Adding Web Links to Discussions

This is a request that when people add links into a discussion that they use the option to open link in new page. (dialogue box where you add the URL) This has the advantage that you will be less inclined to close the Club Together page down by mistake, resulting in having to log in again. This might not affect all systems but it can be a problem on Windows systems. It would be appreciated if people could take a few more seconds to use this facility.
Just change the default (NO) open in a new window to YES.
It would be much more sensible if the default was YES. Could the IT department not change it to that.
Sorry silly question.😂
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Please don't stop posting links but have a try with what Steve has illustrated. I agree with Steve that it should be the default position.
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That link works fine for me, WTG, and the back arrow brought me back here. It seems a vast improvement on the old system which involved faffing around with the link box.👍🏻
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I'll give it a go to check if an issue.
No that works fine opens in a new window. That's using an iPad and Safari.What system are you using W2G.
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Your link opened over the top of the web page, WTG, but I have no issue with that. Closing on the X is chancey at anytime and I always use the back arrow as a matter of habit.
Steve’s link opens another tab.
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I take that you are referring to the fact that when links are clicked, they open up on the same tab? Why is that a problem?
because when using a phone it's all too easy to lose the link to the CC
On EVERY other forum I use, opening a link to somewhere else opens it in another tab ..... if only the CT IT team were up to their job.
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Whilst I concur that 'new tab' should be the default, is not opening in one available by a 'right click'?
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You're doing great 😀.
This being this site, you need to go to the 4th line of the insert box - open in a new window? Move over and choose yes before clicking ok. A default of opening in a new window would be so simple and obvious in many places of employment...........
Theres nothing like learning the hard way and being able to streamline tasks when creating things 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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On my iPad, at least, although holding on it gives the option of open in a new tab, it does not take you to it.
Yes it opens a new tab but you then have to click / touch on it. This would be more fiddly on a phone.
The advantage of it being in a new tab to me, is if you click on any further links within the link. This then involves multiple back presses to get back to CT and on this forum does not always work.☹️
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I don't usually tick the yes box for a link as NO is the default but will do so now. LINK (which I've now altered to yes instead of no. I don't normally click off CT by my usual method as I back click through the link. However this is on a laptop, I dont use a phone or ipad for detailed LINKS but if it helps I will try to remember different users are affected!
PS I still had to back click on my laptop to get rid of the tabs.
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So it's funny too that after I'd posted numerous links yesterday DK decided to 'have a go' - not the first time either... (I'm feeling 'got at' again!)
No idea why you should feel 'got at'. When you click on a link in CT you have no idea whether it will open in a new or existing window. Like David I also find it a mild irritation to find existing tab written over and for that reason I normally take the trouble to set my links to open in a new window.
I would, however, far rather that a poster uses a link that overwrites rather than no link at all.
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I too find that links, done by the above method, with or without a new tab 😉, don't always work. So frustrating. But as you say only on CT. Maybe we are the guinea pigs for the IT team? Who constantly monitor these threads and tweet as appropriate 😂😂.
I don't think the OP was aimed only for you, there are lots who may not do it that way, me included if I'm in a rush
. I'm grateful folks try. Of course you can copy the link and paste into a new tab if all else fails!
CT certainly tests us in so many different ways...........
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If it's any help WTG I've had a look back at the way I do it and the way you do it and normally I wouldn't even think about it because of the default NO. You're not being got at and I will no doubt forget to change the default as I think this has been requested before....but I will try to remember in future.
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You could try it again on this thread and just delete it if needed, no one will mind. It's a bit like adding photos and having to reduce them, I congratulate all those who can adapt to this system! Personally the way people do links doesn't bother me its good of them to attempt it.