What are you all up to
Thanks Goldie and thinking of all the people working through this holiday time too, I hope someone's got their Christmas dinner lined up for them.
Decided to accompany my not too well OH to get the Christmas food order today and discovered at the 11am time slot no big queues and no parking problems. Maybe I'll leave it later again another time, but can't remember it as quiet in town.
I had a quick glance at the latest club mag and was amused to read the Vikings invaded Minehead in the 18th century....I presume they lost their way and arrived a bit late?
We had an excellent time seeing Aladdin last night so that started of the Christmas celebrations well. Late this afternoon there's a little candle lit crib service in church if I can finish some last minute preparations in time.
Get better soon if you and yours aren't so well and I hope you all have a peaceful time.
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I had an urgent appointment with the X Ray department this morning so Mrs WN was dropped off at Tesco to pick up a few bits of salad and fruit. She said that it was Ok except for lots of single men wandering about the place not knowing what it was that they wanted to buy or where to find it! Obviously the booze and snacks area is hard to find in our Tescos.
Foggy first thing here but it soon brightened up into a lovely day, especially for a stroll.
Hope everyone who is or has loved ones that are ill feel a bit better.
Good luck to one and all.
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Hello all, been missing for a few days (probably not noticed
Attic room all finished now phew, thank goodness for that.
The memory book that I've been making for Mum is also finished just in time for Christmas.
Just the final tidy up to do and we will be ready, I've even made the table decoration.
Sorry to hear that some are not feeling to well hope you all get better soon.
Kj the soup sounds lovely.
Up here our supermarkets are open 24/7 all year round but it doesn't make a difference, they were busy busy when we went on Friday. My sister braved it yesterday and said it was just as busy and in town they were queuing out on the street at one of the butchers.
The weather here is really lovely and sunny but the frost has not lifted yet, we were down to -6c last night.
Today is the first day that I've had the heating on since it came on at 07.30, it normally goes off at 10.00 then back on for 2 hours at lunch and then back on at 16.00 until 21.30 which has been fine while its not been to cold, however not today Brrrrr.
Went out to see to the birds, the bird bath had an inch of thick ice on it, and I even had to brush the feeders as they were all covered in thick frost. Soon as I opened the back door the male Blackbird came hopping out from under a bush waiting for me to throw seeds down. It was safe to do so as the 'cat' is fast asleep on the sofa.
Have a good festive season one and all.
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Well we've been done and sorted since early afternoon. That included a visit to Dr and me the optician to have my glasses straightened as they were found on the floor and I suspect trodden on 😯😯. My colds come back 😢 and OH not too good. Son and granddog arrived about 3.30pm, DIL2B arriving tomorrow. I got the dog walk but by the time we caught up on basic news it was dark. Son hadnt wrapped his gifts 😂😂 but had bought the paper 😉.
However you spend it enjoy your celebrations.
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Nellie sorry to read Flyte is poorly, hoping he is better today, and there is no need for a trip to the vets.
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Black Horse Farm ,,,see U.K sites & touring !!
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Very misty start to the day but it brightened up, did a few hours at work but that's it's now until Thursday
Glad you enjoyed the panto Brue, and Goldie I enjoyed reading your son's blog.
Sorry your cold has returned Bakers2 hope you feel better tomorrow.
Glad everyone seems very organised.
Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas 🎄Have a lovely day.
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Yes, all the very best to everyone from me as well 🎄 🔔 🎄
Had great fun making homemade ice cream today, Christmas pudding flavour, we would be too stuffed for a proper Xmas Pud!
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Todays epistle!
Son woke in extreme pain near the site of the previous problem..wouldn't move from his bed. Called the GP he was around within the hour! Prescribed paracetamol and a hot water bottle to the area of pain. A couple of hours later he belched and was able to mobilise! The old remedies the best!!
A very merry Christmas to one and all!
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Thanks for the concern, Helen. Although he appeared to be a bit better we decided to take him to the vets just in case he had a relapse on Christmas day. He had eaten a little before we went and he managed to bring all back up on the vets's reception's floor!! However after an examination the vet thought it was just a gastric infection and she gave him 3 injections and we came away with 2 lots of tablets to give him over the next week. He seems to be much better since then and we've had no problems so far....fingers crossed that all is now well. He's now on a diet of chicken or fish and rice for the next few days.
Christmas Day started out misty but the sun managed to burn it off for a while. Only shortish walks for us today, down to the flats this morning and round the village this afternoon.
Merry Christmas to all.
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Glad to hear Flyte seems to be improving, Nellie.
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Thanks, TW. Hopefully he's well on the way to a full recovery. Although he has lost a fair bit of weight he can take it and he's still eager to get out again thankfully.
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Wanting to be out and about is a very good sign.
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Thanks M. We might get a longer walk done tomorrow, all being well.
Hope all of you down south had a good day.
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Thanks chaps, Flyte is certainly a lot better than he was a few days ago, and hopefully he'll be back to his normal self very shortly.
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Good to hear Flyte is a lot better Nellie.
Boxing Day can be such a trial. Had to take enforced exercise this morning. Had left my box of super yummy chocolates in the Front room last night......such a drag climbing out of chair in back room this morning, then the stagger into front room, and rummage around to find said chocolates. If it hadn’t been vital to my health I wouldn’t have bothered, but needs must...........
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Glad to here Flyte improving Nell.
Had a wander down to the beach via the river, not many boats moored up. Beach was crowded with folk walking off the excess of yesterday. After the fun and games of yesterday we are having a quiet day before son, DIL and their 2 labs invade tomorrow🤪🥳
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We have just got back from a woodland walk, nice to have a bit of fresh air after yesterday. Helping Sis with Mum today, they are off later for some retail therapy. Quite warm here today, mind you, that could be new Craghopper jacket as well.........
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No new jacket for Brian, tho' the pointy green woolly hat ( with white ears ) he got allowed him to take up a new job in the Elf An Safety business { as well as writing rotten One-liners for next years Christmas Crackers
Trust Everybody has recovered from the Festivities { well so far any way } and even broached the new bottle of washing-up-liquid , you know it's the one without sparkly glitter in it.
Hope Flyte et al showing signs of taking their Humans for looooong walks tomorrow, before second breakfast.
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I think if I went shopping today I would end up needing therapy, and I used to work in retail!!!
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That's it over for another year, what a fuss about nothing
thank goodness we don't subscribe to the hype. We had a lovely mid afternoon lunch, my sister and her OH came to us.
Both our sons and 4 grand children phoned to wish us a happy christmas, all sounded happy and enjoying themselves as it should be.
Later on we settled down to watch the tv (rubbish) so settled for something we had pre recorded. Didn't bother with anything else to eat just a few nibbles and a cuppa.
Today we went to see Mum and give her the memory book that I had made for her. This afternoon we went for a walk.
Tomorrow we will brave the shops IKEA as we want another couple of units for the attic room.
Glad to hear Flyte is on the mend and that others have had a good festive break.
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It has been a bit of a dull day here weather wise,not that Rosa bothered as there was still plenty for her to "sniff"out,used my xmas present from our grand daughter for first time on Rosas last walk a Head torch as she says i should not be out at night at my age without a light,very successful it was too,
,and one of Rosas toyboy (owners) had a present from him for her, ,we are in for a very squeaky evening
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We are a bit like yourself, Tammy. Would prefer to let it slip quietly by us but don't mind engaging in the spirit regarding cards etc and notice that most, I repeat most, people seem a tad friendlier (unless you get in their way of the last bag of King Edwards). We live in a cul-de-sac so know everyone. This year has seen a 25% turnover of new tenants and Christmas breaks down some barriers so I'm all for that.
Hardly watch tv but tape a few radio programmes which we listen to at night.
Had a pleasant day yesterday, especially the walk in the morning. Wasn't feeling up to one this morning so have vegetated. Will make up for it tomorrow, promise.
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We have had a lovely few days. We went to the Crib Service at Crowland Abbey on Christmas Eve with son and family who live over there. On Christmas morning we went to the service at the Cathedral (which is what Christmas is all about for me) and we then went to our daughter's for Christmas lunch (10 of us). SIL did a great job with the cooking. A lovely time was had by all. We have all been to our son and DIL's today where the grandchildren enjoyed playing with their new electronic games. We are now back home relaxing and watching the old Morecombe and Wise shows.
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Dry morning, but a bit misty again, which burnt off as the sun came out. Planned to do a leafleted walk from the Car Park at South Ferraby only to find that the CP was locked up!!
Drove onto Barton and walked along the coastal path under the Humber Bridge and past Far Ings Nature Reserve nearly to S.Ferraby and back. It clouded up again mid afternoon, but still relatively warm.