What are you all up to
We had a nice day yesterday visited relatives in the morning then I went to the local for a couple of pints with a friend then we went to my sisters house for Christmas dinner. We then went home and relaxed and took a facetime call from my brother who lives in new Zealand. Today has been spent taking down the decorations and packing the caravan ready for our trip away leaving tomorrow oh and I watched a couple of football games today got to love the boxing day schedule
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It’s a nice walk around Far Ings. Weather is very warm at the moment round here, it was like this last Winter, until March and then the snow arrived! Have a nice day today, and an easy move hopefully tomorrow Nellie.
We are off to vets this morning, madam requires boosting, so just routine.
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Looking in on a foggy cold morning here. Had a lovely couple of days, doing all the entertaining but we've enjoyed it, now a rest for two days until the next visitors arrive followed by my sister's 70th up in Bristol, so all go. Having fun with my Echo dot Christmas pressie which brings me a bit further into the tech age.
Nice to catch up on here, I think the weather is starting to match the time of the year, so wrap up warm and enjoy the last few days of 2018.
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We have been enjoying my OHs musical birthday present, a Bluetooth Tabblue table speaker. Sound quality is superb. I treat myself to a new iTunes album by Queen. It includes some of the tracks from the FM memorial concert held not long after he died. Some great artists, such as EJ, DB, George Michael, etc.... but few can touch Freddy and his vocals. Except Montserrat Caballe, she makes it sound effortless........
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Back to the 2 of us today. All a bit whirly for last few days but very enjoyable and happy. Nice to be included in invitation to DIL2B Boxing Day family dog walk at our local estate, never seen as many folks in the park walking off excesses, trying out new bikes and scooters etc, but we did stay more in the mainstream than usual meanders. Our grand dog got a lecture about not showing us up, not from us 😉, but it's where we often go with her and she considers the 600 acres to be her back garden 😉😂.
There were 4 labs and her and she was the best behaved of the lot 😂😂. Then onto a family friend of her family, DIL2B has a cousin living about 10 miles from us and her family gathered there for Christmas- she and our son joined them for Christmas tea. First Christmas lunch they've had together in 7 years they've always done their own family for the festive period.
Son left this morning, DIL2B went yesterday, he to play golf with local mates on his way. Got misty then foggy here as the morning went on. It's now cleared and the suns out!
Due to a misunderstanding in communication a new bird feeding station was taken as a new bird feeder 😯, still useful, but as my feeding station can only stay upright with support on still days we went out and bought one ourselves this morning. Putting together and in the garden should follow shortly.
We then called in to see elderly aunt, she's very wobbly, far more so than usual, and I think finally accepting that there are ways and equipment to make life easier. Hallelujah but whether this will be carried through into action remains to be seen! She has ordered a 'tray trolley', community car driver, thus independent, made the suggestion and the order for her he works in the local pharmacy and knows her well, should arrive within days and he will adjust to her height etc. This will stop her carrying a tray with hot meal in one hand and a walking stick to aid balance in the other, believe me I have tried 😉. Did a few little jobs for her and had a chat and a cuppa so hopefully brightened her day. She was taken out both festive days but not overly happy at going!
Sounds like everyone's had a pleasant time over the festivities. I'm feeling much better thankfully but have lovely cold sores around my nose, cant recall the last time I've suffered from those, so defo looked my best for meeting new folks! Hope others who were poorly are feeling the same way 😃.
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Trip to the other side of Edinburgh today to Ikea, 2 new units bought and loaded in the car + a few 'other' bits, would be rude not to
Weather was lovely as we left home but got very misty and dark as we got to Loch Leven, only to brighten up again as we approached the bridges over the Forth. Doesn't matter how many times we make the crossing there is something magical about it.
We resisted the meatballs for lunch today and just turned around and headed home again. It was really busy there though.
OH now making up the new units
I'm on coffee duty downstairs.
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Took the MH for a short run down to Titchfield Haven, aka Hillhead. The world and his wife seemed to have the same idea and we managed to fill a spot that was being vacated overlooking the Solent. Just a lager can's throw from Ruf's beach chalet. A few excited twitchers at the harbour watching a Great Northern Diver a few hundred metres offshore. A pleasant day although I'll wait for the schools to reopen before my next excursion to escape the madding crowd. Haven't quite managed my 10,000 steps though but enough to keep the Christmas surfeit in check. Had an old 1922 Morgan pull up alongside. Not your everyday car park companion.
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It sounds as though everyone has had a good few days but I hope all of you both human and feline who have been poorly will recover soon. Brue, two of our grandsons had an echo dot each for Christmas so they had great fun with them yesterday. We bought 2 other grandchildren fitness trackers (the poor man's Fitbit) so there is great competition between them to see who can achieve the most. Santa was very kind and generous to me as well.
We have kept in close phone contact with the family in N. Ireland who also seem to have had a good time. We have had lots of updates about their new rescue puppy as well who seems to have coped very well with the excitement. Daughter, eldest grand-daughter and I went into town today to brave the sales. Although it was busy it was nowhere near as busy as a few years ago. I purchased a few useful birthday presents as quite of a few of our family have birthdays coming up in the next month.
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It was back to work for today after the festivities, which after a shaky start to the day, things improved and everything went well. BIt disappointed to find that the Morris Dancers weren't dancing at our local pub as usual yesterday, it was changed to today
Nellie, good to hear that Flyte is on the mend.
Really pleased to read everyone enjoyed a good Christmas.
Looking forward to planning a few breaks now for the new year.
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Glad to hear that everyone had a had a pleasant and enjoyable Christmas. Hope that anyone that has been poorly has recovered. Flyte is fine now, but by telepathy of some sort our daughter has come down with a similar compliant and spend all Christmas day in bed unable to eat anything. She must have been feeling a bit better this morning as she rose at 3:30 to get ready to fly to Dublin for work! No rest for the wicked!!
Another fine start to the day so we headed off for an 8 ml walk to Whitton via the Flats and back along the upper path. Lots of Geese, Curlew and Redwings about, as well a few more Marsh Harriers.
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We have had a fairly quiet Christmas, which was relaxing. We went to DD’s house just after 10am so OH could help her with cooking timings.
The in-laws dropped round about 11 with presents for Callum, then SIL and I relaxed while the girls got on with the cooking.
DS and family arrived just before 1pm, the 2 children had some of their presents with them to show us, but they were both very well behaved, played with their presents and with SIL on the Wii......or whatever it is called. DS had a bad cold , caught from grandson who got it at school, so was keeping his distance.
The meal was good, we took it slowly......starters......soup....main course.....then a big break to open presents before dessert!
Just as the family was about to leave, the in-laws plus extended family arrived en masse for dessert, and Prosecco apparently. DD finds them rather overwhelming en masse, which I can only agree with, though individually they are very friendly and nice.
Dishwasher was going flat out all day, plus OH did a lot of washing of stuff that could not go in the DW, so she kept well away from the masses!
Yesterday. It was back to the woodwork for me, and the same today, and no doubt for the foreseeable future, though I think I will get New Year’s Day off. Almost finished the oak skirtings in their bedroom, still the door facings to do. Then it will be back to the tiling in the bathroom.
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Sorry you had a shaky start to the festivities Helen but glad to hear that things went well in the end. Bad luck that you had to go back to work yesterday. A few members of our family were at work as well so it was an earlyish finish to the Boxing Day. I remember those days well. I would sometimes be allowed to take a day's holiday over Christmas (it was on a rota basis) and I never knew whether to take Christmas Eve or the day after Boxing Day.
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First caravan job for the new year is an axle inspection. Our caravan, in common with others has suffered from a dropped axle, which hopefully they will repair under warranty. However, there are lots of stories about Alko trying to get out of it by claiming the caravan is 'overweight', so I may have a fight on my hands. We'll see what next week brings....
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We arrived on site in Edinburgh early afternoon yesterday after an easy 2 hour drive from home. The site is fairly busy and is expected to be full over the weekend. Sunny here this morning so think we are going to head in to the city. David I have read on other forums about the issues with the alko axles hopefully you get any problem fixed without too much trouble
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I hope all goes well David, Good luck.
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Sounds like time for a class action against the manufacturers. They can ignore with impunity when it's an individual but faced with a potentially very costly class action they strike a different stance.
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Thanks Millie, We have both been back at work for a couple of days, I don't usually mind too much, which is just as well as I have used all my holidays for this year!
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Have a lovely break Francis, and enjoy the New Year on site.
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Quick trip to Aldi this morning before work, luckily it was very quiet.
Only did a couple of hours at work, my office is in the extension of the boss's house and he had all the family round today. I had his little grand daughter and two dogs in the office helping
Got four days off now, as the drivers don't work between Christmas and New Year so there isn't much to do now.
DSB, good luck with the caravan claim, hope it goes well.
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Margaret has been very generous and given me her cold!!! Mind you there are at least a couple of other suspects in the frame as well. Life starts to return to a degree of normality with a trip to Waitrose and then onto JL to pick up a new set of saucepans which were in the sale. I ordered them online so Click and Collect should be fairly straightforward, famous last words! If I had been clever I should have arranged for them to go to the Waitrose but I am not sure if there isn't a slightly longer time frame which would have meant two trips. The saucepans they are replacing must be 25 years old. Nothing wrong with the stainless steel pans but the Bakelite knobs and handles are showing signs of age and I suspect can't be replaced. After that back to the jigsaw puzzle!
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So far so good I gave kept the colds at bay from the coughers and sneezers who have surrounded me this festive time. If I can get to my sister's birthday bash unscathed it will be a major triumph and a first!
Meanwhile a plumbing disaster occurred last night so OH was down at Screwfix at 7am today and we are now back in working order. Our family visitors arrive this morning.
Hope everyone feels better soon, enjoy the weekend.
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Oh dear, the new year moult has commenced! We have a bit of a fur problem..........
Little Miss Happy is fine with it though.......
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It's always good to have some 'help' Helen
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Yesterday and today, work has continued, for me anyway, at the house, as usual.......woodwork, woodwork, woodwork.
The skirtings in the main bedroom are now complete, the wardrobes are all assembled, and I have started fitting the door to the hallway.
They just might be able to move in by the end of the year!
DD and OH we’re out most of the day.....to Ikea for various bits......and to Halfords for car seats for Callum, he will soon be too big for his baby seat. We have bought 2 seats the same, one for DD/SIL and one for us as we will be picking Callum up from Nursery come February.
Work will continue for the next 2 days, then I am hoping for a day off.
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A successful evening as I've booked the next two CLs for our current trip, so just one more to find for the last few days on the way home.
We had a good walk along the Chesterfield Canal this afternoon, after sweeping up a few post X-mas food bargains at Aldi this morning.
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You were lucky Nellie, when we went to Aldi the shelves were practically bare!!
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We had a house full yesterday, both sons and their girlfriends for lunch, more cooking for me but it was great to be together again.
Watched the second Mamma Mia film last night but not that impressed
Youngest son is making us pancakes for breakfast this morning .
Safe onward travels Nellie, glad you have your next CL'S sorted. I did find a few bargains at Aldi too .