What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,461
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    edited December 2018 #24032

    Love it! We have had a few Site visitors down the year, especially in Cornwall. Herd of bullocks when we were under canvas (surprised) and a flock of sheep elsewhere. The bullocks caused havoc, we had to hastily throw our Rottie into our LR, she was up for some herding. 

  • ADD46
    ADD46 Forum Participant Posts: 437
    edited December 2018 #24033

    Wherenext - it's called The New Willow Cottage at Burgh le Marsh on the east coast of Lincolnshire. A lovely CL, really well presented with flowers,plants etc. The lake encourages a lot of wildlife to visit and the resident ducks are comical.

    They have their own website if you want to take a look. It's under "birdsong touring park" as they own two sites which are completely separate from each other.

    TTDA - a herd of bullocks.??? 😮

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited December 2018 #24034

    TTDA - a herd of bullocks.??? 😮

    I think the correct Collective noun is "A Load of Bullocks"smile

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited December 2018 #24035

    Our lovely GP who looked after me when I had skin cancer retired a couple of years ago. He always took my concerns seriously and referred immediately which could well have been a life saver. Our new GP is very good but I am not sure that he takes any concerns I may have quite as seriously. I do hope all is well with you now OP. 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited December 2018 #24036

    Unfortunately OH had nasty skin problems when taking Allopurinol so had to stop. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited December 2018 #24037

    Phew!  At last the old house is ready for handover, bar a few final tweaks tomorrow  morning.

    It has been thoroughly cleaned, so I hope the new owners will appreciate all the work we have done, it must now be the cleanest house in the area!

    Those big cupboards were eventually dismantled as we did not want to risk damaging the walls on the staircase, it should not be too difficult to rebuild them.

    The filling loop on the boiler developed a last minute leak, so a new valve had to be procured and fitted, plus a new bulb in the oven.  These buyers should have nothing to complain about!

    Today we had nice weather, so we were able to move all the garden pots, BBQ etc, check out various things and prepare for the handover.

    DD will do a final check in the morning then presumably will hand over the keys in the afternoon once her solicitor confirms the purchase price has been paid.

    She plans, if they wish, to meet the buyers at the house and walk them round and explain anything they are not sure about........this is fairly normal up here when your sellers are reasonable people andq you are available.

    Buyers here have 5 working days to complain about things that do not work, hopefully that should not happen as everything is working at the moment.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited December 2018 #24038

    Looks a grand site, ADD, just the sort we like. Marked down for a future visit.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2018 #24039

     Strange  how  this  'standardised'  N H S   has  evolved  over  the  years.

    I  have  always  been  with  the  same  Practice,  starting  with  a  Husband &  wife  team.  When  they  retired  their  son, ex R.N.,   took  over  and  introduced  another  ex-R.N.  surgeon  to  bring  it  back  up  to  a  2 person  group.  Now  they  have  moved  into  a  purpose  built  unit  there  are  Seven  Full  Timers,  Two  Assistants,  and  Two  more  qualified  docs  who  are  at  the  start  of  their  working  lives  and  so  need  a  practice  to  get  their  feet  wet  !!

    Beyond  that  there  are  four  nurses  including  Two  'practicioners'  and  a  couple  of  'untitled'  nurses.

    And to  finish  the  the  team  the  Office  Manager  is  one  of  my  very  fave  Nursing  Sisters  who  has now  stepped  back  from  the  touchy -- feely  squad,  but  still  knows  how  the  system  should  work  !!   


    Oooops,  so  nearly  missed out  the  "Phlebotomist Phlebotomist"  --  well  that's  what  the  Booking - in  screen  always  shews   smile

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited December 2018 #24040

    Little Callum is not too good, he had to be taken to the out of hours GP this morning as he had an inflamed right big toe.

    A nailbed infection has been diagnosed, an antibiotic cream prescribed and applied, and instructions given to return immediately if it gets worse or is not all better within 5 days.

    Doc thinks he may have bashed his toe on something, but we have not seen him do that, no crying or anything, and it was fine until this morning, so a bit odd.

    It does not seem to be bothing him too much, but he has not been sleeping well the last 2 nights, so it may be that.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited December 2018 #24041

    I would suggest caution with Diclofenac and there are good reasons why they have stopped prescribing it, particularly for older people! Having said that I also found it a very effective pain killer for Osteoarthritis and nothing I have been offered by the doctor to replace it has been any better than taking Ibuprofen which I now tend to stick with. Anyone on this type of medication should insist on at least annual blood tests to check out Kidney function. I wonder if for gout that Voltarol gel might have some benefit as that contains Diclofenac but being gel restricts the amount that gets in the blood stream.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited December 2018 #24042

    A first for us this weekend. We looked after our sons two dogs overnight. They are Pug/Jack Russell crosses although one is more Pug and the other more Jack Russell. Both have a lovely temperament. I think we found whole experience exhausting as we feel that we have to give them a lot of attention where perhaps experienced dog owners get a better balance. Now that we have "been trusted" I am sure we will get the job more often which might be fine now and then but I think we are both of the view we will keep dog looking after to an ad hoc occupation!!!


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2018 #24043

    Diclofenac, I was put on that by my GP as a trial as I cannot take Ibuprofen. Sounded strange at the time as you would have thought that if I cannot tolerate Ibuprofen then Diclofenac would have the same effect but it doesn't. I was on that for 5+ years with no problems what so ever, however I did have to take another capsule once a day to protect the stomach lining. A few years ago another of the practice doctors took me off Diclofenac saying that our local health board will no longer allow it to be prescribed. So I am now on Naproxen, currently waiting for my doctor to tell me he is taking me off them, because once you are 65 or older, its deemed not to be safeyell I have no idea what he will offer in its place. I don't take them every day and I am on the smallest dose, just the same as when I was on Diclofenac. Have to agree that Diclofenac was by far the best. However it was Diclofenac that OH was put on and subsequently taken off.

    Been checking out what Meds I can take with me on the cruise, all the prescribed ones are fine but I will not be able to take anything which has codeine in, you are not allowed to take it into Dubai. Even Paracetemol could be an issue. Which is a problem for OH as that is what he takes.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,332
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    edited December 2018 #24045

    Will post on the what have you seen link but thought you may be interested here. Brave woman, amazing experience.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,332
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    edited December 2018 #24046

    Another grey start, slight brightness, to the day. I'm so fed up with these short days. Like Oneputt I'm ticking off the days before they start to lengthen.

    Popping into town for last bits, including wrapping paper embarassed.

    Tammy girl get your meds sorted for your trip, it's quite frightening to discover 'normal' meds are banned. Not a country you want any errors, however genuine!

    Enjoy your day folks.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited December 2018 #24047


    Once you have reached a certain age, by which time joint pain and other such things are getting worse, there is less available "safe" painkillers to take. Its a bugger getting old!!!

    Re your cruise, would you not be able to take those painkillers with you providing you don't take them off the boat? Would the local authorities actually be able to search a cruise ship legally? Although they do seem to make up their own rules in that part of the world!!!


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2018 #24048

    It certainly does seem to be a b..... just when you need these special meds you are not allowed them.yell

    As to taking the meds on the cruise, we fly into to  Dubai for 2 nights stay, then we board the cruise ship. So we will have to go through the usual customs check first. 

    Its very enlightening when you look at the banned drugs for that country. Even things like some HRT patches and cold remedies are banned. The list is very long but well worth a good look as Bakers has said not a place to get on the wrong side of their laws and customs. Thankfully we can get a work around for some of the ones not permitted and non of the prescription ones we take are a problem. However the advice is to take your prescription ones in the original packaging and to carry a copy of your prescription. 

    Nice sunny day day at the moment, though very cold over night and this morning. Off into town now to get a few things sorted. 

    Also taking some toys into the Salvation Army collection for Christmas presents.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,461
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    edited December 2018 #24049

    Sounds lovely DK. smileDepends on age. If youngsters, you will have your hands full, if oldies they will just go to sleep after food and walkies. Youngsters can be tired in garden. Throw, fetch, throw fetch....... Or a remote controlled car, they can be chased around......

    We have the world’s neediest Labrador. Comes to be fussed hourly. All that’s required is ear tickle or belly rub. Got my OH a small telescopic back scratcher for said purpose, saves having to lean out of chair! Dog loves it......🤣🤣🤣

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited December 2018 #24050

    The youngest is about two years old and the older one four. Funnily enough they show no interest in chasing balls, mind you we are not keen on letting them off their leads but even in the garden they are not bothered. They do like walks and even if dozing you mention the W word they are there ready to go!!! Good exercise for me as well the only problem is I don't find it so easy to fall asleep afterwards!!!


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2018 #24051

    Indeed  it  is  OP,  looking  up  to  see  if  those  clouds  are  SNOW  or  RAIN  bearing  ones,  and  if  the  sky  should  be  clear  will  the  temps  get  above  freezing undecided ??


    And  could  I  remind  DavidK  that  while  it  might  be  a  b*##*r  getting  old  I  only  know  of  one  option,  and  I'm  none  too  chuffed  about  that  sealedwink  !!

    Been  out  to  the  pharmacy  this  morning  to  collect  my  latest  prescription  and  all  was  ready  --  I'm  quite  happy  to  be  a  drain  on  the N.H.S.'s  resources  until  I  can  find  a  survivable  cure  for  my  ailments  winkinnocent.


    Tammygirl,  Will  there  not  be  a  Chemist / Pharmacist  aboard  your  Cruiser  or  even  an  on-board  address  to  which  you  can  post  your  'dodgy  meds'  "  Urgent,  F.A.O.  TammyGirl  &  OH  innocent

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2018 #24052

    We enjoy having our visiting dog, even though it can get a bit tiring, sometimes he is unwilling to go home as he gets our undivided attention and a much bigger garden to play in. I think he's doing quite well to have two lots of people running around for him. The only drawback is being asked to have him at short notice but we seem to manage and there also is a spare dog person nearby although she does it for a living so there is a charge involved.

    If you have them for longer than a day you will find it quite easy to fall asleep! wink

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited December 2018 #24053

    Millie, there is another one that I might have to change to if things get worse but for the life of me I can't remember the name. If it comes to me I'll let you know.

    Sorry to hear Mr.H had a reaction. Gout's a b****er.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited December 2018 #24054

    Busy day. Off to town. Called in at doctors, charity shop to drop some items off, chemist who finally found my prescription, building society, library etc.etc.

    Back home to sort out the wildlifes needs. Had to cook a light lunch as will be picking the ladies up from Manchester airport at about 6/7 pm so by the time I get home will be too late to cook.

    Daresay I've forgotten something very important but too late now. Will have to take it on the chin.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2018 #24055

    Good luck with the airport travel, hope the ladies have had a good holiday and you haven't failed in the housekeeping department....laughing

    I took things to a charity shop this morning, lots of people taking Christmas stuff in, I rushed out in case I was tempted. Trying to get the Christmas shopping done is very "trying," lots of queues despite the fact that we're all supposed to be on line shopping? smile

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2018 #24056

    Finally home from town, the supermarket and retail park. Going to do it all again tomorrow but without the OH smile he will be at the men's shed.

    Still haven't written any cards or bought any presents, haven't got a clue what to get Mum, sister and I don't bother buying each other presents anymore. The grand children all want money. So just OH and Mum to sort out, you would think it would be easy.

    Gout, not something either of us has any experience of thankfully but my brother had a bout once when he was living in Spain. The doctor told him it was down to his diet, my brother looked at what he had been eating different and cut it out. He has not had another bout.

    Is it possible to control it by diet or was he just lucky? if folk are on meds for it why?  I know there has been a lot of press that type 2 diabetes can be helped or even got rid of by diet alone so wondered if gout could be the same.undecided

    Cat update, she is still spending lots of time in our house asleep on the sofa. Quite happy and seems to be more mobile, lot more content than before her illness, either that or its just toooooo cold for her outdoors just now.smile

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited December 2018 #24057

    Back home this afternoon, after a lovely (if rather damp at times) few days at Castleton. 

    The village was exceptionally busy, the lights are getting very popular. Met up with youngest son and his girlfriend for the day on Saturday, enjoyed a rather damp forest walk, before heading back to Castleton for a meal. 

    Will now have to empty the caravan and take it back to storage in  the week, no more trips planned this year😢 Time to start planning next year now ☺

    Not managed to catch up with all the posts yet, but I will 😇

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited December 2018 #24058

    Tammygirl, pleased to read the cat seems to have made a good recovery, and you are still looking after her.☺

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited December 2018 #24059

    Yes wherenext gout is a b****r as is arthritis. Tammygirl no diet doesn't seem to come into it sadly. OH has gout at the moment - the first bout for 5 years and his diet hasn't changed at all. It is  all to do with uric acid. I hope you get your meds sorted  for Dubai. It's a minefield isn't it. Thanks for the update on the cat. So glad she seems content. She probably comes to you for some peace and quiet.

    Glad  you had a good trip to Castleton Helen and that you had a nice meet  up with your son and his girlfriend. How is their move going? 

    We took some Christmas decs we no longer needed to our local Sue Ryder shop a couple of weeks ago. Having now put our decs up I think there will be a few more to go next year. Less is more for us now. 😁

    I hope your ladies are happy with your housekeeping while they have been away wherenext.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited December 2018 #24060

    My brothers and my son suffer from gout, fortunately it’s not one of my ailments.

    Lovely but cool today so took the opportunity to have a wander around Minsmere.  Best spot was Snipe, female Beardie and 3 Marsh Harriers.

  • Natasha2
    Natasha2 Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited December 2018 #24061

    Having a few days away on a CL in Ilkley, Yorkshire, an area we have never been to before. Yesterday after arriving we were able to walk along the river from the CL into the town - many of the fields were flooded but paths not too bad underfoot. Ilkley is a lovely town best described as a miniature version of Harrogate.

    Today we drove to Otley another lovely old thriving town, lots of cobbled streets and narrow alleyways and we bought the best hot pork pies we have ever tasted.