What are you all up to
We might even get started on our huge attic. It’s been on hold for a couple of years due to ill health and my caring duties, full of all sorts of stuff that needs sorting out, and OH has been using it as a bike building cave, but it would make a great extra bedroom, or a workshop/ craft space.
That's the job we have not long since finished. New proper stairs were fitted 2 years ago and then dividing walls went up with a small landing between them. One side of the attic is for storage, the solar cabinet and the gas boiler is in there as well. The other side of the attic was a craft room for a long time but now it is a multi purpose room with TV, 2 futon chairs/beds, a desk and a few other bits and pieces of furniture. The grand kids can now use it to escape the grown ups when visiting and it doubles as a fitness room at the moment. We wanted something that works for us for 50 weeks of the year but will work for the kids when they are here.
It's great fun doing the work yourself, we would have done it in less time but holidays got in the way
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Well that's us all ready for the off in another hour. OH still not 100% but better than he was. Gave him a hair trim this morning so he at least looks tidy
Bags all packed and weighed, 1 holdall 20kg and 1 carry on 7kg each we still have another 20 kg hold if needed but I think we have plenty, don't want to have to try and carry/wheel a fifth bag.
Take care everyone, be good to each other. Those going away be safe, those who have not been well hope you are all getting better.
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It's a DIY day today......we bought new wall lights for the living room....the fittings for the new ones are not the same as the old ones so hole filling, painting and new holes drilled. OH about to start connecting up the electrics......I'm keeping out of the way until I'm "needed" as a spare pair of hands. 😶
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We are fortunate to have the stairs already in place, but after having complete new roof timbers a few years ago, it now needs end walls replastering, and space area reboarding. OH is going to do a lot of the work, including utilising eaves as storage space. It is currently his cycling workshop and exercise space, house hums as if there’s a giant wasp around when he is up there on rollers. We had two velux windows in, and the gable End has a window already, so it’s quite light and airy. Just too much clutter up there at moment. A lot depends on if we decide to stay here to be honest, not made our minds up yet. There’s only the two of us.
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Just having a catch up on here, before going to bed. Lots of busy folks.
OH bluelighted from doctors to hospital Friday evening. Been under the weather for a couple of months, managed to get an emergency appointment when I phoned surgery at 1745. Being treated for heart attack and ventricular fibulation, heart doing cha cha cha. Darling son left his golf dinner Friday evening to keep me company, didn't want him to have too good a evening 😉 incase he needed to drive on Saturday!very late night or early morning for us both of us. OH has better colour and his personality back. Dejavu from 23 years ago. Doesn't feel any nicer this time around. Not got young children any more but daughter 12000 miles away 😢
Sorry to dampen things 😢
Hoping to get some sleep tonight!
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Oh Bakers2 I am so sorry to hear this. What a difficult and worrying time for you all. I do wish your OH well. Our thoughts and best wishes are with you. Keep us posted please.
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So sorry to hear about your OH, B2. Hope that he has a speedy recovery. Best wishes to both of you.
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Thoughts are with you Bakers. It’s very frightening, but sure hospital will sort him out. All the best, take care.
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B2, best wishes from me too.
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And from me.
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You can go off people, you know.
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Take care of yourself Bakers2, and OH is in the best place to be treated. Know exactly how you feel as I went through the same last year, It's a worry, but whilst in hospital they can monitor him,
To everyone under the weather, get well soon, spring is round the corner.
To those away, have a wonderful time.
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best wishes from me too
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So sorry to read your news B2, it must have been very scary for you all. Very best wishes to you and your OH. He is in the best place to get sorted out and monitored so look after yourself. We have 2 friends who have undergone this same scenario in the last 18 months and they are doing very well now.
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Just had a catch up with all the "goings on" missed a few days, note to self, must try harder.
Really sorry to read the very sad news about your DIL's friend Millie, any updates re the children?
Bakers2 sorry to read about your OH, must have been scary, Best wishes from me and take care of yourself too.
I am still full of cold and have now developed a cough to go with it, decided last weekend that we would cancel this weekend away, so have been at home. Did get dragged out last night to our local with friends, they had live music on, singer was pretty good.
OH is messing about in the garage with "Daffy" work has slowed as it's been too cold.
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Bakers, sorry to hear the news. He must have seen the credit card bill for the Wedding Outfit! Couldn't you have done what most sensible men would have done and gone to Primark? Keep yourself fit as OH will be well looked after by our wonderful NHS but you'll need to be in top shape for near future.
It's a tad windy out there. Started out on a walk this morning only to have a twig fly past our heads. Thought better of it. MIL showed me her knickers today.
Don't worry they were an old pair that she cut up and patterned so that she could make into a frilly doilly for a bookmark (not going anywhere near my books!). This was a project for her craft class, not necessarily using knickers just anything lying around the house. Anyway don't mention it to anyone otherwise I'm in trouble.
ps I'm now calling her Nicholas!