What are you all up to
A gloriously sunny day today so no excuses and out for a walk on the Wirral with Mrs.WN. Really enjoyable day.
Returned home to find MIL had made an urgent appointment at the doctors for early evening. She has been referred by surgery to the hospital for an urgent consultation. Most unlike her to need the doctors to start with. So we have obviously cancelled our intended week long stay at Meathop Fell for Saturday to see if urgent means urgent. Mrs WN, who accompanied her, says that it looks like surgery may be required in which case we'll cancel our plans for early March/April. Told MIL not to worry about upsetting our plans as she evidently was upset about it. She did agree to another glass of wine though.
Health is far more important.
Hope everyone enjoyed their day.
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I am so sorry to hear this WN. I do hope it turns out to not be as bad as you fear. Well done to you and Mrs WN for being there to support your MIL. It must be very reassuring for her to know that you will be there every step of the way. Keep us posted.
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Happy new year to all and it has been sunny here. Sorry to hear about your accident Triky a speedy recovery.
We got back home yesterday after our holiday in a gite in the Dordogne very enjoyable nd on the way back through some popular villages next to the river a lot of folk about and many Motorhomes parked up and enjoying the sunny weather only a bit quieter than a autumn day very surprising.
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Must admit, Millie, that we have been extremely fortunate up to now with her health. Coming up to 86 and not on a single medication and no dramas if we head off for a couple of months abroad. So if she needs us then, as they say (whoever they are) it's a no brainer. Hopefully it will just be something small but significant (bit like me
) that can be fixed and not a long term problem.
Hope Mr.H's appointments go well.
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Back to work today, but at least things are quiet.
Took the tree down tonight, room now looks a bit bare
OH collected the caravan from storage, we have decided that we need a weekend away to recover, any excuse.
Sorry to read news about your MIL Wherenext, hope things turn out to be not as bad as you feared. I am sure she appreciates all your support.
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Thanks WN. We have booked some trips away so that we can say when he is not available for 'further checks'.
. Best of luck to your MIL. She must be feeling very apprehensive and upset just now.
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Sorry to hear your news, WN. Hope that it turns out to be nothing serious.
Hope your trip goes well this weekend, H&T.
Dry but cold, cloudy day. Drove up to Longshaw Estate and did a 3+ hr walk over Totley Moss across to the Edges and then back through the Estate. It was a good day for walking, so there were still plenty people out and about.
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Sorry to hear about your MIL Wherenext, a worry for you.
I am waiting to hear about our son and family looking at a possible dog for the family. As our old dog comes to the end of her life I'm not sure whether we will have another one but am now expecting calls to look after two visiting dogs...so at least we wont be totally dog less.
In the mean time in the land of DIY my bright idea to change a door round resulted in OH pointing out that the light switch is now unreachable behind the door...DOH. More work coming up.
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T'was ever thus in the D I Y World Brue. It's the reason so many firms have two questions on their paperwork, just below the heading :--
1 ) Are you sure about this ? and
2) Did we not ask, before we started " Are you sure ?"
On such things are multi-millionaires companies based
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Enjoy your trip Helen. Where are you going? We are off to N. Ireland on Friday to see youngest son and family. We are looking forward to meeting their new rescue pup, Bluebell. She is a whippet/lurcher cross ..... possibly
Let us know how your son and his family get on with getting a new dog brue. We are now in the situation of 'borrowing' family dogs as we won't get another one of our own now
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Been stuck indoors for the last few days with this wretched head cold. Almost looking forward to going to Waitrose tomorrow!!!
Now here's a strange thing. I have spent the time since Christmas doing my Ravensburger Christmas jigsaw puzzle, I do one every year. The trouble is that it is now perfectly complete but I have one piece left over, that has never happened before! Neither Margaret or I can see where I could have gone wrong as it seems perfectly completed but I have that nagging concern in the back of my head that I have have!!!
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Save it, when you have enough, recycle the pieces in the medium of a ‘jigsaw puzzle tree’👍🏻, happy to help😊
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Off for my six-monthly checkup with our ophthalmologist this afternoon. Other than the assault on my wallet, I hope there's nothing untoward. The field vision test is always a cause for some trepidation.
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We arrived on site here at Loch Lomond this afternoon its not too busy here on site but apparently the site is to get busy tomorrow. Its very cold here but nice and warm in the caravan. Hoping tp get a bit of cycling tomorrow but will have to wait and see what the weather is like.
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Got back yesterday after new year(local Hogmanay Hooley) on a Cl on Suffolk /Essex border van back in storage, now three weeks before next trip away
went out for a meal last night with friends who are doing some work at our local club site for a few days ,quite cold here today when out with Rosa, but still dry,much easier walking through the woods letter from NHS to attend local hospital next monday for another heart monitor to be fitted 7days this time,followed by CT scan a week later
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Best of luck with your heart monitor JVB. I hope the results will be good.
We had 2 of the grandsons for the day today as parents are back to work and they dont go back to school until Monday. We went out for a couple of hours this morning and it was decidedly chilly. We watched a DVD of one of the Johnny English films this afternoon. Very funny. 😁.
Hopefully we are all organised for our early start for the airport tomorrow for our trip to N. Ireland.
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Have a good trip, millie. Sounds as if you enjoyed a good day with your grandsons.
Hope that all's well with the fitting of the monitor and the CT scan, JVB.
A fine and windless day here but chillier than yesterday. Drove back to Longshaw Estate and walked from Grunby Barn through past the Lodge and through to Upper Burbage Bridge, returning over Higger tor and Millstone Edge to Owler Tor and then a sort walk down Padley Gorge. Not visited there before but will certainly walk the full length some time in the future.
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Very cold here the last couple of days, frost has not lifted even though the sun has been out for most of the day.
More clearing out done, lots of items got rid of locally free of charge.
Another load going to charity shop tomorrow.
Finally got the boys to part with some of the stuff they have left here, OH told them if we don't sort it now they will have to when we've gone
seemed to focus their minds
MillieH, have a good time with your NI family.
Francis, rather you than me going on a cycle ride its Baltic here
JVB, hope all goes well with the monitor.
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Brrrrrr chilly walk with the dog this morning, but looks like we get a bit of sunshine which has been rather lacking over the last few days.
Off to work shortly then off to Moreton for a couple of days this afternoon.
Have a lovely time in NI Millie.
Tammygirl think I will try your tactic with our boys, we still have loads of their stuff here.
Nellie, we love the Longshaw Estate and Padley Gorge, bit jealous
We only did one of the shorter walks just before Christmas. Have a CL booked in the Peaks next week, so we might fit in a walk.
Good luck with your monitor JVB66, hope all goes well.
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Enjoy your trip away Helen. We've got a few short breaks planned after January but much depends on our old dog being well enough to travel. That said she was grumbling at the cat this morning so she's still with it enough to sort herself out into prime position.
Our son and family were hoping to have a Whippet puppy but someone pipped them to the post yesterday (last one left.) So the wait is still on. I hope Millie's family are happy with their new dog over in NI.
I've been sorting out a bedroom that OH has added an en suite to but had to stop work due to events in 2018. Lots of junk stacked up in there etc. Glad to hear TammyG managed to move on some possessions to the family. I have been trying to do that to, I had bags of paperwork and school reports...when they received them they sat down and read them over Christmas, not what I intended! But that's another pile finally gone.
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Tammygirl I tried your tactic with youngest son who lives in NI. We still have about 6 boxes of his stuff. He said 'no problem. I will sort it out after you are gone. There is no hurry' 😲😠