What are you all up to
Thanks for the good wishes everyone. Looking forward to getting it.😀
Not sure we will need Clumber so much now JVB. Although it will live in the storage compound, it should be practical to take it home for loading. It's the 588 model, twin beds above garage at rear. Nice and easy to get into as we get older from the steps between them.😂 Cirencester would still be a good site for us, as the shops are currently walkable with our shopping trolley. We do plan to get some e bikes, hence wanting the rear garage.
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Great news on the new MHs, very exciting. What sizes did you go for?
Hope everyone else is ok. We are very busy house sorting at the moment, re arranging a few things, mending and improving a few things, and also spending some money! New furniture mainly. We have searched all over for chairs and sofas we like, huge difference in quality, choice and prices, so not easy to find what we fancy.
We are narrowing down cottages for a holiday with Mum as well, some good bargains out there, between peak holiday prices.
Brave little me had a wisdom tooth filled as well this morning, took some numbing gel, three injections, a stress ball and some soothing, but we got there in the end. Student dentist had a ball taking in “how to deal with a problem customer”, we all had a giggle after the dastardly deed was finished. I am such a coward about teeth, rather have one out than a filling!
Nearly home now Nellie! Have you decided on next area to visit yet?
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Nice comfy size. We have had a look round some of the Hymers, very nice. You will find things much more appealing in terms of doing a few days away, will seem so much easier than towing, and it’s brilliant having the luxury of all your necessities with you on a day out! You soon start to spot perfect picnicing pull ins when you are out and about. Can highly recommend Northumberland as a very MH friendly place. Hope you have a lovely time. And you DK when you get your new MH!
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Exciting times David and Steve!! I hope you both enjoy your new MHs. I expect you will be busy planning trips away soon.
Best of luck with your cataract appointment Bakers2. Let us know how you get on. I hope you have a better experience than last time.
Not long until your cruise now Tammygirl. We are off the Canaries on 1st March which I see is close to your date for Lanzarote
. I hope we don't get the Beast from the East like last time.
Safe journey home Nellie. Where are you going next?
I did my morning Welcoming stint yesterday. Compared to previous years it was quite busy for the time of year. Hopefully Tim Peake has put us on the map. Lost of lovely comments from the visitors. I then had a Museum Society committee meeting in the evening. Lots of discussion about whether we should change our meetings to day times, the committee were very split so in the end it was decided (I think) that a letter will be sent out to the members. We did manage to decide the date of the next committee meeting
Had a phone call after I got home from son in NI to confirm dates for them coming over. They are coming for the week of the February half term. Lots of very excited grand-children both over there and here.
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Gosh, lots going on everyone has been very busy.
I missed everything yesterday.
Good luck with your new Motorhomes David and SteveL.
Glad Mr MH is feeling better, I woke up this morning with a very sore throat
Happy Holidays to all those away, and to those about to go too.
We'll done TTDA on the filling , I am terrible at the dentist, my dentist is very good, which helps.
Bakers2 hope you get things sorted with cateract op.
Hope I've not missed anyone!
I had a busy day at work yesterday, lots going on . Then last night we were trying to sort out a trip for May. Finally decided to head to the Dales so was searching out CL'S. Didn't get very far as was too tired, will try again later.
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Seat House, not far from Skipton is very nice H&T. Has showers and loos as well. Quiet, lovely views, easy to get out to Settle, Hawes, Buttertubs etc.....
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Puzzled why you would turn your phone off in the first place? Just as well you looked though!
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Thanks ttda, it's one that's on my list
Sounds lovely.
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We've had an appointment for consultation now for MIL's first problem, one that will definitely need an operation, but maybe under a local anaesthetic, not sure yet. It means that the op will probably take place at the earliest in mid February so Mrs WN have decided to cancel our planned trip to Spain in Mid March. No point beating about the bush and waiting to see what happens as MIL needs a second appointment for another problem. We've optimistically booked 2 CLs around Easter time (unusual for us but needs must).
Quite pleased with the CMC travel people. We've moved the ferry booking to September and the price is exactly the same just a small admin charge for the change.
We both feel a bit more settled now that decisions have been made. Of course we know that they will still probably have to be amended but you can't sit on your hands waiting, particularly if you hope to get away at a busy time like Easter.
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We have moved over to short term plans in the last five years WN, partly due to caring duties, partly because my OH has had two years of hell healthwise. (Glad to say things are much better now) It made us get off onto shorter breaks, but boy did we pack a lot into say three or four days away! We are able to get away longer now, but we have seldom failed to get somewhere to stay first choice with MH, and the money we have saved taking short notice cottages has saved us thousands of pounds! Didn’t have overseas to contend with though, that for another time, if we ever find ourselves without a pooch! It’s a lot to get your head around at first, but like you say, once decisions are made, you sort of adapt. Hope things go well for you.
H&T, there’s another CL we fancy at Ingleton, Stacksteads. I think Nellie has been, one for us as it has an indoor pool!
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Beautiful sunny day today, blue skies a bit breezy, we did have a frost overnight and until mid morning but so nice to see the sunshine, very warm coming through the lounge window.
Housework done this morning right through, always feels better once its done. Going out shortly to pick up currency for Dubai and Singapore.
Puzzled why you would turn your phone off in the first place? Just as well you looked though!
Don't know about anyone else but OH always switches his phone off at bedtime, we have a house phone if family need to get in touch.
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Cheers, ttda.
We had a nice trial run in Autumn last year of cancellations and short term breaks and have in past years had the same as I had to have regular tests and meetings with consultants. We could have had a nice little break away with the amount of deposits lost over the years.
Would like to get away in a cottage somewhere but prefer not to commit as we don't know dates for operations etc. There's quite a few people in the same boat as us. Just grin and bear it.
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Tammygirl 😯
Beautiful sunny day today, blue skies a bit breezy, we did have a frost overnight and until mid morning but so nice to see the sunshine, very warm coming through the lounge window.
please dont hog all those clear blue skies, we've hardly had a break in the clouds since before Christmas, feels like the sky's on your head 😤😤😤. I'd rather have brught cold and clear. Fingers crossed for next few days. We now have some heavier drizzle just to cheer us up!
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Wherenext fingers crossed for a swift date for MIL op.
We have had to curtail our spending on trips somewhat since daughter lives in NZ, local it's been but was aiming to be a bit more adventurous year but that may not happen with op etc and mother duties. Fingers crossed for all carers getting breaks spontaneously 😃.
TTDA well done at the dentist, it certainly isn't my favourite place. That said we've had a great dentist for the last 30 years, I know that because I first saw him soon after my son was born 😯 dentist was newly qualified. Very gentle and understanding. OH used to have to be put out for any treatment but this guy has never had to do that. Sadly he only sees patients privately so we used Denplan. He's now head of the practice and I hear he gets very good NHS dentists, but they generally turn private or move on to do so and we dont want to take the risk. I'm actually going tomorrow for a clean - 😯😯, he never passes you to a hygienist which is nice, but I have really sensitive teeth, just like the rest of me!
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Finally finished the modification of the fixed bed. By raising it a few inches, not only can I now use the full aperture of the hatch, I've also gained some useful stowage slots above the lockers either side. Just have to remember my parachute when I go to the loo at night.
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Sorry, makes a change for us to have nice days at this time of year. I don't want to jinx it but I can't remember it so mild or so nice, January for us usually means, mild = wet and grey or blue skies = freezing cold.
Popped into Tesco while OH was picking up the currency, bought a new mascara wow! I think this is the best one I have ever had, I have really short eyelashes and struggle to get them to look 'full' but this new one is great
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Thanks to you'all for the compassion and suggestions,only time will tell i guess !!
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Last cottage we went to, I booked it two days before we set off. Mind you, we are regulars there, and it’s not far away. It’s possible, and often very cheap.
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Well done CY. It’s good being able to modify things to suit if you can.
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I am glad to hear that your MIL has an appointment WN. I do hope things work out better than anticipated. I am sorry to hear that you have had to cancel your holiday plans though. Some years ago when we were carers for FIL he went into respite care while we went to France in our then motor home. Unfortunately half way through our trip when we were in SW France we got a phone call to say he had been admitted to hospital so had to make a quick dash home. So I think you have made the right decision. I hope all goes well for your MIL and you are able to get away later in the year. We are trying to tailor our trips around OH's hospital appointments at the moment but I am sure we will manage to get away a few times this year. Fingers crossed for our trip to Tenerife on 1st March.
I am glad to hear you are beginning to feel a bit better Triky. I hope you and Concord are back on the road soon.
Sorry to hear about your ankle brue. That sounds very painful.
I hope you find a nice cottage for a holiday with your mum tda.
It has been a grey and wet day here today. I put our winter duvet on our bed today so we are ready for the cold nights that are forecast.
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We had something similar, Millie, when we had to dash home from La Rochelle as care services wouldn't let FIL come home from respite when he lost the use of his legs (he had Dementia). We had to find a suitable care home within 1 week.
We used to take turns going away for a break from caring for him. Mrs WN and MIL would go off for a week to Italy whilst I looked after him and we would set off in the caravan, usually just for a week but occasionally for two and MIL had extra care assistants come in for that period. We were exceedingly lucky in finding an excellent home and wonderful staff for his last couple of years. Puts many a problem into perspective.