Beginners Guide to Taking your Caravan abroad
Thanks peedee. Might be useful to add the information to the Overseas Sites and Touring Section as it'll help reach more members.
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Just had a watch of it. There were some good points in it particularly about route planning although personally I would no longer do those number of miles per day but we did when we were younger! It did cross my mind that a series of shorter videos dealing with each topic separately might hold the attention a bit more. I think it sometimes difficult to appreciate such videos when you have a lot of personal experience of touring abroad but we all had to start somewhere and for the newcomer it is a good starting point.
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I started to watch it but quickly thought Oh lord, right from the start it assumes a dog is a necessary accompaniment .... and pressed Delete.
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Well there you are
I didn't get far with the film but if the man with the little dog on a cushion in his van was showing people how you can take the animal on a lead to go and see the Impressionist paintings in the Musee d'Orsay, or go up the cable car to the top of the Aiguille fu Midi, or look around the Duomo in Pisa ...then perhaps it was useful after all.
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After the euphoria of watching the dog at the beginning
I settled down to watch the remainder of the video, well made and informative for those that might take the first step over the water. You could have skipped the beginning and perhaps picked up a few tips