first hand experience . KjellNN certainly sounds as though he has plenty of energy! Regarding your birthday presents and cards - why don't you take them into the hospital and open them all with your OH. It might cheer you both up. We are all with you and wishing your OH well.
Sorry to hear that you are going to have a wait to get your car repaired WN. Hopefully it won't be a problem to extend your stay.
We have taken advantage of the lovely weather today and done a good tidy up in the garden. Looking at the weather forecast I think everything is going to get blown about for the rest of the week and then it is back to frosty nights next week.
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Just come to bed a HUGE thank you for all your support and good wishes, I can't thank you enough. Trying very hard to stay upbeat and hearing that KjNelln has been there done that and bought the t shirt what better example of living life to the full could there be?
Wherenext I do hope you can get the car sorted, walking great but I dont fancy your chances for towing that way 😂😂😂😂.
OH has already had one scan done, they took him off about 3 minutes after I left. Cramping in the leg is a blockage that will be done at the same time. I did check that all the referrals requested had been done before i left the ward, reminding them gently that we dont want another overlooked incident. Nurses are great and OH back to his jokey self, in relative terms to when he had the flu! Humour is a great medicine and its one he likes in spades....... it also covers a multitude of emotion!
I was glad to hear in our goodnight phone call that a chap in his 4 bed ward is off for his surgery at Basildon tomorrow, he was devastated when they told him this morning the op scheduled for Friday was cancelled.
Milliehull he'll have the tests in Broomfield and the op and recovery in Basildon.
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OP, there is definitely a guide for the Hereford Churches, which they update on a regular basis, as we've a couple of copies, and very useful they are too. Must look out for the Norfolk one.
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ADD, just had a look at the above site, for our current trip. Unfortunately Willow Cottage doesn't open till 1st April, and there is CL at Hemingby by that name, is it a commercial site?
EDIT...I found it, but it's Tree Tops Farm. However it's a;l grass and at this time of the year we really need H//S pitches.
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WOW, Brian is suffering now -- sore typing fingers 'cos he's done as he said he would
. All Steam Rallies organised with only one missing. The Big Rally at The Shuttleworth Collection, Old Warden in Bedfordshire won't be on this year -- the organisers & the Shuttleworth Trust ( I think it is ) have had a falling out so everybody loses again
But Still I've got the first nine (9) CLUB SITES booked so I'm clear up to the last week in July -- the rest will follow sometime after Lunch tomorrow, but it looks as if I'll not be going north of the Great Wall Of Hadrian this year -- no injection of midgie juice for me !!
And All the very best wishes for B2 & her OH.
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B2, our thoughts and best wishes are with you. Hopefully your OH's operation will be done very soon and you can get him back home. Glad to hear that he's back to his jokey self, that's always a good sign I think. Hope that you're able to get a decent night's sleep tonight.
WN, will catch up with all your news tomorrow. Hope that they can get the car fixed and that it won't be costing you anything. You did say that the repair was carried out under warranty so this should be the same, shouldn't it.
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Hang in there Bakers, he’s in the best place possible. All the towing and froeing can be very tiring, glad you have some lovely friends helping. Belated birthday wishes.
Brue, are you intending hugging the coast, or coming inland a little, and what sort of facilities do you want? We use one or two nice sites on or close to North York Moors on a regular basis, and a couple of nice sites just outside Bridlington. Couple have loos and showers, others more basic.
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Are you off again shortly Nellie?
We’ve had a painting and carpentry day here, a few little finishing things. I am up at Mums tomorrow, more blinking decorating.........getting a tad bored now. Too many folks heading off, we need to hit the road again shortly.
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It is a shock to get that sort of news. We were in the same position a little over four years ago when Margaret was given the news that she needed a triple heart bypass, which turned out to be a quadruple one!!! Unlike your husband the decision took months to make as they were not initially certain that they were going to do it and she had never been rushed to hospital with an issue. However once they had made the decision the operation was done very quickly, not much more than a month, delayed a bit because she had a bad cold. Best wishes from me and I hope he does not have to wait too long.
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Just checking in again after some time away from the forum - other priorities!
Best wishes to all who are ill or under the weather at the moment, especially, Bakers - hope your OH is bearing up; it must be a terribly worrying time for you but as others have said, he's in the best place for care and the NHS, despite all the detractors are superb at the things which really matter so will be thinking of you and hoping that all goes well.
Belated birthday greetings to those who've notched up another years as well!
We've had a very fraught few weeks, but we are beginning so see a chink of light at the end of the tunnel - Dad was discharged from hospital three weeks ago (far too early, we thought) but has really struggled since being back at home even with very good support from 3 carer visits a day. So we've managed to find a very good care home just 5 mnutes up the road from us where he is going to stay for a month's respite to see if he can get back to caring for himself again. Hope he will but if not it may become a permanent arrangement. Touch wood, he seems to have settled in well so far and seems to like the place and the staff there. It's given us a bit of peace of mind and means we will now definitely be able to get away for our long planned trip to Sri Lanka next week.
Brother is starting to show signs of progress too - after being flat on his back for most of the last 4 months they have now got him up and reasonably mobile again, walking short distances, albeit with a frame but it's definitely a start.
So all in all, a more positive start to February and hoping for more progress soon.
Wednesday is the big day when we fly off to Sri Lanka, and it really can't come soon enough!
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Bakers2, sorry I missed your news yesterday, didn't get time to look in. Reading through the posts you have lots of support on here. Your OH is in the best place and getting good care by the sounds of things. I like the suggestion to take your birthday cards and pressies into the hospital. Just remember to take care of yourself too, all the best.
Moulesy hope you have a great holiday.
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That’s better news for you Moulesy, fingers crossed things keep going forwards. Sri Lanka sounds lovely, hope you have a good rest.
I spent day with my sister and Mum today. Sis and me are doing up a bedroom for a birthday treat for Mum. All going well so far. We didn’t fall out once, all afternoon😂
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Moulesy. So pleased to hear that your Dad seems to be settling well into his care home. Hopefully he feels safe and well cared for. Better news on your brother as well. I hope he continues to improve. I hope you and your OH have a wonderful trip to Sri Lanka. It sounds very well deserved. It sounds like things are looking up for you and your family.
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B2.....thank you for considering me a good example, I hope I can live up to your expectations!
I do feel fortunate to have been diagnosed and treated so promptly. Heart disease seems to run in my family, my grandfather had it, and my Dad died suddenly at age 63 of either a stroke or a heart attack. He had been feeling a bit poorly and was booked in for tests, but did not survive that long.
My Mum had angina, was on medication, but no other treatment, I think the docs considered her too old to bother with. She was a good age however, lived to just short of 98, so I am planning to take after her!
My problems started about 9 months before I was operated on, though I did not really realise what was happening. We were in Norway the year before, and I was working on repairs on our house, I noticed I felt a bit tired and had to rest more than usual, but said nothing to OH.
When we came home in the autumn I felt a bit breathless when walking uphill, but nothing else. I was however mindful of my Mum's angina, so just before Christmas I said to OH that I thought I should see our Doc.
He immediately sent me to see the specialist, and things went quickly from then. When my op had to be delayed, I was given extra pills to take and instructions to return immediately if I felt bad, fortunately I did not need to, I actually felt a bit of a fraud as I mainly felt fine, but the angiograms told a different story.
If you or your OH want any info on what to expect, just ask. If it is anything like my experience then you will be given a lot of info on the procedure and what to expect afterwards.
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Moulesy, I don't normally do +1 but the rest of the team are spot on, so
We were graced with CL royalty today as Nellie and his long suffering OH rolled into our CL, well the one we are staying at. We've managed to survive somehow to fight another day and good natured banter will resume tomorrow.
We're still carless as apparently not all replacement parts arrived together.
NTH and Mrs NTH and Flyte dropping us off as we continue to make a nuisance of ourselves at the garage. Will hopefully get a long walk in with them over the weekend. Extended our stay until after the weekend just in case.