What are you all up to
Hospital parking is a nightmare, I noticed that in NZ, far less population far more land!
Our main hospital built as TB hospital in very large grounds possibly the 1930s don't quote me. Enlarged and enlarged, incorporated mental health unit etc etc built the hospice there. Large open field all the way down Hospital Approach, clue in the name, just being developed into 100s of homes, loads of fighting to incorporate more parking 😉. My hairdresser remarked one of her clients had bought a house there, client commenting in the amount of sirens going all day and all night 😂. Wouldn't be much use as TB hospital these days.
If they're going to centralise things they need to do joined up thinking! 24 hour parking £6 which I don't think too bad but advertising long stay rate available, there isn't for us as far as I know, would be useful. As would the ability to pay via phone, I dont pay that way for any parking, but to continually require lots of coins - which do get rejected 😤 is a another stress and of course we are heading towards a cashless society 😂
I'm with you takethedogalong you can 'pretty up' a building
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🎂 Happy Birthday to all those celebrating.
Bakers2 hope you are feeling better, and best wishes to Mr B2 for a speedy recovery, hope all goes well.
After a busy day yesterday we decided to get an early start and for a change from Otmoor, we would visit the RSPB reserve at Middleton Lakes near Tamworth. Very cold & frosty but sunny so well wrapped up we followed the trails round the lakes. The dog was allowed round most of the reserve on a lead. There is a large Heronry and a few Herons sitting up in the trees. We spent a lovely peaceful hours watching the birds, and the rats who were enjoying the food dropped under the feeders
Had a call from youngest son, who is excited about his new job, first day tomorrow. If the bbc news app crashes tomorrow I will know who to blame
Booked a CL for another weekend in the Peak District in a couple of weeks, hope that we have seen the back of the snow for a while now!
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Agree Parking at the JR is horrendous, and seems to get worse every time I have had to go
finding a space is a joke, peak times its a one in one out system.
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ABM I'm so so sorry. Just searched for WASPIES and see what you mean
I actually meant WASPI cant say where the E came from!
I hope you've calmed down now? Cant have any more health issues on my shoulders 😂😂
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HelenandTrevor sounds like a lovely day. Sun was nice here through the conservatory glass.
Thanks for the good wishes.
Good luck to your son for tomorrow - I'm sure any malfunction would be a complete coincidence.
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Happy Birthday to millie, today and B2's to come. Glad that you are feeling somewhat better B2 and hope that all goes well with OH's examination and your getting in to see him.
We're lucky that our local general hospital is within easy walking distance of our house, and fortunate that we've not had to partake of it's hospitality for a long time. I did notice that one can get a weeks parking permit for £10 which is quite a saving for anyone needing to visit on a regular basis.
Weather's changed here, yesterday it started to warm up a little and we had no frost last night. This morning was fine but it started to rain after lunch and has continued to do so on and off since then, so a wet walk out before diner and it looks like another tonight.
Have booked our first CL for our next trip from next Thursday, near Harrogate. All being well should meet up a pair of very good friends who will also be away in their van. Really looking forward to meeting up again and chewing over the fat.
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I'm in the same boat, Brian. Had to look it up. Chest still heaving after laughing. Goodness knows how I'm going to explain the adverts that Google will now bombard me with to Mrs WN.
Then again she'll hopefully understand being a WASPI(E) herself!
Busy, busy day. Why is it that when you're busy mechanical things choose that moment to throw a wobbly? Trying to get ''van prepared for Tuesday. Had time to make a Steak and Kidney casserole that was on very low in the oven for 3 hours.Tried it with using 250 ml of Adnams Broadside ale to top up the beef stock. Turned out a treat.
Glad you enjoyed your day Helen. It's a lovely reserve in Springtime when the song birds come back. Have a look at the one at Coombes Valley, also RSPB.
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ADD46. I am convinced that the birds hide during Bird Watch weekend and sit there laughing at us. 😂
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Happy birthday Millie and good wishes to all on this thread.
It's not like me, but I'm feeling a little fed up and tired at the moment. We'd love to get out in the caravan, but are still waiting for our new axle to arrive from Bailey ('as a measure of goodwill').
The dog has been poorly and has some idiopathic (unknown cause) nerve problem on the right side of her face which means she can't blink her right eyelid. This means eyedrops until it rights itself, or if it doesn't, for the rest of her life. She's had all the scans and everything else is OK. Our vet referred her to the Willow in Solihull - they were really good.... but with a bill just a couple of pounds short of £3,700, they ought to be! Fortunately, we're covered through insurance!
Anna (our daughter) has fallen down at Uni (in Falmouth) and, although nothing broken is quite bruised. Carol is having difficulty in sleeping and got up at 4.30am this morning not having yet slept. She ended up on the settee and fell to sleep eventually. Eventually, when I when I got up to go to church, she decided to go back to bed and stayed there until after midday. Now her body clock is way out!
At least we went to a friends lovely wedding yesterday.
I'm not liking the cold weather and long dark nights. Fortunately, we've had no more than a few flakes of snow which have not stayed with us.
Bring on the Spring and some normality!!
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One thing it took me a while to work out was why the barrier wouldn't go up. Gradually dawned on me someone has to leave the car park before letting someone new enter!!! We did find a car park around the back of the Heart Centre which whilst always busy we did manage always to find a space.
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Woken and trying distracting techniques for a few minutes before I chat to OH. Breathing easier and I didn't come to bed until 10pm last night 😯😂.
I'm glad for accidentally given some light entertainment to folks and apologises for resulting adverts that will appear on your screens
DSB it's a rotten time of year and I think we'll all be pleased when spring arrives. Best wishes and a speedy recovery to Anna as well as your wife resuming her usual sleeping pattern. Hopefully your dog will return to normal but will be well looked after.
For those of you who are looking forward to trips enjoy the planning as well as the trip.
I also agree the birds hide bird watch weekend. I've even tried doing it several times to see if I can get a more representative sample - that doesn't work either, so didnt need to cheat 😉.
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Sorry to hear that you are feeling fed up David. I hope your daughter recovers soon. It is always a worry when they are away from home. I hope also that your OH gets back into her normal sleeping pattern. For some reason I have been waking at about 4.30am every day for the past week and can't get back to sleep. I think we are all so fed up with the cold and the dark. At least January is over and done with. I also hope your little dog recovers soon. What a good job you have her insured. Take care and hopefully your caravan will be back on the road soon and you can start planning.
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Just caught up with a few posts on here, I would like to thank B2 for giving us a bit of a giggle.
David, (DSB) sorry to hear things aren't going so well and I do hope your daughter will feel better soon, being young they can usually bounce back more quickly than the rest of us. We too have vet visits with our old dog who has had eye problems, added to her other ailments, but she still keeps going although our nights are disturbed by her mis-timed wakefulness. So for one reason or another looks like a few of us aren't getting a good night's sleep. Hope you get your van back soon, can you plan anything yet? Hope things improve.
Builders merchant delivering here just now, keeping out of the way. This afternoon a concrete mixer arrives, OH has a lot planned, at least it's warmer today.
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Frustration central here, just got to let off steam. OH woken cannula fitted early this morning told off between 8-9. Came in and took blood. Consultant been round blood tests should have been done over the weekend haven't been done! Tried to fit cannula and do blood tests twice this morning dont seem great a record keeping!
If they can get results urgently he may go later today but otherwise don't know when. Consultant not a happy bunny!
Don't know how to feel and get rid of this frustration if you hear a loud wail you'll now the source.
Am feeling better but can't see him yet as don't want to add to delays. Usually like to do something physical at times like this but no energy 😤😤😤😤😤😤
Sorry rant over!
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Indeed its warmer up here in the County Palatine, brue, but that might be due to the fact that Postie has just been
Amongst the postage paid garbage there was one very welcome package -- this months Vintage Spirit Heritage Magazine and with it came their 2019 EVENTS GUIDE WHOOPEEEEE.
For the next couple of days you will find me typing out my list of Brian's Preferred Steam Rallies. Then it'll be " Please caravan Club can I book the following sites please"
I'll send you a 'bunkerful' of good wishes, David DSB, enough to spread amongst your family and, I hope, to cheer you and yours back to where you normally are
, I'll have a scratt round B2, should be able to fill another bunkerfull especially for B2 -- well after all she gave a few of us a good giggle didn't she
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Thanks for the posts and good wishes folks. To add to it all, we had a letter in the post this morning to say that our storeage facility has been 'breached'. Only by 'foot persons' - no vans stolen, but they have broken in too a couple of vans - fortunately not ours, but we're of up to check to make sure. There's actually nothing in our van anyway at the moment. We emptied it in the knowledge that it would be laid up for quite a while because of my knee op. This is the first time the security has been breached in the 25 years or so that the site has been going. They are now tightening security even further how they got in I do not know! Oh well - I'll let you all know how we get on later. 🙄
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We currently have no bathroom so nocturnal meanderings will entail a trip downstairs. I suppose the upside is that it might get me nearer my 10,000 steps a day.
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## Brue, You've got 'em on a list & they'd none of 'em be missed they'd none of em be missed !! ## Tra La
Having my Rallies in a list ( Top to bottom with dates ) allows me to work out an area for maximum steam input
I've vowed to cover more of the smaller / neglected shows 'cos some of the big ones are very tiring on ABM's tootsies these days
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.Sorry to read about your other news David, but good to know caravan is ok.
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Glad your steam rally plans are going well ABM, hope you have completed your site bookings.
Weather much milder today, took my walking boots to the repairers today to see if they could do something with the heels as I'd worn them down, Great news they could, cost only £9 ,
saved me buying a new pair, which is a relief as they are really comfortable.
Son messaged to say he had enjoyed his first day in his new job at the Beeb,.
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Pleased to hear that your son enjoyed his first day at the Beeb Helen. Also pleased to hear that your van is OK David (DSB).That all sounds quite worrying.
So sorry to hear that you and your OH have had such a frustrating time with the NHS today Bakers2. It makes you wonder how many times this is happening and how much it is costing in lost man hours and bed occupancy. I do hope your OH gets transferred tomorrow and that you will be able to visit him soon. Best wishes to you both.