What are you all up to
Must be deeply frustrating David. When you have a particular gift or skill, in your case music, so hard when you have to rein in what you can do. Best regards, I hope things improve for you. I love to hear someone playing the organ in a church, particularly if it is at full throttle, so uplifting and dramatic.
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Back to Belle Vue CL, Chester, again yesterday and managed to get set up before a heavy.shower of rain. Much better day day today so walked The Greenway in to Chester and back. Finally decided on our X-Mas site and booked it this evening. Bit more planning to be done to sort out the before and after sites.
Sorry to hear about your problems with your hands David. Hope that it will eventually clear up.
Good to hear that for some at least they are slowly recovering.
Lovely memorial, WN.
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In Windows just right click on the image and select "open image in new tab" and it is perfectly readable.
Edit - Just seen Brian's post on same subject, I should scroll down before posting!
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Great news robsail. Hope that's done the trick.It's wonderful the techniques they use in hospital these days.
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Good to hear everything went ok for your OH Robsail. So sorry to read DSB's post, music is so important to you and I hope you can continue to find a way around the problems, fingers crossed the next tests can throw some light on what is happening.
Late night for me, have been meeting some new neighbours and we had quite a merry get together, sore heads on Wednesday which seems to have arrived already...
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Glad to hear most are now feeling better, OH, DD and Callum also seem to have finally shaken off their bad colds.
Flu vaccination for me today, appointment made for my annual check up and review of pills, plus request for Shingles vaccination made, next batch of vaccine is apparently due in January.
Work continues on the new house, today we hung one of the 2 new oak en suite doors, next will be to finish all the new oak facings etc in Callum's room, then put up his blind and curtain pole.
The oak skirtings and facings look very good, DD is very pleased, has been a good investment of her £300, labour being free of course!
There may even be enough timber left to do one of the 2 remaining "non oak" rooms, but that will be well in the future. First job in the New Year will be the re-fit of the utility room, followed by tidying up her 5 large store cupboards......some new plasterboard, painting, new shelving etc, etc.
Next week we hope to be able to start the floor in the main bedroom, my knees are dreading it already, it is a big room! I do have knee pads, but they only help a bit. The en suite there is at a standstill till the leak from the flat roof above can be fixed.
Sale of old house seems to finally be progressing, solicitor has sent missives (contract) for signing, but still no hand over date agreed.
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So sorry to hear about your hands DSB. I do hope that they will improve with time.
Good news about your wife's op robsail. What a relief to get it over and done with.
I am going to make the Christmas cake today.
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Thanks for your good wishes folks.
....why do things always happen at once?? The electric handbrake is now stuck on, on the Discovery. They managed to get it on the recovery lorry by using 'skates'. When we got to the garage, they used an angle grinder to cut through the cable so they could get the vehicle off the recovery vehicle. Just on the way to take the small car in now for some work to be done on it.
You just couldn't make this up!! 😀😀
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Millie I walked towards my old recipe book this morning, put it on the kitchen table where it will look at me for a couple of days...then I'll be making a cake too.
DSB, I hope you've reached the pinnacle of "what next" and things start to get better soon.
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Oh no DSB. I am so sorry. As brue says let's hope that is the end of 'what's next'. Things can only get better as the song says. Let's hope it's true.
Brue. I assembled all the ingredients for my Christmas cake last week and they have been staring me in the face from the worktop in the utility room so I decided that I would just get on and do it today. Job now done and cake is out of the oven and looks OK. I just hope it is edible! I always use a recipe that a very dear friend gave me many years ago. She sadly died suddenly a few years ago so the recipe written on shorthand notepaper in her own hand is very precious. I really should photocopy it and put the original away in a safe place.
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I know exactly what you mean Millie. We have a precious little handwritten recipe book in my Nana’s spidery writing!
My sister usually makes me a small Xmas cake, os OH isn’t keen. Apparently she has been feeding one from last Christmas with brandy, sounds extra yummy! She ices it for me as well, proper marzipan!
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Miserable day again, rain wind and more rain, really dark skies
so perfect opportunity to go through OH's clothes
think I need to take him shopping, he rarely wears 'smart' trousers/jacket these days. The ones he has are ok (old fashioned) he could do with some new style modern ones for the cruise.
As I'm feeling better and able to go more than a few minutes without coughing, we decided to go to the cinema to see Bohemian Rhapsody, what a great way to spend a wet afternoon. A nice treat of a Chinese take away on the way home, perfect.
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That sounds like a really great afternoon Tammygirl. Glad you are feeling a bit better.
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Our ex works, self funded, pensioner group have a monthly meeting and today was the last one before Christmas. We have a larger more formal Dinner in December usually at Stadium MK, which we don't pay for
Anyway I digress. At this meeting we usually have some form of entertainment and today we had a group called the Last of the Summer Ukuleles who must have been about 12 strong. They come from St Albans and were very good so anyone in that area wanting entertainers they are well worth considering.
We have had some beautiful weather here in MK over the last few days. For those that don't know Central Milton Keynes was built on the East - West axis so when we came out of the meeting the big sun was almost on that line and very low, could hardly see out of the car windscreen.
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We too have a self funded pensioner association but as most meetings are held in London, or occasionally Aberdeen, I have never managed to attend any. They also seem to happen when we are away in the van anyway.
Pensioners used to be invited to their local office Christmas dinner/party, but that stopped about 6-7 years back as Head Office reckoned it was an unjustified expense! Skinflints!
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Glad to hear you and others are starting to feel better B2, it's quite a long lived bug, I seemed to be coughing for ages when I got it. Fingers crossed for a healthier time now. I'm off out too so will join you in saying enjoy your day one and all.
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A glorious crisp fine sunny day (so far!).
Later today OH and I are off to Buxton to see Show of Hands at the Opera House, and a night in a Premier Inn. The high life beckons!
Then back home tomorrow and even more entertainment - Faustus (at Staveley Beer Hall).
We're committed to going out to live music and forgetting any worries we may have. Two more Gigs before Christmas, and twelve booked already for Spring.
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Have arrived at our last site of this trip FM,very light traffic on A47 here until Tuesday, would like to stay longer but have a trio of hospital appointments from Wednesday, plus hope flu injections in stock by then , one upside Bohemiun Rhapsody still on at local cinema so hope to see it again (number three
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Sparkling, clear day here in the County Palatine but , despite other locals comments, I'm finding it bitterly, bitterly cold
!! I suppose it's my own fault, I really should not have told my barber(ess) to 'cut it well back to last till Easter as usual please'
I'm hoping all those still ailing are at least stabilising & about to show marked improvement, or I'll have to disinfect this mouse & keyboard . And I've just received my first 'pre Christmas job' -- I've got three days of Pigeon Feeding to do this w/end while my neighbours take a break in North Wales & do a "Park Run" there, for a change
Do hope you all have at least as much energy as they have == me ?? no chance, too busy sitting here ploughing thro those photo slides -- upto number 10601 already
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What a wonderful idea to go to live music gigs to forget any worries you may have goldie. We are doing the same and have a few lined up. It takes our mind off the very troubling national news (no more comments required as i don't want to get into politics) and also medical worries. To lose yourself in music or a good film is very therapeutic.
I hope your hair grows back quickly ABM. It is forecast to get very cold soon. 😲
Glad you are beginning to feel better bakers2.
Enjoy Ferry Meadows JVB The Christmas lights switch on is Friday PM. Enjoy Bohemian Rhapsody. I hope your hospital appointments go well.
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Lovely day for me. Took Mum and her SIL, my Aunt out together. They were nattering away ten to the dozen, lots of old memories, some rather sad, some very amusing. To be repeated next week.........
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Might be the same memories, ttda!
Coming to the end of our break here at Warwick. Been lucky with the weather. Lots of walking. Probably our last outing of the year as Mrs WN and MIL taking themselves off to Madeira for a week at the beginning of December.
Second half of the year has been a bit chaotic at times but we'll probably have managed to squeeze in nearly 140 nights away this year so we really have no complaints. Had a great years caravanning and already waiting for January and the next adventure.
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Its nice that your Mum still has someone she can share old memories with. That's the something Mum misses now, my sister and I do our best but its her brother and sisters she really misses.
Not a bad day weather wise, brighter and quite mild.
OH went off to his Men's shed this morning, not sure what they get up to but coffee and cakes seems to be a high on the agenda
I got to do some housework
This afternoon we went into town birthday present buying for our granddaughter, its her 12th birthday on Saturday. Town was quiet, the Christmas decoration are up, the switching on of the lights is on Saturday 'James Arthur' is the head liner leading the show. Didn't feel Christmassy today though as it was so mild, no freezing fingers and toes and neither of us had a red nose
Glad to hear you are feeling better Bakers, I'm almost back to normal just a bit of a cough now and again.
Off to watch Masterchef now.