What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited December 2018 #24272

    Hope he's not reading this then, Helen, otherwise you've spoilt his wonderful surprise.surprised

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2018 #24273

    Just catching up on things at last - it's been a stressful run up to Christmas to say the least. A fortnight ago I had to make a trip to RUH at Bath for a colonoscopy - no need to go into all the gory details, enough to say that I haven't heard the results yet so I'm guessing they didn't find anything too gruesome.

    Then on Friday had a call from Dad's carer to say that he couldn't get out of bed and she was concerned he may have had a stroke.  So 2 hours with first ambulance crew who ran tests and said there was no point taking him to hospital,  followed by visit from the GP who took one look and immediately said "he needs to be in hospital" followed by a wait for a second ambulance crew who finally took him down to RUH where they're running various tests.

    Then to cap it all we had a phone call from my sister in law to say that my brother, who'd been in hospital for the past couple of months following a major operation on his spine was suddenly considered well enough to be allowed home ........ followed by another call a couple of hours later to say he'd had a fall and they were waiting for an ambulance to cart him off back to .....RUH!

    Still, at least the family is getting it's money's worth out of the NHS at the moment! Happy Days!

    Have an excellent Christmas Day,  everyone and very best wishes for 2019! smile

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2018 #24274

    Goodness me Moulesy, I hope all goes well with your test results, also the same for your Dad and for your brother and I hope you all have a peaceful Christmas with no more "events" happening. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited December 2018 #24275

    Crikey, M. Fingers are crossed that all goes well. And a M.C. to you. Hope there's plenty of Caravanning to be done next year.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited December 2018 #24276

    Gosh Moulesy,  hope test results are positive and that things quieten down now.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy Caravanning new year. 

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited December 2018 #24277

    The visitors have gone and the house is quiet; so quiet I fell asleep reading the paper. Before the mass exodus my daughter went shopping with me. Busy with people collecting their orders (Booths), but quick through the checkouts. It may be nearly Christmas but there’s still normal meals to make for workers. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited December 2018 #24278

    Not the best run up to Christmas M, I hope things turn out well for you and your relatives. Stressful situations never seem to come in ones nowadays, but come in shoals. Take care, all the best.smile

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited December 2018 #24279

    Picked up the turkey crown from Waitrose early afternoon. Decided against full bird this year as it takes too long to cook. Very busy as to  be expected. Thank goodness for Quick Check so no waiting to go through the manned checkout. Also a few nice wines purchased for the next week. Margaret has gone to the Panto with Simon's partner and Joss. I had an important mission whilst they were away. Some weeks ago Simon asked us to store a very large soft toy for Joss. When I say large I mean large, almost life size!!! My task was to get it in the boot of Joss's mums small car! Well if anyone had been watching what I was doing I reckon they could have thought I was putting a body in the boot. It just about fitted in!!! I don't know about anyone else but it always seems strange to me when Christmas Eve is on a Monday, it seems to take so long to get to Christmas Day, I suppose because you have to sort everything out a couple of days earlier because of the weekend.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited December 2018 #24280

    Oh goodness moulesy you have been having a stressful time.  I hope your test results come back all clear and that your Dad and brother will be OK. Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful New Year.  Keep us posted. Best wishes.

    I am glad your OH has got his sound system up and running Helen and that you have now got al the clearing up done. I hope he likes his socks. laughing

    I hope you enjoyed Aladdin brue.  I love a good panto at Christmas. 

    Our grandchildren in NI are very excited today as they picked up their 13 week old puppy from a rescue centre yesterday.  She is a whippet/lurcher cross and they have called her Bluebell.  We have been sent lots of photos and look forward to meeting her when we go over there in 2 weeks laughing

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited December 2018 #24281

    Good heavens, M. What a few weeks you've had. Hope that your results come back clear and that both your dad and brother will be ok.

    Take care and all our best wishes for X-mas & the New Year.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited December 2018 #24282

    It's not been the best of days for us today. Apart from the fact that it's rained all day, Flyte has been poorly since last night bring up all that he had eaten yesterday and that continued through to this morning. He's only managed as a couple of shortish walks outside and had eaten nothing all day. Fortunately he has drunk some water, but if he's no better by the morning it will be a visit to one of the local vets tomorrow, as soon as we can get an appointment.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited December 2018 #24283

    Oh Nellie I'm sorry to hear about Flyte. Hope it will pass quickly. 

    Will be in touch.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited December 2018 #24284

    Hope everyone gets sorted out before Christmas, especially  Moulsey.

    Today we were at DD’s as usual, doing bits and pieces.  They went off into town to see the lights and the Christmas market, so after lunch we went for the shopping, we had a list, then were about to go home when they came back,

    So we assembled another wardrobe, only 3 to go now.

    Visited a couple of friends on the way home, one has moved into a retirement complex.  Looks lovely, but apparently very expensive.

    This evening we have made the soup for Christmas Day.  Though  I say it myself.......it is absolutely delicious!   Butternut squash, sweet potato, carrot,  onion and garlic, with veggie stock.  We have made quite a lot, so may need to freeze some.  yum!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited December 2018 #24285

    Sorry to read about some of the problems folk are having.  Hope things sort themselves out a little better in time for Christmas.

    Just having a few minutes before setting off to Asda for the final bits and bobs - they open at midnight.  Just hoping it's quiet and that they don't get many takers for that time of night.  I always do all visits to the supermarket overnight just before Christmas.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited December 2018 #24286

    KjelNN, do you roast your squash then add it to the soup? I find it adds more depth. I also like to garnish it with some crispy smoked streaky bacon, (providing your aren't vegetarians.)

    David - Is Asda opening time just a one-off? Seems a strange time to open up.

    Best wishes to one and all. Hope any problems resolve themselves (still haven't found Rudolph!)

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited December 2018 #24287

    I hope Flyte will be recovered by tomorrow Nellie.  It is always such a worry when they are not well.

    I am glad to hear that all your Christmas concerts and recitals have gone well DBS. Best of luck with the night time shopping.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited December 2018 #24288

    Yes, we roasted the squash, the sweet potato and the carrots, the onions and garlic were fried and then the other stuff added and the stock, then all cooked up and liquidised.  Single  cream was added at the end.

    Roasting the squash etc does make a big difference, we did not do it before, but tried it recently and it is much tastier.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited December 2018 #24289

    Is Asda opening time just a one-off? Seems a strange time to open up.

    Probably because of the limited number of hours they can open on a Sunday so they have to close (usually) by 17.00 pm. But at Midnight you are on no restriction weekday opening, if only for one day.

    The other, other David! 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited December 2018 #24290

    I think the Asda opening time is just a 'Christmas Special'.  I got there about 1pm and was shocked at the number of people there.  There were queues at the till.  By the time I got to the till at about 2.15am most had gone home, so I got straight through.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited December 2018 #24291

    Thanks Millie.  Just the 6pm service and Midnight Mass to go.  I don't play on Christmas day morning.  I'm all carolled out by then!  😀😀

    Happy Christmas everyone.  🎶🎶🍷🍷🥂🎄⛄


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited December 2018 #24292

    Went to Morrison's at 0545hrs this morning to buy the booze.  Majority of the customers were men mostly with booze in their trolleyslaughing

    Apart from family carol service at 10pm not planning to go out anywhere elseembarassed

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited December 2018 #24293

    When you've done all your shopping, stuffed the turkey and prepared the veg for tomorrow - sit down and have a read of this. I know as his mother I'm prejudiced, but the ending had me in pieces.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited December 2018 #24294

    I think we are all prepared and ready (have I forgotten something major undecided) We have no plans to go out until the 6.00pm crib service at Crowland Abbey with eldest son and family.  It is always such a lovely service with all the children involved.  We will need to get there early as it is very popular.

    Happy Christmas everyone.  I hope everyone has a wonderful time whatever you are doing. laughing

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,704
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    edited December 2018 #24295

    yes our Morrison's opened at 5am. One year a chap like you described, full to the brim trolley of beer, wine, spirits, said at the checkout 'Christmas - I wouldn't bother if it weren't for the kids'

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited December 2018 #24296

    That soup sounds yummy. We haven’t had soup as a starter for a while. My mind is on pudding today. We find a full on pudding and custard way too heavy after main, so this year I am making homemade Christmas Spice Ice Cream instead. We all love ice cream, so it suits everyone. 

    We have a lovely sunny day here, with a bit of frost, nice for a stroll with the dogs. Lazy little so and so’s are still snoozing in their baskets at the moment.smile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited December 2018 #24297

    Lovely Goldie, it’s a way of life, a true vocation. My OH often spent most of Christmas working, Fire Service, so those Christmas’s we had together were special. All the bestlaughing

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited December 2018 #24298

    I was despatched at first light to Sainsburys to collect the pre-ordered Christmas meat. The car park was about 75% full when I arrived at 08:00 so there were a lot of early birds in search of festive worms. The collection queue had all the velocity of a glacier.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited December 2018 #24299


  • MrRoute
    MrRoute Forum Participant Posts: 141
    edited December 2018 #24300

    I can wait till at least mid afternoon before having a libation One put, maybe a new years resolution is required 😀😊😆

    Have a great Christmas and a peaceful new year 🔔🔔🎁🎄

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2018 #24301

    Goldie,  I  think  you've  done  a  great  job  there  !!  Training  blokes  to  get  from  under  your  feet  on  Christmas  Morning  qualifies  you  for  a  First  Class  Degree  with  Honours  I  reckon  wink.


    May  you  ALL  have  a  peaceful,  enjoyable  Christmas,  with  no  alarms  or  panics.  And  may  those  Ailing  at  present  find  a  little  something  to  ease  their  aches,  pains  &  problems.
