What are you all up to
OH, Those bloomin' birds, B2
Darned things are learning new tricks all the time. lots of seed feeders being used, two peanut feeders that I have to empty regularly, then crunch up the nuts in a small kitchen machine then put the residue into normal feeders. But I've found that FERAL PIGEONS have taken to balancing, with a bit of wing flapping, on the dishes that are placed beneath the tube seed feeders -- seed going everywhere which is what the dishes are supposed to prevent. And to add to that, a couple of pigeons have been seen with one foot on a fence post, t'other on a hedge twig, and a guzzling beak into the food under the dome of a "Dome = Topped" feeder designed for the smaller ( prettier
) birds.
Think I'll be getting the power drill out & shifting the feeders around once more
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Another sunny but bitterly cold day here today, frost not lifted off the back garden all day. We have snowdrops and crocus out in the front garden back garden still thinks its winter, oh it is winter
Bit of food shopping this morning, then round to see big sis for a cuppa and chat. Home for a late lunch then 30 mins exercise once lunch gone down. OH ordered new fobs for my car and has been struggling for over an hour now trying to get the old working bits into the new fob, air is blue and I''m keeping my head down
Yesterday we booked a couple of excursions on the cruise, will leave rest until on cruise just didn't want to miss out on those 2. Will go online and book something for Dubai later today.
Only another week then you will all get peace from me
Hope your feeling better today H&T, brue and Tricky.
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Went to Burton Mere RSPB reserve this morning. Half an hour after arriving so did the snow and pretty soon it was a white out so we drove home in a blizzard. I got out of bed early for this? Looking at the forecast at 9pm last night it wasn't showing the snow until this afternoon. When will I ever learn??
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ABM we also have problems with the pigeons. They will try and balance on anything to get to the feeders and look very ungainly when they do!! I have kept moving the feeders but they keep on trying 😠. Reminder to self: I must get some more bird feed this weekend.
Busy day today. I have tried to improve mind and body. Luckily classes that appeal to me have resumed at our local Adult Education College this term - The European and English Reformation this term. Luther and Zwingli so far. Calvin next week. A lot to take in but very interesting. I then went for a swim this afternoon and did the Aldi shopping on the way home. We are all off to a panto tomorrow evening. It is an annual event put on by the amateur panto group in the village where our daughter and family live. Daughter, grand-daughter and grandson all performing. It is always good fun.
I hope all those who are poorly or injured are beginning to feel a bit better. Take care and try to keep warm.
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We have visiting pigeons, in fact I can see their scruffy little nests now the trees are bare, they will no doubt be hanging around to demolish our cabbage plants in the Spring. They are too plump to balance on most of our bird feeders!
Good that you have some interesting classes locally Millie, hope you enjoy seeing the family in the Panto.
We are booked to see Alice Roberts give a talk in our local theatre tomorrow. I've spent most of the day immobile as trying to walk yesterday didn't pay off. I'm trying to work out the easiest way to get into the theatre.
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Sorry Bakers2. I have just been having a bit of a catch up and realised that I had missed your post about your OH falling down the stairs. I do hope he has recovered and that there is no lasting damage.
brue. I hope you manage to get to the theatre to see Alice Roberts and that your ankle is not too painful. Have you had any medical attention for it? Take care.
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Alice Roberts? She can examine my bones anytime.
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Brue that will be interesting. Did you see the lectures Alice Roberts did on tv between Christmas and New Year? They were aimed at children but still very interesting to watch. I wish my science lectures had been that interesting when I was at school.
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Thank you for the " get well" wishes, sorry bit late, but took myself off to bed early after work yesterday, it worked I felt a bit better this morning ,
it's catching up with me now though
Been to the metropolis of Milton Keynes today, needed some bits from Ikea, it was very busy as usual. Then met up with eldest son and his girlfriend for a catch up. Filled the car with fuel at Asda, it was 6p a litre cheaper than at home!
Just chilling/recovering now listening to the radio.
We also have problems with pigeon's, I think they keep all the other birds away too.
Enjoy your nights out Millie and Brue, hope all have a good weekend.
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I have heard that they (pigeons) don't like a laser pen being shone in their eyes and tend to stay away.
Haven't tried it myself so cannot pronounce on its efficacy.
Anyone else know how to get shot of them without disrupting other garden birds?
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Just reading on BBC news that 2 people have reportedly died whilst in hospital in Scotland from fungal infections introduced by Pigeons.
We try to discourage Pigeons from the garden whenever we see them and I have a small cage that only small birds can access plus bird feeders that have a double metal protection that prevents large birds and squirrels from getting at the food.
Went to town today. Market half empty. Stall holders tend to take their hols after Christmas. Miserable day weather wise. Tried a new stew based on Morrocan sausages and butter beans. Seemed to go down well. Right day for it.
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I've not been feeling too good for the last couple of days.....aching all over, stiff neck, heavy eyes, roasting hot and feeling cold all at the same time. Been dosing up on paracetamol and flu powders. The weather hasn't helped either, what with a sleet shower and rain yesterday and damp drizzly conditions today. I do feel a little better this evening and hope that I can get a decent night's sleep tonight.
We did at least miss out on any heavy snow, sorry to hear that your trip to the RSPB Reserve didn't go to plan, WN.
Hope you both have a good time at your night's out, brue & millie. Is there anyone you can borrow a wheelchair from so as you can get to the theatre, brue?
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We went out a drive in our day van today along the coast it was cold and rainy but was nice and warm once we put the heater on. It was nice sitting looking out to sea drinking a nice cup of coffee. Once back home we decided to order a take awy for dinner. Also booked a couple of club sites for trilps with the caravan. 5 nights at Southport in March and 4 nights at Berwick in May.
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Nothing exciting today, had a lazy morning. Then this afternoon went through the clothes that I'd selected for the holiday. We've not got all the details of what we are going to do on our shore days so have now sorted out what I'm going to take. Will sort out OH's in the next day or so.
We got a lovely unexpected call from our eldest grand daughter this afternoon to say, she was with her other grand parents and passing our way on their way back from Pitlochry, was it ok to stop by to see us
had a nice wee visit with them and a hot cuppa (they were freezing. We won't see her again now until end of March
We had a bit of snow last night and hard frost this morning but its all gone now.
Off to see Mum tomorrow.
Hope all those who have not been feeling well get better soon.
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Sorted already? It's the one thing I hate about cruises - the OH agonising about what clothes to take.
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I managed to get there last night. I did see the lectures for the children which I thought were very engaging and wondered if we might get an adult version. But instead we had a run through of her life with films and anecdotes. She's very much as you see her on TV, a very good speaker, the random audience questions at the end started to get more interesting. I bought a paperback from the bookstall, written by Alice Roberts and based on the BBC Celts programme but I didn't get in the long queue for a signature! A nice evening out.
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Me to that's why I like to get me sorted early. This one is different as we have 7 sea days, 2 lots of 2 days and 3 single days. We've not been on a cruise with so many sea days so hoping there will be lots to do.
Won't need as many 'going ashore' outfits though. We have 3 formal nights, the rest smart casual, at least this cruise doesn't have the fancy dress nights that the Panama had. Some of the shore excursions are a bit 'samey' so we might just end up doing our own thing.
Nice day again today but still bitterly cold out.
We've booked to go up the Burg Khalifa for when we are in Dubai, just hoping for a clear day now.
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Sea days give you a chance to recharge your batteries although I find there are so many lectures and stuff going on they are almost as exhausting. Rather you than me at the Burj Khalifa - I get giddy on thick carpet.
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OH got up OP, but sadly too cloudy here. Hope you had better views.
More clearing out and decorating for us. We appear to have more books than your average WH Smith’s, collected down the years. Some have got to go. We both find it very hard to part with books, avid readers, but if it’s on Kindle, it’s out! And then there are the DVDs...........
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Same here Tda, still freezing but 10/10 cloud cover.
Clearing out daughters old bedroom as we’ve got a new guest bed arriving on Wednesday.
Brought a new photographic slide viewer so going through hundreds of 35mm slides to decide which ones to save onto CD.
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35mm slides! I so wish I had lots from our younger years. You might like this for using them for all sorts of different things, rather than getting rid.....
Some great ideas, if you have the time and patience. Keep sakes for family as well.
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I bought a gizmo for scanning slides into the PC. Pretty good it was. My avatar is one of them and not bad for a near 50 year old pic.
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Which Slide Viewer have you bought, OP ??
I'm still using a DIASTAR 200 mains viewer. It allows me to move by hand slides from a 20 or so stack which lets me view each one for as long as I want so I get the data & MANUALLY input it onto my spreadsheet . I dont transfer pics onto CD or any electronic device 'cos I'm still of the opinion that Slides, decently stored, will have a longer life than the electrons
TTDA it can be a pain updating the info but it can be great in a cold wet winter but I've only got a few left. Well about 64.5 thousand
up to the time I went all digital. After that I just kept the CF cards annotated & filed but only 17 or so 16 GIG cards this century so far and all in order natch
but their turn will come.
Now guess what Brian's about to start doing
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OH has done our 35mm slides about 3 years ago all on the PC and has just mentioned photographs 1 large container full of them an albums no comment!!!
We had some sunshine am and now gone very cloudy and much cooler and there maybe some snow over the next two days glad we do not live high up on the Pyrenees snow forecast for 1 to 1 and half metres in the next two days brr and from next winter if you live in the mountain areas you may need winter tyres still being discussed at present.
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Don't mention photos, I'm trying to sort out my late Mum's, my Grandfather's and ours. A few years back I sorted OH's family ones and divided them between him and his twin sisters. Now I've got to divide the next lot between our three children and keep a few special ones back for the time being. There are an awful lot of unknown views and people on many of them!